fine rice ground, and a great number of sheep are bred.xe2x80x94It is 38 m. N. of Seringapatam.
Belper, a town in Derbyshire, Eng. Here are several large cotton-mills, a bleaching mill and an iron-forge, and about a dozen large establishments for the manufacture of nails. It is seated on the Derwent, 8 m. N. of Derby, 134 N. N. W. of London. Pop. in 1821,7,235.
Belpre, p.t. Washington Co. Ohio, on the N. W. bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Little Kanahwa, 14 m. S. AV. of Marietta, and 46 N. E. of Gallipolis
Belpuig, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, with a famous convent, 18 m. E. N. E. of Lerida.
Belt, Great, a strait of Denmark, between the islands of Zealand and Funen. which forms a com- munication between the Cattegat and the Baltic. Owing to its more circuitous course it is not so much frequented as the Sound. (See Baltic.) In 1658 the whole strait was frozen so hard, that Charles Gustavus, king of Sweden, marched over it, with a design to take Copenhagen.
Belt, Little, a strait, west of the Great Belt, be- tween Funen and North Jutland. It is one of the passages from the Cattegat to the Baltic, though not three miles in breadth, and very crooked.
Belturbct, a town in the north part of the coun- ty of Cavan, Ireland, it is in the parish of Annagh, which in 1821 contained a population of 10,488, and is sometimes called Belturbet. The town contains about 1,800 inhabitants, 9 m. N. N. W of Cavan, and 61 of Dublin.
Belvedere, a town of European Turkey, capital of a fertile province of the same name, in the Mo- rea. The raisins called Belvederes come from this place. Jt is 17 rn. N. E. of Chirenza. Long. 21. 45. E. lat. 38. 0. N.
Belvedere, p.v. Warren Co. N. J. on the Dela- ware. ,
Belvez, a town of France, in the department of Dordogne, 27 m. S. S. E. of Perigueux. Pep. about 3,000.
Belum, a town of Hanover, near the month of the Oste, 24 m. N. AV. of Stade. Considerable quantities of flax are raised in its vicinity.
Belur, a town of Usbec Tartary, capital of a province of the same name, which is a hilly coun- try, bounded on the north and east by the Belur Tag, or Dark Mountains, anciently the Imaus. The capital is 200 m. E. of Badakshan. Lone. 74.
10. E. lat. 36. 35. N.
Bdvidere, p.t. Franklin Co. Vt. 38 m. N. Mont- pelier. Pop. 185.
Bdzig, a town of Saxony Proper, with a castle, seated on the Walse, 25 m. N. N. W. of Witten- burg.
Ben, a name prefixed to most of the mountains in Scotland; the following are among the most considerable, with the counties in which they be-
ig and their altitude above the level |
of the sea:- |
Feet. |
Ben Ardlanich |
Perth |
3,500 |
Beauchonzie |
- |
2.922 |
Beinglo |
- |
3,725 |
Abourd |
Aberdeen |
3,940 |
Avon |
3,920 |
Choaehan |
Ross |
3,000 |
Cloch |
Clackmannan |
2,420 |
Ivas |
Perth |
4,000 |
Nevis |
Inverness |
4,370 |
Lomond |
Stirling |
3,240 |
Bena, or Bene, a fortified town of Piedmont, in the north-west part of the province of Mondovi, 28 m. S. by E. of Turin. Pop. about 5,000. |
Benares, an exceedingly fertile district of Hin- doost&, in the north-east part of the province of Allahabad, between those of Bahar and Oude. It contains the circars of Benares, Jionpour, Chunar, and Gazypour; and was ceded to the English in 1775. It is very productive in rice, sugar, silk, cotton, and indigo.
Benares, the chief town of the district, is one of the finest and most populous towns of all Hin- doostan. It is beautifully situated on the north bank of the Ganges, and celebrated as the ancient seat of Brahminioal learning. Several Hindoo temples embellish the high banks of the river; and many other public and private buildings are magnificent. The streets are narrow, the houses high, and some of them five stories each, inhabit- ed by different' families, but the more wealthy Gentoos live in detached houses, with an open court, surrounded by a wall. Nearly in the cen- tre of the city is a considerable Mahomedan mosque, built by the emperor Aurungzebe, who destroyed a magnificent Hindoo temple to make room for it. There is also a very superb temple, built by the rajah Cheytsing, who was driven from Benares for exciting an insurrection against the British in 1781, and who was finally deposed in 1783. There are ruins of several Hindoo temples in the vicinity, destroyed by the intolerance of Mahometans. In addition to the consequence derived from the vast congregation of persons oc- casioned by the priestcraft of Benares, it is the centre of a very extensive traffic for all the pro- ductions and manufactures of the east, and is dis- tinguished for its trade in diamonds, and works in gold and jewelry. It is the seat of a British juris- diction, and is about 130 m. W. by S. of Patna, and 460 AV. by N. of Calcutta. Pop. about 600,000.
Benatek, a town in the circle of Bunzlau, Bohe- mia, situate on the west bank of the Iser River, about 30 m. N. E. of Prague. Tycho Brahe died here in 1601.
Beuavari, a town of Spain, in Arragon, 17 m. N. of Lerida.
Benavente, a town of Spain, in Leon, on the river Esla, 35 m. S. S. W. of Leon.
Benavente, a town of Portugal, in Alemtejo, on the river Soro, near its confluence with the Tagus, 30 m. E. N. E. of Lisbon.
Benbecula, an island of Scotland, one of the Hebrides, between North and South Uist, from the last of which it is separated by a narrow channel, nearly dry at low water. It is of a circular form, including the inlets of the sea, 9 miles in diame- ter. The soil is sandy and unproductive, but much kelp is made from the sea-weed thrown on the coast.
Bencoolen, a settlement of the English East India Company, on the south-west side of the Island of Sumatra. The settlement was first form- ed in 1690, after the valiant Dutch drove all the English from Batavia. The unhealthiness of the spot first chosen, destroyed in 1692, nearly the whole of the European population: a new site wins chosen, and the fort called Fort Marlborough, has proved more congenial to the physical con- stitutions of Europeans, but it is still considered the most disagreeable place in all the British do- minions cf the east. The town is inhabited by natives from all parts of Asia. The chief occupa- tion of the people of the country is the culture of the pepper plant, the extent of the produce of which is very great, and constitutes its exclusive means of external commerce. Fort Maiborough is in lat. 3' 48. S. and 102. 28. E. long. |