they are surrounded. The peasants of Austria have been born under the influence of the star of passive obedience, which for years past has been preached to them with mildness and persuasion, rather than violence; and as such has made them a quiet and contented people, and as far as con- tentment constitutes happiness, the peasantry of the archduchy of Austria, may perhaps, justly be considered as the happiest and best conditioned in Europe ; but after all, in the legitimate sense of the term happiness, it is a condition alike re- pugnant to common sense, and derogatory to the character of man. The character of the govern- ment, courtiers, and privileged classes of the arch- duchy of Austria, although tending somewhat to self-importance, is on the whole, courteous, affa- ble, and condescending; and whilst the peasantry of the archduchy may be considered the most con- tented,the court may be considered the least licen- tious of any in Europe.
Antauga, a county of Alabama, on the river Al- abama. Pop. 11,872. Washington is the chief town.
Autun, a city of France, and an episcopal see, in the department of Saone and Loire. It con- tains many vestiges of Roman magnificence, par- ticularly the temples of Janus and Cybele. Here are manufactures of tapestry, carpets, coverlets, and delft ware. The cathedral of St. Lazarus, the college, and the seminary, are worthy of no- tice. Autun is seated on the Arroux, at the foot of three mountains, 45 m. E. by S. of Nevers, and 162 S. E. of Paris.
Auvergne, a late province of France, 100 miles long, and 75 broad; bounded on the north by the Bourbonnois, east by Forez and Velay, south by Rouergue and the Oevennes, and west by Limo- sin, Querci, and La Manche. It now forms the two departments of Cantal and Puy de Dome.
Auvillard, a town of France, in the department of Lot and Garonne, situate on the river Garonne, 13 m. S. E. of Agen.
Auxerre, a city of France, capital of the depart- ment of Vonne, and lately an episcopal see. It contains many fountains and squares, and the episcopal palace is deemed one of the most beau- tiful in France. It is seated on the side of a hill, on the river Yonne, 75 miles AV. N. W. of Dijon, and 90 S. S. E. of Paris. Pop. about 11,000.
Auxon, a town of France, in the department of Aube, 13 m. S. of Troyes.
Auxonne, a town of France, in the department of Cote dOr, with a castle," an arsenal, a foundry for cannon, and a school for the artillery. It is seated on the Saone, 17 m. E. of Dijon. Fop. about 5,300.
Auzen or Tigre, a town of Abyssinia, capital of the province of Tigre, and a place of considerable commerce. It is seated on a river that flows into the Taceazze, 170 m. N. E. of Gondar. Long. 39. 93. E. lat. 14. 4. N.
Ava, a country of Asia, now generally called Eirmah, which see.
Ava, a large city, formerly the metropolis of the Birman empire. It is divided into an upper and lower city, both of which are fortified ; the lower is the most extensive, about four miles in circum- ference, protected by a lofty wall, now moulder- ing into decay. The materials of the houses, con- sisting chiefly of wood, were removed about the year 1783 to "the new city; and its numerous tem-
Eles, on which the Birmans never lay sacrilegious ands, are dilapidating by time. Clumps of bam- boos, a few plantain trees, and tall thorns, occupy most of the area of this lately flourishing capital.
It is situate on the S. side of the Erabatty, 4 m.
S. W. of Ummerapoora, the present capital, in N. lat. 22. E. long. 96. 5.
Avalon, a town of France, in the department of Yonne, which has a great trade in grain, wine, and cattle, and a manufacture of cloth. It is seat- ed on the Cousin, 24 m. S. S. E. of Auxerre. Pop. about 4,300.
Avallon, a town of France, on the east side of the department of Yonne, about 20 m. S. by E. of Auxerre.
Avatscha, or Awatsha, a large hay, forming a very commodious harbour for ships of the largest burthen, near the S. E. extremity of the coast of Kamschatka. The town of St. Peter and St. Paul on the north side of the bay, is in lat. 53. 1. NT. and 15. 8. E. long. Saratounka is another town on the S. side.
Aveiro, a town of Portugal, in Beira, with a good harbour for vessels of a moderate size. The chief trade is in salt, of which great quantities are made in its vicinity. It stands on a small gulf, at the mouth of the Vouga, 33 m. S. of Oporto. Long. 8. 40. W. lat. 40. 40. N.
Avciron, an interior department of the south of France, including the late province of Rouergue. It is named from a river which rises near Severac le Chateau, and flowing by Rhodez and Viile- franche, joins the Garonne, below Montauban. The Lot intersects the northern, and the Tarn the southern part of the department; it is divided in- to five arondisements; Adllefranche, Milhau, St. Afrique, Espalion, and Rhodez, the last is the capital of the department, which contains a popu- lation of about 320,000.
Avella, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro celebrated for its honey and apples, 15 m. N. E. of Naples.
Avellino, a town of Naples, in Principato Ulte- riore. It was almost ruined by an earthquake in 1694, and again in 1805. Near it is the celebrated convent of Monte Airgine, on a wild mountain, which formerly had a sumptuous temple of Cybele. Avellino is famous for the dye of cloth, also for nuts and maccaroni. It is 25 m. E. of Naples. Pop. about 9,000.
Avenay, a town of France, in the department of Marne, on the river Marne, 15 m. AV. N. AV. of Chalons-sur-Marne.
Avenche, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of Berne, formerly the capital of Helvetia, but now greatly decayed, grain and tobacco being raised on the site of part of the ancient city. It stands at the south end of the lake Morat, 15 m. W. of Bern.
Avcntsville, p.v. Nash Co. N. C. 75 m. N. E. Raleigh.
Averbach, a town of Upper Saxony, in Vogt- land, near which is a rock famous for pale topazes- It is 14 m. S. of Zwickau.
Averill, a town in Essex Co. Vt. 63 m. N. Mont- pelier. Pop. 1.
Averno, a lake of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro, 600 yards in diameter, near Puzzuoli. Airgil and others have said the water wins so had, that birds dropt dead when flying over it, and hence they calf it the lake of hell; but it now has no such poisonous quality, far birds swim upon it. A lit- tle to the west of the lake is a cave, where some pretend they went formerly to consult the Cumae- an sybil. There are also some old walls, which some suppose to be the ruins of a temple of Apol lo, and others of Pluto.
Aversa, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro | |