Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 68
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BAG    68    BAH

tie, on the top of a hill, where the prince often re-
sides. It is remarkable for its hot baths, and is
seated between the Murg and the Rhine, 40 m.
W. of Stuttgard, and 20 S. of Carlsruhe. Long.
8.22. E. lat. 48. 48. N.

Baden, a town of Switzerland, in Argau, capital
of the county of the same name. Near it are some
warm baths, mentioned by the ancients under the
names of Aqua; and Thermxc2xae Helveticxc2xae. In
1714, a treaty was concluded here between Ger-
many and Spain. It is seated on the Limmat, 10
m. N. W. of Zurich. Long. 8. 24. E. lat. 47.26. N.

Baden, a town of Austria, famous for its numer-
ous hot baths ; seated on the Suechat, 15 m. S. S.
Wr. of Vienna. Also of a village in the Valais,
Switzerland, with a hot bath of a sufficient degree
of heat to boil an egg.

Bademceiler, a town of the grand duchy of Ba-
den,in the circleofWeisen,muchfrequentedforits
hot baths, seated near the Rhine, 5 m. S. S. W. of

Badgeworth, a village in Gloucestershire, Eng. 7
m. N. E. of Gloucester. Here is a mineral spring
called Cold Pool, nearly the same in quality as that
of Cheltenham.

Baeza, a town of Spain, in Andalusia, seated
near the source of theGuadalaquivir. It was once
the residence of a Moorish king, and was since a
bishop’s see, and seat of an university, but is now
deemed of little importance, although its popula-
tion is still considerable. It lies four leagues E.
of the great post road from Madrid to Cadiz by
Cordova, and about 10. N. of Jaen.

Baffa, a seaport town at the west end of the
Isle of Cyprus, with a fort, near the ancient Pa-
phos, of which considerable ruins remain, particu-
larly some broken columns, which probably be-
longed to the temple of Venus. Long. 32. 30. E.
lat. 34.50. N.

Baffin’s Bay, a vast expanse of sea, so called from
an English captain of the name of Baffin, who
navigated it in 1616. It is entered from the Atlan-
tic by Davis’s Straits, between the long, of 54.
and 67. W. and in the lat. of the Arctic Circle. It
is still questionable whether it be a bay or not;
and the English governent, since the general
peace of Europe in 1814, have sent several expe-
ditions, to endeavour to penetrate in the direction
of that sea into the Pacific Ocean.

Bagdad, a celebrated city of Asiatic Turkey,
the capital of a pachalic of the same name, or, as
it is now more commonly called, Irac Arabi; Bag-
dad is finely seated on the east bank of the noble
river Tigris, and previous to the route 4to India by
the Cape of Good Hope, it was the centre of a
very extensive commerce. It was the capital of
the Saracen empire, till taken by the Turks in
the 13th century ; since which it has often been
an object of contention between the Turks and
Persians, until it was taken the last time by the
Turks, in 1631. It still continues to be a placeinf
considerable resort, for all the commodities of
Natolia, Syria, Persia, and India; but has lost
much of its ancient splendour, and is not so opu-
lent as when in the possession of the Persians.
The tomb of the Jewish prophet Ezekiel is still
shown here. Ii has several manufactories of silk,
cotton, wool, and leather, and has a cannon foun-
dry. The city is surrounded by a wall about five
miles in circumference, and contains some commo-
dious houses, but its general character is mean and
dirty. Its markets are abundantly supplied with
all kinds of provisions ; but the great heat of its
climate renders it uncomfortable i" the summer

season. It is about 50 miles north of the site of
the ancient Babylon, 250 north of Bassora, and 8
deg. due east of Damascus. Lat. 33. 20. N. and

44. 46. E. long. Pop. estimated at from 60,000 to

90,000, three-fourths of whom are Turks, the re-
mainder are Jews, Persians, and of various na-

Baglana, a country of the Deccan of Hindoostan,
bounded on the north by Guzerat, east by Cande-
ish and Dowlatabad, south by Visiapour, and west
by the ocean. It is exceedingly mountainous, but '
fertile in many places.

Bagnaluea, or Banjaluka, a town of European
Turkey, in the N. W. corner of Bosnia, on the bor-
der of Croatia, 55 m. N. W. of Serai.

Bagnara, a seaport of Naples, in Calabria Ulter-
iore. Here are several high waterfalls : and among
ijjie rocks are the ruins of the former town, in
which 3,017 persons perished by an earthquake in
1783. It is situate near the straight of Messina,

15 m. N. N. E. of Reggio. Long. 16. 8. E. lat. 38.
15. N. Pop. about 5,000.

Bagnarea, a town of Italy, in the patrimony of
St. Peter, 5 m. S. of Orvieto.

Bagneres, a town of France, in the department
of Upper Pyrenees, famous for its baths and min-
eral waters; seated on the river Adour, 10 m. S.

Bagnols, a town of France, in the department of
of Gard, near the river Cese, 8 m. S. of Pont St.
Esprit. It has manufactures of silk.

Bagshot, a village in Surrey, Eng. 12 m. N. hy
E. of Farnham. It is surrounded by an extensive
heath, bordered on the west by Windsor park.
Since 1800 a considerable portion has been enclosed
and brought under cultivation.

Bahamas, or Lucayos Islands, a group of Islands,
forming part of the British WTest Indies, exten-
ding from the long, of 79. W. in the lat. of 28. in
a S. E. direction, to the long, of 70. in the lat. of
21. N. The northern part lies contiguous to the
coast of Florida, and the southern contiguous to
the north end of St Domingo. The greater por-
tion are mere rocks and uninhabited ; the follow
ing are the principal islands : Bahama, Abaco, An-
dreas, New Providence, Eleuthera, Exuma, Cat
Island, Long Island, Crooked Island, Mariguana,
Great Caycos, Grand Turk, Inagua, Square
Handkerchief. Of these Cat Island first deserves
notice, as being the first land of the western
hemisphere, discovered by Columbus on the 12th
of Oct. 1492, by whom it was called Guanahana.
New Providence is the best cultivated, producing
a little sugar, coffee, and cotton, and exporting
large quantities of fruit to the U. S. of America.
Exuma and Turks Islands have exported 30,000
tons of salt annually; but the chief occupation of
the inhabitants, is the turtle fishery. The passage
between the northernmost island and the coast
of Florida is called the Bahama channel, and
another passage between Long and Crooked isl-
ands is called the wundward passage, and forms the
route of the ships bound from Jamaica to Europe :
the Jamaica packet touches at Crooked Island
homeward-bound as the point of departure. The
number of slaves upon the whole islands accord
ing to a return made to parliament in 1823, was
10,108, and the white population probably amounts
to about 4,000.

Bahar, an interior province of Hindoostan, west
of Bengal; bounded on the north by Nepaul, west
by Oude and Allahabad, and south by Bezar and
Orissa. It is intersected by the Ganges from
west to east, which receives several tributary


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