year. In a second voyage he discovered many more of the West India islands; and in a third he attained the great object of his ambition, by discovering the southern division of the conti- nent, near the mouth of the Orinoco. Amongst the crowd of new adventurers who now followed from all parts of Europe, was one Americus Ves- pucius, a Florentine, who, with much art, and some degree of elegance, drew up an amusing history of his voyage, in which he insinuated that he first discovered what is commonly called the continent of the New World. This being published and read with admiration, the country was from him called America, though it is now well understood that Columbus was the first dis- coverer. The celebrity of Columbus and Ameri- cus Vespucius soon resounded throughout all Eu- rope, inspiring numbers of adventurers to witness the fruits of their discoveries. Among the rest, Giovanni Gabota (Anglicised Cabot) a Venetian, and his three sons, under the auspices of Henry VII. of England, sailed from Bristol, in 1497, and discovered the coast of Labrador as the 57th deg. of N. lat.
On a second voyage, in the following year, in a ship, furnished by the king, accompanied by four small barques provisioned by the merchants of Bristol, under the direction of Giovannis second son, Sebastian, (who had been born in Bristol, hence the claim of the northern division of the western hemisphere having been discovered by an Englishman.) they discovered the island of Newfoundland in N. lat. about 47, and coasted southward as far as Florida. Cabot made a third voyage to Newfoundland in 1502. In 1519 a body of Spaniards, under the command of Cortez, landed at Vera Cruz, and discovered the populous district of Mexico. In 1524 the French sent an expedition, which traversed the coast from the lat. of 28. to 50. N. France, Spain, and England each sent successive expeditions to North Ameri- ca, and made attempts to establish settlements ; but so unsuccessfully, it is believed, that at the commencement of the 17th century, not a single European remained north of Mexico. In 1608 renewed efforts were made by England ; since when, the extent, features, population, and productions of the whole of the W. hemisphere have progress!/ely been developed to Europe. America, or the western hemisphere, is subdivi- ded by nature into two grand divisions, north and south ; very distinct in character and feature.
America, North, extends from the polar regions to the 15th deg. of N. lat., the more northern part, as far as lat. 50., extending from about the 56th to the 130th deg. of W. long, and at lat. 65. as far west as 168. of long. From the 50th to the 30tli deg. of lat. the country assumes a very com- pact form, extending at the north from about the 62nd to the 124th deg. of long, gradually con- verging southerly, and at lat. 30. extending only from about the 81st to the 115 deg. of long, at about the 30th deg. of N. lat. The great gulf of Mexico bounds the land, from about the 80th to the 97th deg. of long, the land converging into a promontory of about 10 deg. at the north, extend- ing S. to the chain which unites the northern with the grand southern division, gradually con- verging in long, to about 1 deg. only, in N. lat. 15. and in W. long. 95. The superficies of the first of these three divisions of the N. W. hemis- phere, cannot be stated with any degree of accu- racy, owing to the unknown boundaries on the side of the polar regions. Jfie central part con- tains a superficies of about 2,700,000 sq. miles, and the promontory about 110,000 sq. miles. The extreme length of the grand northern division, in a straight, unbroken line, from the mouth of the Copper-mine River which runs S. to N. into the Icy Sea, in lat. 70, to Acapulco, in lat. 17, is about 3,200 miles, and the extreme breadth, from the mouth of the Penobscot river which falls into the Atlantic Ocean in N. lat. 44. 24. AV. long. 68. |
45. to the mouth of Columbia river which falls into the North Pacific Ocean in N. lat 46. AV. long. 124. the distance is about 2,500. The north- ern part of this grand division of the western hemisphere is indented by Hudson's Bay, which extends from the line of the Arctic circle, to the 51st deg. of N. lat. and in its extreme breadth, from the 78th to the 95th deg. of W. long. It is also intersected by a chain of fresh water lakes of vast extent. Athapescow, and the Slave Lake, (the latter of great extent,) discharging their waters into the Icy Sea, Winnipeg, and several of lesser extent and note discharge their waters into Hudsons Bay, whilst Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, between the latitudes of 42. and 48. N. discharge their waters by the great river St. Lawrence into the gulf of St. Lawrence, in the lat. of 50. N. and W. long, about 65. the western extremity of lake Superior being in long, about S2. Innumerable streams of water intersect the country in all directions, and form themselves into noble rivers, several of which run into Hudsons Bay, whilst those south of the great chain of lakes and the St. Lawrence, run a course from N. to S. or S. E falling into the Atlantic Ocean. Taking them in order from N. to S. the most prominent are St. Johns, the Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Piscataqua, Merrimack, Connecticut, the Hudson, or North river, Delaware, Susquehannah, Poto- mac, Rappahanock, James river, Roane ke, San- tee, and Savannah. All these rivers have their source E. of a chain of mountains; called the Apalachian, running parallel with the Atlantic coast, from about the 34th to the 43rd deg. of N. lat. and 2 to 300 miles from the ocean. South of the 34th deg. of lat. the Apalachicola, Alabama, Tombigbee, and some other rivers of less note, run a course due S. falling into the Gulf of Mexico. West of the Apalachian mountains, innumerable other streams have their source, forming another collection of noble rivers, the most important of which are the Ohio, and Tennessee, running from E. to W. the Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, and the Red river, running from W. to E. all of which fall into one grand channel, called the Mississippi, which has its source about the 47th deg. of N. lat. running a course nearly due S. fal- ling into the Gulf of Mexico in lat. 29. 5. N. and
89. 8. W. long. The Rio del Norte, or Rio Bravo, another noble river, has its source westward of the Arkansas and Red rivers, in N. lat. about 42 and falls into the Gulf of Mexico in N. lat. 26. W. long. 97. 25. On the western coast, the Co- lumbia, and Colorado, are the only rivers of im portance, and they are not considerable; the first falls into the Pacific Ocean in N. lat. about 45. and the other into the Gulf of California in N. lat. about 32. A ridge of mountains runs paral- lel with the western coast, the whole extent of the north division, from the point of the promon- tory S. in lat. of 70. N. bearing west from the 95tb to the 122nd or 123rd of long, and about 10 deg. from the western coast or shore of the Pacific Ocean; this ridge which seems to be a continua- |