Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 43
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Antioch, or Anthakia, a town of Syria, of which
it was formerly the capital. This ancient city in
which the disciples of Christ were first called
Christians, and yet the see of a Greek patriarch,
is now almost come to nothing ; but the magni-
ficent ruins of it still remain. It is seated on the
river Orontes, now called Osi, 15 m. from the
Mediterranean, and 50 N. W. cxf Aleppo. Long.

36. 40. E. lat. 36.10. N.    _ '

Antiochetta, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Car-
amania, and a bishop’s see, seated on the shore of
the Levant, opposite Cyprus, S8m. S. of Konieh.
Long. 32. 26. E. lat. 36. 30. N.

Antiogo, St. an island on the S. W. coast of Sar-
dinia, 14 m. long and 3 broad. In 1793 it was
taken by the French, but evacuated soon after.

Antioquia, or St. Fe de Antioquia, a town in the
new department of Cauca, Colombia. It is seat-
ed on the banks of tire river Cauca, about 200 m.
N. N. W. St. Fe de Bogota.

Antiparos, the ancient Olearos, an island of the
Archipelago, two miles west of Paros. It is only
a rock, 16 miles in circuit; yet in some parts is
well cultivated, and produces as much barley as
serves a small village. It has a remarkable grotto,
about 70 yards high and 100 broad, which contains
a vast variety of figures, and a white transparent
crystalline substance resembling vegetables, mar-
ble pillars, and a superb marble pyramid. Long.
25. 44. E. lat. 37. 8. N

Antisana. a peak of the Andes, in the depart-
ment of Quito, which is volcanic, 19J.50 ft. above
the level of the sea. There is a village of the
same name, a few leagues east of the city of Qui-
to, at a height of 13,500 ft. being the highest in-
habited place on the globe.

Antoine, St. a town of France, in the department
of Isere, 5 m. N. E. of St. Marcellan.

Antonio, St. the most northern of the Cape Verde
islands, 15 m. from St. Vincent. It is full of high
mountains, whence proceed streams of excellent
water, which render the land fruitful. The prin-
cipal town is seated among the mountains. Long.
25. 0. W. lat. 17.0. N. '

Antonio de Beliar, San, the Capital of Texas, on
the S. Antonio river. It is a village composed of
mud cabins covered with turf.

Antonio de Capo, St. a town of Brasil, in the prov-
ince of Pernambuco, situate near Cape St. Augus-
tin, 30 m. S. S. W. Olinda.

* A There are near 100 other towns and streams
in different parts of South America and Mexico,
dedicated to the tutelar saint of the Portuguese
and Spaniards,
Anthony, or San Antonio, who does
not appear to have done much for them, as they
are mostly insignificant.

Antrim, a maritime county, on the N. E. coast
of Ireland. It has two great natural curiosities;
Lough Neagh, a large lake, the area of which ex-
ceeds 100,000 acres, the waters being of a petrify-
ing quality ; and the Giant’s Causeway, consist-
ing of lofty pillars of basaltes, all of angular
shapes, from three sides to eight, and extending
three miles along the north shore. The linen manu-
facture is carried on very extensively in this
county, and since about 1823 the cotton manufac-
ture has been making considerable progress. The
principal towns are Belfast, Lisburne, and Carrick-
fergus, each of which (in addition to the two for
the county) returns one member to the parliament
of the United Kingdom. Carrickfergus is the as-
size town. The county contained in 1821, 270,
883 inhabitants, and 48,028 houses.

Antrim a town and parish of the above county,
about 19 m. N. W. of Belfast. Pop. of the town
2,485, and of the parish, 5,129. The town is situate
on the bank of a small stream, which runs into
Lough Neagh, at a short distance on the north-

Antrim, p.t. Hillsborough Co. N. Hampshire.
67 in. fr. Boston. Pop. 1,309.

Antrim, p.t. Franklin Co. Pa. adjoining Mary-

Antrim , t. Crawford Co. Ohio.

Antwerp, a celebrated city of Brabant, and af-
ter the decline of Venice and Genoa it became one
of the most considerable commercial depots of
Europe. It is situated on the east bank of the
Scheldt, in N. lat. 51. 13. and 4. 24. E. long
The era of its greatest importance was about the
commencement of the 17th century, when its
population amounted to about 200,000, but the de-
vastating policy of Austria and Spain involved it
in the bigoted and ruthless contentions of that pe-
riod ; further, by the extent of the commercial
transactions, which its localities drew hither as
to a centre, it greatly rivalled the transactions of
Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and as such excited
the grovelling jealousy of the Hollanders; the
navigation of the Scheldt was therefore obstructed
in 1648, by the treaty of Westphalia, between
Spain and Holland, and Antwerp inconsequence,
progressively declined in population and impor-
tance, until the period of the French revolution.
When the French overran this part of Europe in
1794, they proclaimed the free navigation of the
Scheldt, and after the renewal of the war subse-
quent to the peace, or rather the respite of A miens
in 1802, Antwerp claimed the especial notice of
Napoleon, who constructed a basin to hold about
20 sail of the line, and a noble quay, along the
east bank of the river, and made it his principal
naval arsenal for the northern part of his empire.
It was not, however, till subsequent to the gene-
ral peace of Europe in 1814, when the Nether-
lands were ceded to Holland, and Antwerp de-
clared a free port for the transit of merchandise,
that it began to resume its former wonted activity
and importance. Since that period, Brussels,
and a vast extent of country westward of the
Rhine, draw their supplies of foreign produce from
Antwerp, which is, in consequence, progressively,
though slowly, increasing in population and in-
terest. It has, however, but few articles of ex-
port, either within itself, or of transit.

The city is nearly a semicircle, of about seven
miles round. It was defended by the citadel,
built by the duke of Alva to overaw e the inhabi-
tants. The whole appearance of its public build-
ings, streets, and houses, affords the most incon-
testible evidence of its former splendour. Many
instances of the immense wealth of its merchants
are recorded : among others, it is said that when
Charles V. once dined with one of the chief mag-
istrates, his host immediately after dinner threw
into the fire a bond for two millions of ducats,
which he had received as security for a loan to
that monarch, saying that he was more than re
paid by the honour of being permitted to enter-
tain his sovereign.

The most remarkable of the streets is the Place
de Mer, said to be unequalled by any in Europe
for its great length, its still more unusual breadth,
and the extraordinary sumptuousness of its hou-
ses. A crucifix thirty-three feet high, made from
a demolished statue of the duke of Alva, stands at
one end of the street; but the eye of taste is of
fended here and elsewhere by the great intermix

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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