Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 64 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 64 Left Column
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Antauga County, Alabama, United States (main entry)
    Alabama River
Autauga County, Alabama, United States (main entry)
    Washington, Autauga County, Alabama, United States
Autun, Saône-et-Loire, France (main entry)
    St. Lazarus, Cathedral of
    Arroux River
Auvergne (historical), France (main entry)
    Bourbonnais River
    La Manche
    Cantal, France
    Puy-de-Dôme, France
Auvillard, Lot-et-Garonne, France (main entry)
    Garonne River
Auxerre, Yonne, France (main entry)
    Yonne River
Auxon, Aube, France (main entry)
Auxonne, Côte-d’Or, France (main entry)
    Saone River
Auzen, Tigre, Abyssinia (main entry)
    Tigre (synonym for Auzen, Tigre, Abyssinia)
    Taccazze River
Ava, Asia (main entry)
    Birmah (synonym for Ava, Asia)
Ava, Birman Empire (main entry)
    Upper Ava, Ava, Birman Empire
    Lower Ava, Ava, Birman Empire
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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