fort* vegetable life begins to expire, does not as- sume its sternest character, but wears even a pe- culiarly pleasing and smiling aspect.
The animal world in Africa changes equally its nature as it passes from one to another of these opposite regions. In those plains which are in- undated by the great rivers, it multiplies at an extraordinary rate, and often assumes huge and repulsive forms. Throughout all this continent the wild tribes exist in large and formidable num- bers, and there is scarcely a tract which they do not either hold in full possession, or fiercely dis- pute with man. Even the most densely-peopled countries border on wide forests and wastes, whose savage tenants find their prey occasionally in man himself, as well as in the domestic ani- mals which surround him ; and when * the scent of human slaughter is wafted on the breeze, bands of hungry monsters hasten from every side to the feast of blood. These ferocious creatures hold, indeed, so commanding a position, that the colonist scarcely makes any attempt to extirpate them, or even to keep down their numbers. He wages against them only a defensive war, and employs his courage and skill chiefly in hunting the elephant, the antelope, and other peaceful species, by whose spoil he may be enriched.
The lion, that king of the desert, that mightiest among the tribes which have the wilderness for their abode, abounds in Africa, and causes all her forests to re-echo his midnight roar. Yet both his courage and fierceness have, it is said, been overrated; and the man who can undauntedly face him, or evade his first dreadful spring, rarely falls his victim. Wider ravages are committed by the hyena, not the strongest, but the most fe- rocious and untameable of all the beasts of prey. These creatures, by moving in numerous bands, achieve what is beyond the single strength of the greater animals ; they burst with mighty inroad into the cities, and have even carried by storm fortified enclosures. The elephant roams in vast herds through the densely-wooded tracts of tfie interior, disputing with the lion the rank of king of the lower creation ; matchless in bulk and strength, vet tranquil, majestic, peaceful, led in troops under the guidance of the most ancient of the number, having a social and almost moral ex- istence. He attacks neither man nor beast. The human being is more frequently the aggressor, not only with the view of protecting the fruits of the earth, but also in order to obtain the bony sub- stance composing his tusks, which, under the name of ivory, forms one of the most valued arti- cles of African trade. The prodigious strength of the elephant, his almost impenetrable hide, his rapid though unwieldly movements, render him a most perilous object of attack, even to the bold- est hunters ; so that pits and snares of various Kinds are the usual modes by which his capture is effected. Instead of the tiger, Africa has the leopard and the panther; belonging, however, onlv to certain of its districts.
bright eyes, erect, and usually elegant figure*, preying neither on men nor animals, but pursued by all on account of the delicate food which they
In the large and broad rivers of Africa, ana through the immense forests which overshadow them, a race of amphibious animals of monstrous form and size display their unwieldly figures. The rhinoceros, though not strictly amphibious, slowly traverses marshes and swampy grounds, and almost equals the elephant in strength and defensive powers, but wants liis stature, his dig- nity, and his wisdom. The single or double horn with which he defends himself is an article of commerce in the East, though not valued in Europe. A still linger shape is that of the hippo- potamus, or river-horse, fitted alike to stalk on
land, to march along the bottom of the waters, or to swim on their surface. He is slow, ponderous, gentle ; yet when annoyed either by design or accident, his wrath is terrible; he rushes up from his watery retreat, and by merely striking with his enormous tusks, can overset or sink a loaded canoe. But the most dreaded of the in- habitants of the African rivers is the crocodile, the largest and fiercest of the lizard tribe. He lies like a log upon the waters watching for bis piey, attacking men, and even the strongest of animals, which, however, engage with him in ob- stinate and deadly encounters.
We have not yet done with all the monstrous and prodigious forms which Africa generates. She swarms with the serpent brood, which spread terror, some by their deadly poison, others by their mere bulk and strength. In this last re- spect the African serpents have struck the world with amazement; ancient history records that whole provinces were overrun by them, and that one, after disputing the passage of a river with a Roman army, was destroyed only by the use of a battering engine.
Emerging from these dark regions, where the earth, under the united influence of heat and moisture, teems with such a noxious superabund- ance of life, we approach the Desert. Here a change takes place equally singular and pleasing as in the vegetable world. Only light, airy, and fantastic forms trip along the sandy border ; crea- tures innocent, gentle, and beautiful,xe2x80x94the ante- lope of twenty different species, all swift, with |