size of a goat, and of wonderful agility. They will leap down precipices 30 feet in height, and indeed appear rather to fly than run. The hunting of the chamois, is full of labour and danger, but is pursued with the highest enthusi- asm and most unconquerable perseverance by the mountaineers. The famous Hannibal attempt-
ed to cross the Alps on the side of Piedmont, in the winter season, when he invaded Italy, and lost most of his elephants among them. They were passed successfully by a numerous French army under Bonaparte in 1800.
Alps, Upper, a department of France, includ- ing part of the late province of Dauphiny. It is so called from its vicinity to the mountains of that name. The capital is Embrun. *
Alps. Lower, a department of France, includ- ing part of the late province of Provence. The capital is Digne.
Alps, Maritime, a late department of France, including the county of Nice. The capital is Nice.
Alpuxarras, high mountains of Spain, in Grana- da, near the Mediterranean. They are inhabi- ted by the Moriscos, who carefully cultivate the ground, which produces excellent wines and fruits.
Airesforcl, a town in Hampshire, Eng. with a market on Thurs. and a manufacture of linseys. It is 18 m. N. N. E. of Southampton, and 57 W. S. W. of London.
Alsace, a late province of France, now divided into the Upper and Lower Rhine, which see.
Alsace, p.t. Berks Co. Pa. on the Schuylkill.
Alsen, a fertile island of Denmark, in the Lit- tle Belt, between Sleswick and Funen, 100 m. W. of Copenhagen. The chief town is Sonder- borg.
Alsfield, a town of Germany, with a castle, 12 m. E. of Marburg.
Alsheda, a town of Sweden, in Smaland, near which a gold mine was discovered in 1738.
Alsiera, a town of Naples, in the Molise, on the river Tiserno, 23 rn. N. E. of Molise.
Alsleben, a town of Upper Saxony, 9 m. S. S. W. of Bernburg.
Alstadt, a town of Upper Saxony, in Thurin- gia, with a castle, on the rivulet Rane, 8 m. W. cf Querfurt.
Alstadt. a town of Moravia, in the circle of Olmutz. near the source of the Morau, 35 m. N. N. W. of Olmutz.
Alstead. p.t. Cheshire Co. N. Hampshire, 82 m. fr. Portsmouth. Pop. J ,559.
Alston, t. N. C. on Little river,20 m. W. Bruns- wick.
Alston-moor or Aldstone, a town in Cumberland, with a market on Sat. Here is an iron foundry, and a shot manufacture; and in its vicinity are numerous lead-mines. It is seated on the side of a hill, on the S. branch of the Tyne, 20 m. E. by |
S. of Carlisle, and 271N. by W. of London. Pop
in 1821, 4,410. ' xe2x80x98
Altai Mountains, a range of mountains inter- secting Asia from south to north, commencing west of the Indus, in W. long, about 08. and di- !
verging northward by several ridges towards East Cape, in E. long. 170.
Altamura, a town of Naples at the foot of the Apennines, 10 m. N. E. of Gravina. Pop. about
Altenau, a town of Lower Saxony, in the terri tory of Brunswick, 8 m. S. of Goslar.
Altenburg, a town of Upper Saxony, in Misnia, celebrated for its tin mine, 20 m. S. of Dresden.
Altenberg, a town of Upper Saxony, in Thurin-
fia, with a castle on a rock. It is seated on the leisse, 20 m. S. of Leipsic.
Altenburg, a town of Lower Hungary, on the river Leitha, at its entrance into the Danube.
Here are 2 churches and a college; and its ancient castle is now principally used for a corn magazine. It is 17 rn. S. S. E. of Presburg.
Attenkirehen, a town of Germany, in the Wes- terwald, chief of the county of Sayn, with a cas- tle, 15 m. N. N. E. of Coblentz.
Alteeson, a town of Piedmont, between the riv- ers Doire and Stura, 3 m. N. of Turin.
Altkireh, a town of France in the department of Upper Rhine, on an eminence, near the source of the river 111, 25 m. S. of Colmar.
Alton, p.t. Stafford Co. N. Hampshire, 33 m. fr. xe2x80x94
Portsmouth. Pop. 1,993.
Alton, a town in Hampshire Eng. with a mar- ket on Saturday. It has manufactures of wors- ted stuffs, and round the town are plantations of hops. It is seated on the AVey, 28 m. E. N. E. of Southampton, and 47. W. S. W. of London.
Alton, t. Madison Co. Illinois, on the Missis- sippi, 3 m. above the Missouri.
Altona, a city and sea-pert of Lower Saxony, in Holstein," seated on the Elbe, contiguous to Hamburgh. The Danes built it in this situation, that it might rival Hamburgh in commerce. It was burnt by the Swedes in 1712, but has been beautifully rebuilt, and is estimated to contain
25,000 inhab. Long. 9. 58. E. lat. 53. 34. N.
Altorf, a town of Franconia, in the territory of Nurenberg, with a university, 16 m. S. E. of Nurenberg.
Altorf, a town of Suabia, 20 m. N. E. of Con- stance. xe2x80xa2 m
Altorf, a town of Switzerland, capital of the canton of Uri. Here are two stone pillars, 13^ paces from each other, at which distance Tell is said to have shot the apple from his son’s head.
This deliverer of his country lived at Burgli, near this place, and his cottage is changed into a chap- el, where mass is solemnly said. Altorf stands on the lake of Lucern, near the influx of the riv- er Russ, 20 m. S. E. of Lucern.
Altringham, a town in Cheshire, Eng. govern- I
ed by a mayor, with a market on Tuesday. Here are several manufactures of worsted and cotton ; and much fruit and vegetables are sent hence to Manchester. It is seated near the duke of Bridge- water’s canal, 30 m. N. E. of Chester, and 180 N. W. of London.
Altvnkupri, a town of Asiatic Turkey, the capital of Curdistan, and the residence of a pa- cha. It is situate on the river Altun, which flows into the Tigris, 50 m. S. E. of Mosul. Long. 44.
30. E. lat. 35. 45. N.
Alum. Creek, r. Ohio, is a branch of the Big Walnut River |