Slaney, 29 m. S. W. of Dublin. Population of the town in 1820, 1,500, and of the parish, 2,303 more.
Bamba, a town of the kingdom of Congo, in a rich province of the same name. It cxc2xbbrries op a traffic in slaves, and is seated on the Loze, 160 m. S. VV. of St. Salvador. Long. 13. 45. E. lat. 7. 2. S.
Bombarra, a kingdom of Negroland, which lies to the S. AV. of that of Tombuctoo. The cultiva- tion of corn is here carried on to a great extent; and the inhabitants are hospitable to strangers. Sego is the capital. It is intersected from west to east by a river, the supposed Niger, navigable for cances the whole extent of the country.
Bamberg, the territory of, formerly an imperial bishopric but made over to Bavaria in the Bona- partean territorial arrangements in 1803, and is now called the Circle of the Mayne. It is inter- sected by the lines of 50. N. lat. and the 11th of E. long, containing a surface of about 1,430 sq. miles, several towns and villages, and a popula- tion of 210,000. The chief town of the same name is situate in the centre of the territory, on the east bank of the Rednitz River, a little above its conflux with the Mayne. It is the seat of an university, and the cathedral and episcopal palace are stately edifices.
Bamberg, a town of Bohemia, at the foot of a mountain, 30 m. S. of Glatz.
Bamborough, a village in Northumberland, Eng. on the sea-coast, 14 m. N. of Alnwick. It was once a borough, and gave name to a tract called Bamborouglisiiire. It has a castle, on a rock, in- accessible on all sides, except the south, said to have been built by king Ida, about 560.
Bambmik, a kingdom of Africa, between the rivers Faleme and Senegal. It is said to be very opulous, and on the borders of the rivers fertile, ut in other parts sandy and barren. The most remarkable animals are a species of white apes, vhich the inhabitants will not allow to be sent out of the country ; white foxes, and the giraffe, an. animal like a carpel, and of extraordinary swiftness. There are mines of gold, silver, tin, lead, and iron. The capital is of the same name. Long. 9. 30. AV. lat. 13. 30. N.
Bamian, a city of Usbec Tartary, in the pro- vince of Gaur, south of the Gaur mountains. Here are a great number of apartments and re- cesses cut out of a mountain, some of which, from their ornamental work and extraordinary dimen- sions, are supposed to have been temples. It is seated near a river of the same name, 170 m. S. S. E. of Balk, and 100 W. of Cabul. Long. 66.
10. E. lat. 34. 30. N.
Bamoa, a town on the north border of the kingdom of Birmah, with a fcrt, seated on the Irrawaddy, 170 m. N. N. E. of Ummerapocra.
Bampton, a town in Oxfordshire, Eng. The remains of its ancient castle yet exist; and it has a trade in leather gloves, jackets, and breeches. It is seated near the Thames, 12 in. AV. of Oxford, and 71 AV. by X. of London. Pop. 1,460.
Bamptim, a town in Devonshire, Eng. with a chalybeate spring ar i a manufacture of serges. It is seated in a bottom, surrounded by hills, 20 m. N. N. E. of Exeter, and 163 W. by S. of London. Pop. 1,630.
Banagher, a borough of Ireland, in Kings County, seated on the Shannon, 15 m. S. of Ath- loiie. Pop. 2,813.
Banawara, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore, with a fine mud fort, and the ruins of an extensive palace. Much tobacco is cultivated in the vicini ty. It is 68 m. N. AV. of Seringapatam.
Banbury, a borough in Oxfordshire, Eng. I is noted for ils cakes and ale, and is seated on the Chei*veil, 71 m. N. N. W. of London, and on the line of the Oxford Canal. It has a manufacture of silk plush, and returns one member to parlia- ment.
Banca, an island on the S. E. coast of Sumatra, celebrated for its productive tin mines. It has a town and strait of the same name. It wins possess- ed by the English during the winr of 1812-13 but ceded back to the Dutch in 1814.
Bancali, a seaport on an island off the east coast of Sumatra, in the straits of Malncca, where the Dutch have a settlement. It is 130 m. S. of Malac- ca. Long. 101. 7. E. lat. 1. 15. N.
Bancallary, the chief town of the island of Ma- dura. It is the residence of the Sultan, and po- pulous.
Bancapour, a frontier town of Mysore, in lat
14. 58. belonging to the Mahrattas.
Banrock, a town of the kingdom of Siam, with a fort; seated near the mouth of the Menan, 48 m. south of Siam. Long. 101. 48. E. lat. 13. 44. N.
Baneout, or Fort Victoria, a town and fortress of Hindoostan, on the coast of the Concan, with a good harbour, and a trade in salt. It was taken by the British in 1755 ; and is 66 m. S. of Bombay. Long. 72. 48. E. lat. 18. 5. N.
Banda, the chief of the Banda, or Nutmeg Isl- ands in the Indian Ocean. The group comprises the isle called Lantor, and six or seven others. The nutmeg, covered with mace, grows principal ly on these islands. It flourishes best in a black mould, and grows also among the lavas of Go- nong, the highest of all the islands, its summit being 1,940 ft. above the sea. In its general ap pearanee the nutmeg resembles the clove tree only it is less pointed at the top, and its branches are more spreading. Its leaves are similar to those of the pear tree, but larger, and like those of the nut tribe are dark green on the uppei
surface and gray beneath. After small white flowers it produces a fruit very similar in form and colour to a nectarine. When ripe it resembles a ripe peach, and bursting at the furrow, discovers the nutmeg with its reticulated coat, the mace, of a fine crimson colour. The external pulpy Cov- ering has an astringent taste. AVithin the mace is the nutmeg, inclosed in a thin shell of a glossy black, and easily broken. It has 8 varieties which appear to be permanent. Its cultivation is nice and difficult. The best trees are produced from the seeds voided by a blue pigeon called the nutmeg bird. These islands have been subject to the Dutch ever since 1609, when they expelled both the English and natives. They are all very small, th^largest being only 20 m. in circumference, and are subject to earthquakes. Banda was taken by | |