190 m. S. E. of Naples. Virgil died at Brindisi, B C. 19.
Brinn. See Brunn.
Brioude, a town of France, in the department of Upper Loire. Near it is a small town called Church Brioude. on account of a famous chapter. Brioude stands on the Allier, over which is a bridge of one arch, 173 feet in diameter. It is 32 miles N. AV. of Puy, and 34 S. by E. of Clermont. Pop. about 5,000. It was the birthplace of La Fayette, distinguished for his enthusiasm in the cause of the Americans to obtain their indepen- dence.
Brisaeh, Old and New. Old Brisach is on the east bank of the Rhine, and was formerly the chief town of the Brisgau ; but the fortifications were demolished in 1741, and the ordnance re- moved to Friburg, about 15 miles in the interior. New Brisach is a fortified towin on the opposite bank of the river, in the French department of the Upper Rhine, about 40 m. S. of Strashurg, and 250 E. by S. of Paris. The fortification is one of those constructed under the superintendence of Vauban, in the reign of Louis XIV.
Bmsago, a town of Switzerland, on the lake Maggiore, 5 m. S. of Locarno.
Brisgau, a territory in the circle of Suabia, of about 1,000 square miles in extent, intersected by the line of the 48th degree of N. lat. and 8th of E. long, extending eastward from the Rhine into the Black Forest. As a frontier district border- ing on France, it has been exposed to ravage in all the wars between that nation and Austria, and has been the scene of several bloody contests. At an early period of the French revolution, in 1793, the French reduced nearly the whole of the town of Old Brisach to ashes ; and, in 1796, after a severe action possessing themselves of Friburg, the capital, but which they were obliged to aban- don the same year. After various changes of sovereignty, it was wholly ceded by Bonaparte to the grand duke of Baden, in 1805, confirmed hy treaty with Austria, and in the new subdivisions ofthe territory of the states ofBaded, in 1810, the xe2x96xa0Brisgau was divided between the three circles of Wiesen, Treisam, and Kinzig, the names of three rivers by which the territory of Baden in inter- sected.
Bristino, a town of Naples in Capitanata, 11m. S. S. W. of Manfredonia.
Brissac, a town of France in the department of Maine-et-Loire : seated on the Aubence, 13 m. S. of Angers.
Bristol, an ancient maritime, and ecclesiasti- cal city and county of England, situate at the south-west extremity of the county of Glouces- ter, at the confluence of the little river Frome with the Lower Avon, which divides it from Somersetshire on the south, about ten miles above the confluence of the Avon with the Severn into the arm of the sea called the Bristol Channel. Bristol was known at a very early period ; and about the year 430 it is mentioned as one of the fortified cities of Britian. It wins known to the ancient Britons by the name of Caer Oder nant Baden, or the city of Ostorius, in the valley of Bath, and by way of eminence it wins sometimes called Caer L.tto, the British city, and by the Saxons, Bightstoice, pleasant place. It is adverted to both by Gildus and Nennius, in the fifth and seventh centuries, and from the period of Henry |
II. in the twelfth, to the middle of the eighteenth century, it ranked, next to London, as the most populous, commercial and important place in the kingdom. Since the latter period, although it has not declined, it has been greatly exceeded in population, commerce, and importance by Glas- gow, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, and Birming- ham. The population of Bristol including the suburb of Bedminister, on the Somersetshire side of the river, and Clifton on the north (which see) in 1810 was 65,924, and in 1821, 95,758 of which number 42,169 were in the out-parishes, and 52, 819 within the city ; of the increase, the greatest proportion was in the suburb of Bedminister, which wins as 7,979 to 2,279. As into all the rivers falling into the Bristol channel, the tides rise to a great height, and occasionally rush in with considerable fury. The spring tides at Bris- tol rising to the height of 42 feet, ebbs and neaps were consequently attended with great inconven- iences and detentions. This circumstance, since the completion of the canal navigation of the in- land counties communicating with Liverpool and London, neither of which parts are materially affected by the inequality of the tides, tended to divert a considerable portion of the AVest India trade, and refining of sugar, from Bristol. It however, retains a certain portion : the importa- tion of sugar, on an average, of the six years 1819xe2x80x941824, was about 27,000 hogsheads per ann. It also imports a considerable quantity of wool, fruit, and wine, direct from Spain, Portugal and France ; and maintains a partial intercourse direct with all other parts of the world, except the East Indies, to which, up to 1826, it had not sent more than one or two ships. From 1809 to 1822, about xc2xa3600,000 had been expended towards the improve- ment of the harbour. In the latter year an- other act was granted for its further improve ment; and in 1825 numerous arbitrary and op- pressive town dues were abolished, or duly reg ulated; all of which are as well calculated to re vive and maintain its commercial prosperity, as to add to the comfort, interest, and character, of the city at large. It has some extensive works in copper and brass, and manufactures of glass bottles, lead, painters colours, &c. &c. The value of its exports, however, are inconsiderable, its West India produce being imported to defray the interest on mortgages, or as the proceeds of property acquired by means of the traffic in slaves, and the produce of their labour, since the traffic was abolished. Its imports from all other parts are principally equalized through London. In addition to the advantages derived from its com- merce it is indebted to a hot winll for a considera- ble portion of the increase of its population, the water being considered very efficacious in the cure of diabetes, phthisical, scorbutic, and inflam- matory disorders, it renders it the resort alike of valetudinarians and of fashion. Besides the ca- thedral and the church of St. Mary Radcliffe, it has sixteen other churches, and five episcopal chapels, some of them beautiful and most of them fine edifices. There are several dissenting meet- ing-houses, thirteen fellowship companies, some of whom have elegant halls, several hospitals, and other public buildings ; and being surrounded by a very fertile as well as picturesque country, its markets are abundantly supplied w7ith every kind of fish, flesh, fowl, vegetables, and fruits ; and two annual fairs in March and September are very numerously attended. It has a distinct jurisdiction, and returns two members to parlia- ment, the voters amounting to about 8,000. In November 1831 this city was the scene of a terri- ble riot occasioned by the rejection of the Re- |