Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 44
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ture of dwellings of the lowest description with
splendid palaces. The noble and the mechanic
often inhabit adjoining houses. The want of
sunken areas before the houses, and of raised foot-
paths for pedestrians, is also severely commented
on by British visitors.




The quays present a noble appearance : they
are richly planted, and form one of the most fa-
vourite promenades. In the neighbourhood oxc2xa3
the basins for shipping, is a square building, 230
feet long each way, intended as a place of mer-
chandise for the Oosterling or Hanseatic towns of
Germany. In its middle story, which has a gal
lery quite round the square, there are 300 lodg-
ing rooms, but they are no longer used as such.
The cellars serve for stables.

Besides the canals usual in all Dutch towns,
others of an extraordinary construction are to be
found here. They are carried on wholly under
ground, having been excavated at the expense of
individuals, in order to convey in small boats, to
their storehouses, the goods which had been
brought in by the usual conveyance of the open
canals. They are now used as sewers.

The town hall, in the great market-place, is a
spacious building 250 feet long, having its front
adorned with statues. It was rebuilt in 1581, the
period of the commercial downfal of the city.
This building contains the public library, which
is not remarkable for the number or rarity of its
books. It also contains a fine collection of paint-
ings. The royal palace in the Place de Mer,
which had been fitted up for the residence of Bo-
naparte, contains also some fine paintings. The
Exchange, a large, but by no means an elegant
structure, has served as a model for those of
Amsterdam and London.

Of the places of public worship, the cathedral is
by far the most noble, not only as compared with
those in the neighbourhood, but with any other on
the continent. It is 500 feet long, 230 wide, and
360 high ; its erection occupied a period of ninety-
six years. The spire is 466 feet in height. Ac-
cording to the original design, another of equal
dimensions was to have been erected oh the other
side of the great entrance. But after having been
carried up to a certain height, the work was dis-
continued ; yet, notwithstanding this defect in
uniformity, it is thought that the want of the sec-
ond spire adds to the simple grandeur of that
which has been completed. The gallery to the
summit of the tower is attained by an ascent of
622 steps; and the toil of going up is well repaid
by the commanding view afforded of the city be-
neath, the country, the Scheldt, and its neigh-
bouring islands, stretching into the main sea.
This church contains many fine paintings, mostly
by Rubens: that of the taking down of our Sa-
viour from the cross, in which tbe figures are as
large as life, is universally considered his master-
piece. It also contains the monuments of Am-
brose Capello, seventh bishop of the see;
those of Moretus the printer, the successor
of Plantin ; of Plan tin himself, and of Van
Delft. Outside its walls is the tomb of Quinten
Matsys, originally a blacksmith, but who, on be-
ing refused the daughter of Flors the painter till
he had proved himself a painter also, laboured
with incqssant assiduity till he overcame the old
man’s scruples, and ultimately surpassed him in
his favourite art. Near the tomb is a pump, the
iron-work of which is said to have been wrought
by Matsys before his transformation. In this ca-
thedral Henry VIII. of England, together with
the then kings of France, Denmark, Portugal,
Poland, Bohemia, and the Romans, were made
knights of the order of the Golden Fleece, by
Philip II. of Spain, in the year 1555.

The church of St. James contains the tomb of
the great Rubens : It is of black marble, simple in
design, but most appropriately adorned with one
of that master’s own paintings. The windows of
this church are much admired.

The church of St. Paul or of the Dominicans
has in it some works of Rubens and Vandyke;
particularly the scourging of Christ, by the for-
mer. But it is more frequently visited to see a
representation of mount Calvary near its en-
trance. On descending into a cavity in the rock
intended to represent the place of our Saviour a
sufferings, the body of Christ is seen laid out on
a tomb, and covered with a shroud of silk ; the
walls around are painted to*resemble the flames of
purgatory, and the figures of those suffering its
torments. The whole is executed in a coarse
style, almost bordering on the grotesque; yet, sit-
uate as it is, it seldom fails to produce a solemn
effect. The other churches are in possession of
paintings by the old masters.

At the academy of fine arts upwards of 1,000
students receive gratuitous instruction in painting
and its kindred arts. The academy is held in
some of the departments of the museum, where
also there is a fine collection of pictures and of
casts. A public annual exhibition of the produc-
tions of the pupils is held here alternately with
Brussels and Ghent; prizes are distributed; and
the successful pictures are purchased by the cities
to which the victors belong, to be lodged in their
public collections, as rewards to the successful
candidates and as excitements to others. Ant-
werp boasts of being the native place of Ru-
bens and Vandyke, as also of Teniers, Snyders,
and Joerdans. Opposite to the town, and near
the spot whence it was bombarded by the English
in 1809, the place of a new city was traced out by
Bonaparte. Its site is now occupied by some
forts built under the direction of the duke of

The recent separation of the Netherlands from
Holland, will doubtless have a considerable effect
upon the commercial prosperity of Antwerp.
During the insurrection which preceded this
event, the city was bombarded by the Dutch, and
a great number of its buildings burnt. The Dutch
were repulsed after much hard fighting.

Antwerp, p.t. Jefferson Co. N. Y. 185 m. N. W.
Albany, rop. 2,412.

Anvil, p.t. Lebanon Co. Pa.

Anville Island, an island in the gulf of Georgia,
xe2x96xa0discovered by Vancouver, and so called from its

Anweiler, or Anveiler, a town in the duchy of
Deux Ponts, 6 m. W. from Laudan. It was
formerly a city of Austria, and the inhabitants en-
joyed the singular privilege of exemption from
toll dues in all parts of the empire; but in 1330 it
was brought under the dominion of the counts

Anzerma, a town of New Granada in the prov-
ince of Popayan, where there are mines of gold.
It is seated on the Cauca, 140 m. N. N. E. of
Popayan. Long. 75. 25. W. lat. 4. 58. N.

Anziko, a kingdom of Guinea, lying east of
Gabon and north of Congo, but it is little known.
The king is styled the Micoco, whence the coun-
try is sometimes so called. The capital is Monsol.

Aosta, or Aoust, duchy of, a province of Pied-

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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