the chief town, in the centre of the county, is 129
m. due west of Boston.
Berkshire, p.t. Tioga Co. N. Y. 210 m. S. AV. Albany. Pop. 1,683.
Berkshire, p.t. Delaware Co. Ohio.
Berlamont, a town of France, in the department of Nord, 6 miles E. S. E. of Quesnoy.
Berhburg, % town of Germany in the Electo- rate of Hesse, with a castle seated on the Berle- baoh. near its confluence with the Eder, 20 m. N. VA'. of Marburg, and 70 S. E. of Cassel.
Berlin, a city of Germany, capital of the electo- rate of Brandenburg, and of the whole Prus- sian dominion ; one of the largest, best built, and best governed of any in Germany. It is defended partly hv walls, partly- by palisades, and has 16 gates. The streets are straight, wide, and long; and its large squares, magnificent palaces, church- es, and other buildings, are scarcely to be equalled. It is 12 m. in circumference; but within this in- closure are numerous gardens, and many beauti- ful houses are let in stories to mechanics. The population in 1803, was 153,128, exclusive of' the garrison. The royal palace contains a fine libra- ry-, a rich cabinet of curiosities and medals, and the supreme colleges of government. Near the palace stands the magnificent cathedral. Here are also several academies, and hospitals, an as- tronomical observatory, a superb arsenal, and a roval 'loth manufacture. Berlin has a flourishing trade occasi --ned bv its numerous manufactures of silk. vH. cotton, camels' hair, linen. Prussian blue. cutierr.and porcelain: and by its enamelled, inlaid, and embroidered works. It is seated on the river Spree, from which there is a canal to the Oder on the east, and another to the Elbe on the west; thus it has a communication by water, both with the Baltic Sea and the German Ocean. This city was taken, in 1760, by an army of Russians, Austrians, and Saxons, who were obliged to evacu- ate it in a few days. In 1806, ten days after the battle of Jena, the French entered this city, and Bonaparte held a court in the palace. It is 100 m. N. of Dresden, and 185 N. W. of Breslau. Long. 13. 22. E. lat. 52. 31. N.
Berlin, p.t. Washington Co. Vt. 5 m. S. E. Montpelier. Pop. 1,664.
Berlin, p.t. Worcester Co. Mass. Pop. 692.
Berlin, p.t. Hartford Co. Conn. 10 m. S. Hart- ford. Pop. 3,038. This town is celebrated for tlie manufacture of tin ware.
Berlin, Rensselaer Co. New York, on the east bank of the Hudson River, 15 m. E. of Albany. Pop. 2,019.
Berlin, p.v. Adams Co. Pa. 100 m. W. Philad.
Berlin, p.v. Somerset Co. Pa. There are also 3 towns of this name in Ohio.
Btrlmrille, p.v. Northampton Co. Pa.
Bermto or Bormeo, a town of Spain, in Biscay, *m the bay of Biscay, near the cape of Machica- co, 15 m. E. of Bilbao.
Bermuda Hundred, or City Point, a port of Vir- ginia, in Chesterfield Co. The exports from this place are collected at Richmond 20 m. above it, and to which it is the out-port. City Point, from which it is named, is on the south bank of James River, 4 m. S. S. AV. of the town. Long. 77. 31. AV. lat. 37. 16. N.
Bermudas, or Somers Islands, four islands in the Atlantic Ocean. 500 m. east of Carolina, and sur- rounded by rocks. They were discovered by Ju- an Bermudez, a Spaniard, in 1527; but not in- habited till 1609, when Sir George Somers was east away upon them; and they have belonged to |
Britain ever since. They abound in cedar wood with which a number of small vessels are built Some sugar and coffee is cultivated for exporta- tion. The white inhabitants are estimated al about 4,800, and in 1823 there was 5,176 slaves. The principal island is called St. George, and the town, of the same name, is in lat. 32. 22. N. and 65. 33.W. long.
Bermudian, p.v. York Co. Pa. 48 m. S. Harris- burg.
Bern, the largest of the cantons of Switzer- land, being 150 m. long and 75 broad. It is the most fertile country in Switzerland, and divided into two principal parts, called the German and Roman ; but the last is most commonly called the Pays de Vaud. It is intersected from south to north by the river Aar ; on the S. E. part are the lakes of Thun and Brienz, and on the N. AV it extends to Lake Neufchatel, and to that of Gene- va. The religion is Calvinism. Pop. about 215,000.
Bern, a town of Switzerland, capital of the canton of Bern. Here is a celebrated academy and a rich library. It is a strong place, in a pen- insula, formed by the river Aar, and estimated to contain 18,000 inhabitants. The houses are built of freestone, and pretty uniform, particular- ly in the principal street, and there are piazzas on each side, with a walk raised four feet above the level of the street, very commodious in wet weather. The streets are traversed by a canal, and the public buildings are magnificent. In the arsenal are preserved the figure and armour of the celebrated Wm. Tell, in the act of taking aim at the apple on his sons head. Bern was taken in 1793, by the French. It is 70 m. N. E. of Ge- neva. Long. 7. 29. E. lat. 46. 57. N.
Bern, p.t. Albany Co. N. Y. 31 m. fr. Albany. Pop. 3,605. There are also 3 towns of this name in Pa.
Bernard, p.t. Somerset Co. N. Y.
Bernard, Grand, St. a mountain of the Pen- nine Alps, on the frontiers of Piedmont, 15 m. N. N. AV. of Aosta. On the summit, at a height of 11,000 feet, is a large convent, where the monks entertain all travellers gratis for three days. It was by this passage Bonaparte conducted his army into Italy in 1800. Little St. Bernard, to the S. AV. is 7,194 ft. in height.
Bernard Castle, a town in the county of Dur- ham, Eng. with manufactures of stockings and camlets. It takes its name from a castle built by Bernard Baliol, king of Scotland, who founded an hospital here. It is seated on the river Tees, 24 m. S. W. of Durham, and 246 N. N. W. of London. Pop. in 1821, 3,580.
Bernaw, a fortified town of Brandenburg, in the middle mark. The principal commerce is in beer, of which large quantities are brewed. It is seated on the Pancho, 15 m* N. N. E. of Berlin.
Bernay, a town of France, in the department of Eure, seated on the Carantonne, 20 m. S. W. of Rouen. Pop. 6,500.
Bernburg, a town of Upper Saxony, in the principality of Anhalt, seated on the Saale, 22 m. S. W. of Magdeburg. Pop. about 2,500.
Berneostle, a town of Germany, remarkable for good wine; seated on the Moselle, 18 m. N. E. or Treves.
Berne, t. Franklin Co. Mass.
Berngmes, or Beilngries, a town of Franconia, in the principality of Aichstadt, on the Altmuhl, 17 m. N. E. of Aichstadt, and 28 W. of Ratisbon
Bemstadt, a town of Silesia, in the principali |