Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 111
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BOR    111    BOS


the tallest, most beautiful and most harmless ani- long be memorable in the annals of Russia, for
mals in nature. Its neck is very long and its fore the desperate conflict between the French and
legs much longer than the hinder ones, at least Russian armies, during the march of the former

towards Moscow, on the 7th of September, 1812,
when about 30,000 men on each side were either
killed or wounded.

Borough, t. Beaver Co. Pa.

Boroughbridge, a borough in W. Yorkshire,
Eng. It has a trade in hardware. Here Edward

II. in 1322, defeated the rebel earl of Lancaster.
It is seated on the Ure, over which is a stone
bridge, 18 m. N. W. of York, and 206 N. by W
of London. It is immediately contiguous to Aid
borough; each place returning two members to
parliament. Pop. 860.

Borovitchi, a town of Russia, on the soulh
east side of the province of Novogorod, bordering
on Twer, Seated on the south bank of the Msta
river, about 170 m. S. E. of St. Petersburg. Pop.


Bovmctsk, or Boroosk, another town of Russia,
about 60 m. S. W. of Moscow.

Borriano, or Borrial, a town of Spain, in Valen-
cia, near the mouth of the Manjares, 21 in. N. of
Valencia. Pop. about 4,000.
in outward appearance. It sometimes feeds upon    
Borris, in Ossory, a village in the parish of Ag-

the grass, which however is scarce in this coun- haboe, Queen s County, Ireland, 63 m. W. by S
trv, and its ordinary food is the leaf of a sort of of Maryborough. Pop. in 1821, 919.
mimosa. Within a few years, several of these    
Bottos, a parish in Queen’s County, Ireland,

animals have been transported to Europe. Here which includes the town of Maryborough, by
are also great numbers ofthe hippopotamus. They which name the parish is sometimes called. Pop.
abound =in Lake Tchad and the waters of the of the parish, exclusive of the town, 2,032, and
neighbourhood. Major Denham in his travels in of,the town, 2,677.
See Maryborough.
this country saw a whole troop of them in the    Borrowdah, a village in Cumberland, Eng. six

water following a band of martial music in a negro miles south of Keswick. It stands at the end of
army marching along the shore. In this country a narro^ and crooked valley, and is famous for
are also many snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and mines ot plumbago or black-lead, a substance al-
toads. The complexion of the natives is black, most peculiar to England and the vicinity of Ma-
but they are not of the Negro cast. The dress of laga> Spain,
the greater part consists of shirts of blue cotton    
Borrowstonnes. See Boness.

manufactured in t.he country, of a ted cap brought    Borrod, a county in the north part of Upper

from Trinoii ana a white muslin turban from Hungary, bounded on the east by the Shajo
Cairo JVnxc2xbb* rino-s of gold are worn by the prin- branch of the Sheif river. It is one of the most
cipal peop.c.    me only covering of the poorer fertile districts of the country. Pop. about 95,

sort U xc2xab    ^    far the waist. In their 000. Mishkoltz is the capital,

manners me people are courteous and humane :    Bosa, a seaport on the west coast of Sardinia,

they arxc2xab mwUngUlv fond of play; the lower and a bishop’s see, with a castle, on a river of the
classes of (irsnvnra. and the higher excel in chess, same name, 17 m. S. S. E: of Argeri. Long. 8.
More than 30 different languages are said to be 50. E. lat. 40. 29. N.

spoken in    ita    dependencies; and the Boscawen, ph. Merrimack Co. N. H. 68 m.

rei<minxc2xbb    iS    tne Mahometan. The mon- from Boston : 52 from Portsmouth. Pop. 2,093.

arcliv ixc2xab eWtivn The sultan is said to have 500    Boscawen Island, an island in the Pacific Ocean,

ladies in his seraglio, and that his stud contains about 10 m^hi circumference. Long. 175. 10.
likewise 500 horses. His dominions extend be- W. lat. lo. oO. S.

vond the desert into the fertile country of Negro-    Bosco, or Rosclii, a town of Italy, in the Milan-

land. of which he possesses a large portion. He ese, seated on the Orbe, 5 m. east of Alexandria,
has a vast armv, which consists almost entirely
Boscobd, a village in Shropshire, Eng. 9 m.
of horse : the" sabre, pike, and bow, are their south east of Newport, where Charles II. was
weapons of offence, and a shield of hides is their concealed in an oak, after the battle of Worcester.
Boshuana, or Bootchuana, an extensive tract of

Bornou. the capital of the empire ofthe same country in the interior of South Africa, extending
name, with p Line like a citadel. The whole through about 5 deg. of lat. from 25. to 20. south,
city is surrounded by a high wall, encompassed inhabited by numerous tribes of people, of whom
with a ditch : but the other towns ofthe kingdom at present very little is known. They seem phy-
are open. The orincipal trade is in gold-dust, sically considered, to be of the same stock as the
slaves, horses. ostriches' feathers, salt, and civet. Caffres, but somewhat more advanced in social
It is seated on the Gazel, 750 m. E. N. E. of economy, which seems to improve northwards.
Kashna. Long. 25. 5. E. lat. 19. 45. N.    Hence it may be inferred, that civilization and

Boro BudorTthe chief temple of the Javanese, improvement in Africa gradually extended itself
situate about 60 m. from Samarang, nearly in from the north. The chief town, as far as the
the centre ofthe island. It is dedicated to Boodh, country is at present known, is Lattakoo. repre-
and contains several hundred subordinate idols.    sented to have contained about 15,000 inhabitants,

Borodino, a village of Russia, near the river reduced to 7 or 8,000 during the present century
Moskwa, about 90 m. W. of Moscow. It will by the continued intestine broils of the different

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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