45 in length, bordering on the United Provinces of Holland, intersected from south to north by the Vecht. Pop. about 25,000. There is a town of the same name, inconsiderable. The chief towns are Neinhus, Northern, and Schuttorf.
Bentivoglio, a town of Italy, in Bolognese, 10 m. N. E. of Rologna.
Bentleysville,p.v. Halifax Co. Va. 120m. S. W. Richmond.
Benton, ph. Yates Co. N. Y. 200 m. West Al- bany. Pop. 3,957.
Benton, p.v. Scott Co. Missouri, 160 m. fr. St. Louis.
Benzhausen, a populous village with several iron forges, in the mining district of Smalcalden, county of Henneberg, circle of Franconia.
Berar, an interior province ofthe Deccan of Hin- doostan, bounded on the north byMalwa and Al- lahabad, east by Orissa, south by Golconda, and west by Dowlatabad and Candeish. The princi- pal part of it is nominally subject to a rajah, under surveillance of the English Last India Company, the other to die Nizam ofthe deccan. The rajahs country extends 550 miles from east to west, and in some places 200 from north to south. Its cap- ital is Nagpour. Little is known respecting the interior ; but that about Nagpour is fertile and well cultivated.. The general appearance of the couatrv. particularly between Nagpour and Oris- sa. is that of a forest, thinly set with villages and towns.
Berat or Arnauth Belgrade, the ancient Eordea, a large interior town of Albania, about 40 m. N. E. of Valona. Pop. about 12,>>30.
Beraun-Podbrad, an interior circle of Bohemia, lying between 49. 25. and 50. of N. lat. and 13. 45. and 14. 30. of E. long. It is intersected from south to north by the Moldau river, which falls into the Elbe, about 20 miles north of Prague.
Beraun, the chief town, is situate near the nothern frontier of the circle, on the south bank of a river, of the same name, which rises near the frontiers of Bavaria, and falls into the Moldau a few miles south of Prague. It has manufactures of fire-arms and earthen ware ; 15 m. W. S. W. of Prague.
Berbcra, the projecting coast of Eastern Africa, extending from the straits of Babelmandel to cape Guardafui. At a town of the same name upon the coast, in lat. 10. 25. N. and 45. 8. E. long, a large annual fair is held, at which the manufac- tured productions of Persia and India are ex- changed for gum, frankincense, myrrh, and va- rious other commodities. This seems to be a point of the African coast from whence a more advan- tageous intercourse might be established with the interior, than any other either on the western or eastern coasts.
Berbift. a river of South America, the entrance to which is in lat. 6. 29. N. and 57. 11. W. long. Plantations, formed by the Dutch, extend on both sides of the river for about 150 miles along the coast. The colony was surrendered to the Eng- lish in 1790 : given up at the peace of Amiens; retaken on the renewal of the war, and confirm- ed to England at the peace of 1814.
Berchtobsgoden. provostship of, encircled by the archbishopric of Saltzburg, formerly part of the circle of Bavaria, hut now of the Austrian em- pire. The chief town of the same name is situate at the N. E. part of the district, about 14 miles S. of Saltzburg. It has a handsome church. Pop. about 3,000, who are much employed in the man- ufacture of wooden toys, large quantities of which are exported to England; the district produces great quantities of salt. |
Berdoa, a town of Persia, in Erivan, seated in a fertile plain, 16 m. E. S. E. of Gangea.
Bere Alston, a borough in Devonshire, Eng. containing about 100 houses, seated between the Tamar and the Tave, 10 m. N. by W. of Ply- mouth, and 212 W. by S. of London. It returns two members to parliament.
Bere Regis, a town in Dorsetshire, Eng. On Woodbury-hill; half a mile to the north-east, is a circular Roman camp, inclosed within three trenches. The town is seated on the Bere, near its confluence with the Piddle, 12 m. E. by N. of Dorchester, and 112 S. W. of London. Pop. 958.
Bereilly, a city of Hindoostan, capital ofRohil- la, which was conquered by the nabob of Oude, in 1774. It is 120 m. N. N. W. of Lucknow. Long. 79. 40. E. lat. 28. 30. N.
Berelos, a lake of Egypt, between Damietta and Rosetta, of an oval form, 32 miles long, and 10 broad in the middle.
Beretsk, a town at the south-east frontier of Transylvania, near the pass of Oitosch.
Beregh, a frontier county of Upper Hungary, bounded on the south by the river Theiss, and north by the Carpathian mountains. Pop. about
Beregh, and Bereghszaz, two of the principal towns, are situate in the S. W. part of the pre- ceding county.
Berezina, a river of Lithuania, which has its source near a village of the same name, in lat. 54. 50. N. and after receiving several tributary streams, and running south through the palatinate of Minsk, parallel with the Dnieper, through nearly three degrees of lat. falls into that river a little above Rzeczyca. It is memorable for the disasters which its passage occasioned to the French army on its retreat from Moscow in 1812. There is a small river of the same name falling into the Vistula, a few miles S. E. of Thom.
Berezinskoi, a town of Siberia, on the Irtisch river, about 40 m. S. E. of Tobolsk.
Berezov, a considerable town of Siberia, situate near the confluence of the Soswa river, with the west branch of the Obe, in lat. 64.
Berg, a duchy of Westphalia, lying along the river Rhine, to the south of the duchy of Cleves, about 60 miles in length, and from 10 to 22 in breadth. It is full of woods and mountains, but fertile upon the banks of the Rhine, and in the valleys; and has mines of lead, iron, and coal. Dusseldorf is the capital. It now forms a part of the Prussian provinces of the Lower Rhine. Pop. about 295,000.
Berg is also the name of several towns in differ- ent parts of Germany.
Berga, a town of Spain in Catalonia, seated on the Lobregat, 18 m. E. N. E. of Solsona.
Berga, is also the name of two towns in Saxo- ny, one in Switzerland, and another in Norway.
Bergamasco, a province of Italy, bounded by Brescia, the Valteline, and the Milanese. Toward the north it is mountainous and rocky, and has mines of iron ; some of the valleys produce much wine and oil; and in the vicinity of the capital, Bergamo, it is very fertile. It formed part ot the kingdom of Italy, under Bonaparte, but was transferred to Austria at the Congress of Vienna, subsequent to the peace of 1815. Pop. about
Bergamo, an ancient city of Italy, and a bish- ops see, capital of Bergamasco, with a citadel. It |