Bar le Due, or Bar-sur-Ornain, a town of France, capital of the department of Meuse, with a castle. Its wine is as delicate as Champagne, and it has several manufactures. It is seated on the side of a hill, by the rivulet Ornain,30 m. AV. of Toul, and 138 E. of Paris. Pop. about 10,000.
Bar-sur-Aube, a town of France, in the depart- ment of Aube, famous for its wines ; seated at the foot of a mountain, 18 m. S. AV. of Joinville. Pop.
Bar-sur-Seine, a town of France in the depart- ment of Aube, on the river Seine, at the foot of a mountain, 20 m. S. AV. of Bar-sur-Aube. Pop.
Bars, an interior county in the north part of Lower Hungary ; a town of the same name, for- merly fortified, was once the capital. Kremoni in the centre of a mining district is now the chief town.
Barsac, a town of France, on the west bank of the Garonne, about 20 m. S. E. of Bordeaux. It gives name to a favourite wine.
Bart, p.t. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Bartfeldt, a town in the County of Saros, north part of Upper Hungary, situate among the Carpa- thian mountains. It had a printing press in the 16th century. It has manufactures of linen, and contains about 4,000 inhabitants.
Barten. and Bartensteia, two interior towns of the kingdxm of Prussia Proper, 30 to 40 m. E. of Konigsherg.
Bar iolo ante, a river which rises in Arkansas territory, and falls into the Washita, in the state of Louisiana, a little below the town of Wash- ington.
Bartholomew, a small island in the Pacific Ocean, one of the New Hebrides. Long. 167.18. E. lat. 15. 42. S.
Bartholomew, St. one of the Carribee islands, in the West Indies, 24 miles in circumference, and 25 north of St. Christopher. The French ceded it to the Swedes in 1785; and it was taken by the British in 1801, but restored to Sweden in 1814. The chief expoits are drugs and lignumvitae; and it has a good harbour. Long. 63. 40. W. lat.
17. 46. N.
Bartholomew, St. a parish of S. Carolina, in Charleston District.
Bartlet, p.t. Coos Co. N. H. at the foot of the White Mountains, 85 m. fr. Portsmouth. Pop. 644.
Barton, a town in Lincolnshire, Eng. It has two large churches, and was formerly a consider- able place, surrounded by a rampart and fosse, the remains of which are yet visible. Four miles E. S. E. are the noble ruins of Thornton abbey. Bar- ton is seated on the Humber, over which is a fer- ry into Yorkshire, 34 m. N. of Lincoln, and 167 of London. Pop in 1821, 2,496.
Barton is also the name of a populous town- ship in the parish of Eccles, situate on the banks of- the Irwell, 7 m. E. of Manchester. Pop. in 1820,1,977. There are also 30 other towns or vil- lages caBed Barton in different parts of England.
Barton, p.t. Orleans Co. Vt. 50 m. N. E. Mont- peliei. Pop. 72C|. A river of this name runs through the town N. into Lake Memphramagog, and in 1810 was the scene of a remarkable inun- dation occasioned by the bursting of a lake from its banks. See Vermont.
Baruth, a town of Lusatia, on the frontiers of Brandenburgh, 25 m. S. bv. E. of Potsdam.
Baruth, a town of Syria, with a Christian church, 30 m. N. E. of Seyda. |
Baras, a town and parish on the N. AV. coast of the isle of Lewis. Pop. in 1821, 2,568. The town is situate on the shore of a fine bay.
Bos, a small island off the N. coast of the de- partment of Finisterre, France, in N. lat. 48.46. W. long. 4. 2.
Basartsehick, a town of European Turkey, in Ro- mania. It has a great trade, and is seated on the river Meritz. Long. 24. 40. E. lat. 42. 19. N.
Basel, Basle, or Bale, a canton of Switzerland, 24 miles long and 21 broad ; bounded on the north by Brisgau, east by the Forest towns, south by the canton of Soleure, and west by the bishopric of Bassel and France. It contains about 38,000 inhabitants, and is of the reformed religion.
Basel a bishopric in tne N. W. part of Switzei land; bounded on the east by the canton of Basel, south by that of Soleure, and west and north by France. The bishop was a prince of the German empire. In 1798 the French seized on this terri- tory, annexed it to France, and made it a new de- partment called Mont Terrible.
Basel, the capital of the canton of the same name, and the largest town in Switzerland, is situate at the north extremity of the canton, and on the frontiers of France on the west, and the duchv of Baden on the east. It is surrounded by thick walls, flanked by towers and bastions ; and is di- vided into two parts by the Rhine, which com- municate by a handsome bridge. The largest part is on this side of Switzerland, and the least on that of Germany. The larger has five gates, six suburbs, numerous streets and fountains, and is partly seated on a hill; the other stands on a plain, and has but two gates, with several streets and fountains. The principal church is an elegant gothic building but disfigured by rose- coloured paint spread over the whole edifice. Under a marble tomb in it is interred the great Erasmus, who died in 1536. The town-house,
' and fine paintings in fresco are much admired. The University founded in 1459, has a fine libra- ry and a rich cabinet of medals. The clocks here are always an hour too fast, because the town-clock went so on a day appointed to murder the magis- trates, by which the conspiracy was disconcerted. Basel has several manufactures, particularly of paper, ribands, and cottons; and it carries on pin extensive trade. Three treaties of peace were concluded here in one year, 1795, with the French republic ; namely, by Prussia, Spain, and Hesse Cassel. The allies passed through this city, when they invaded France, in December, 1813. Basel is capable of containing 100,000 inhabitants; but the number is scarcely more than 14,000. It is 174 m. N. by E. of Geneva, and 250 E. hy S. of Paris. Long. 7. 30. E. lat. 47. 35. N.
Bashee, an island in the China Sea, the most eastern of a cluster called from this, the Bashee islands, lying to the South of Formosa. The pro- ductions are plantains, bananas, pine-apples, su gar-canes, potatoes, yams and cotton. The quad rupeds are goats and hogs. Bashee is of a cir- cular form, six miles in diameter, and has a town of the same name. Long. 121. 50. E. lat. 20 30. N.
Basilicata, a maritime province, in the south of Naples, bounded on the north by Capitanata and Bari, east by the gulf of Taranta, south by Cala- bria Citeriore and west by PrincipataCiteriore and Ulteriore. It has some mountains continually covered with snow, but is fertile in corn, wine, oil, cotton, honey and saffron Arcerenza is the capital. |