Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 127
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Rhone on the south side, about S8 miles east of
Sion. It suffered much from an earthquake in

Briel, or Brill, a fortified seaport of South Hol-
land, capital of the island of Voorn. The Dutch
took it from the Spaniards in 1572, which Was
the foundation of the republic. It was the birth
place of Van Tromp, and is seated at the mouth
of the Maese, 20 m. W. S. W. of Rotterdam.
Long. 4. 1. E. lat. 51. 48. N. Pop. about 3,000.

Brienne, y small town of France, in the depart-
ment of Aube, distinguished for its military
school, at which Napoleon received his educa-
tion. It is about 20 m. E. of Troyes.

Brimtz, a town of Switzerland, in the canton
of Bern, famous for the cheese made in its neigh-
bourhood. It is situate on a lake of the same
name (nine miles long and three broad) 42 m. S.
E. of Bern.

Briezen, a small town of Brandenburgh, in the
middle mark, on the frontier of Anhalt, about 25
m. S. of Potsdam.

Brieux, St. a town of France, capital of the de-
partment of Cotes du Nord, and a bishop’s see,
with a small harbour. It is seated among hills,
near the English channel, 30 m. S. W. of St.
Malo. Pop. about 6,000.

Briey, a town of France, in the department of
Moselle, near the river Manse, 12 m. N. W. of
Metz. Pop. 1.300.

Brigmla, a town in the Col de Tende, on the
frontier of Nice, a fe^ miles S. of the town of

Brighthdmsttme, commonly called Brighton, a
town of England, in the County of Sussex, situ-
ate on a very abrupt and uninteresting part of the
coast of the British channel, at the foot of a range
of naked hills, without a tree, either for shelter,
or to diversify the scene. Having no accommoda-
tion for shipping beyond a fishing boat, and the
coast here forming a sort of bay with shoal water,
vessels passing up and down the channel keep
too far out at sea ever to be visible from the
shore; so that the view by sea and by land is
equally monotonous, yet without any one natural
feature or convenience to recommend it, from an
insignificant fishing town. Brighton has become
(chiefly in consequence of the patronage of the late
king) one of the principal resorts of gaiety and
fashion in the kingdom.

In 1784 the prince of Wales, afterwards George

IV., erected at Brighton, for an occasional resi-
dence, an edifice called a marine pavilion. This
he afterwards converted into a splendid palace,
where he spent a great portion of every year, till
the cares of royalty and the infirmities of age
rendered its distance inconvenient. Up to this
period the buildings were eomparitively mean;
but the improvements within the last twelve years
have been very considerable. A new and perfect-
ly unique village, denominated Kemp Town,
forms the eastern boundary of Brighton; while
Brighton Terrace, a magnificent range of houses
on the west, stretches into the parish of Hove. A
commodious market is erected in the Bartholo-
mews, on the former site of the workhouse; and
it is in contemplation to build a town-hall near
the same spot The new workhouse, near the sum-
mit of the Church Hill, is a building of consider-
able extent, well adapted to secure the health
and comfort of its inmates. The parish church,
situate on an eminence at the north-west, was
formerly at a small distance from the town, which
has now almost entrenched upon its sacred enclo-
sure The other places of worship connected
with the establishment, are the Chapel Royal, St
James’s Chapel, and Trinity Chapel, and four oth-
ers situate in the eastern and western divisions of
the town, besides the church of St. Peter’s, recent
ly erected, which is by far the most beautiful orna
ment that Brighton has to boast. Here are also
a Roman Catholic chapel, a Jews’ synagogue, and
several meeting houses for the different denomi-
nations of dissenters, most of whom have their
schools and distinct benevolent and religious in
stitutions. Besides the accommodations for sea-
bathing, warm, cold, and vapour baths, of the most
elegant and commodious construction, have also
been erected ; while the park furnishes a beautiful
ride, and the spa all the varieties of artificial,
mineral, and medicinal waters. Here are also two
assembly rooms, a handsome theatre (opened in
1807,) a celebrated race ground, &c. After the
battle of Worcester, in 1651, Charles II. embark-
ed at this place for France, in a vessel which is
said to have been moored after the restoration in
the Thames, opposite Whitechapel. Brighton is
subject to the county magistrates. It is 17 miles
W. by N. of Beachy Head, 50 E. by N. of Ports-
mouth, and 52 S. from London.


Brighton, p.t. Middlesex Co. Mass. 5 m. W.
Boston. Pop. 972. This town is celebrated for its
Annual Cattle Show and Fair which has been
held here ever since the revolution. Vast num-
bers of cattle for the Boston market are brought
here from all parts of the country.

Brighton, p.t. Monroe Co. N. Y. 235 m. W. Alba-
ny. Pop. 6,519. Also a town in Beaver Co. Pa.

Brightside, Bierlow, the west quarter of the par-
ish of Sheffield (which see,) containing in 1821 a
population of 6,615.

Brignais, a town of France, in the department
of Rhone. ' During the summer season it is the
favourite resort of the citizens of Lyons, who have
here many elegant villas and country houses. It
is seated on the small river Garron, 9 miles S.
of Lyons.

Brignolles, a town of France, in the departments
of Var, famous for its prunes. It is seated among
mountains, in a pleasant country, 20 m. N. N. E.
of Toulon. Pop. about 9,000.

Brihuega,a town of Spain, in New Castile, with
a manufacture ofbroad cloth, and a trade in wool.
Here General Stanhope and an English army were
taken prisoners, in 1710. It is seated on tne Ta-
juna, 43 m. N. E. of Madrid.

Brillon, a town of the duchy of Westphalia, on
the river Alme, 27 m. E. by S. of Arensberg.

Brimfidd, p.t. Hampden Co. Mass. 75 m. S. W.
Boston. Pop. 1,599.

Brindisi, (the ancient Brundusium,) a maritime
and archiepiscopal city of Naples, in the province
of Otranto, situate just within the entrance to the
Adriatic, in the lat. of 40. 39. N. and 18. 20. of E.
long. Its harbour at one period was the most
commodious and secure in the Mediterranean;
but during the commercial career of Venice, it be-
came neglected and inaccessible, except for small
vessels. Within the present century, efforts have
been made to render it again convenient and use-
ful ; but so long as the subduing and precluding
line of policy of the present government of Na
pies prevails, all efforts at social improvement will
be made in vain. The adjacent country, like the
harbour, presents an aspect of desolation. It is
surrounded by extensive forests of olive trees, and
some mulberries, from which silk is gathered.
Present pop. of the city about 6,000. It is about

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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