La Plata towards its entrance into the sea. On the east bank of the Uruguay there are numerous settlements founded by the Jesuits. The south part of this province is also divided by a conven- tional line from Cordova, and south by the Rio Negro, which separates it from Patagonia, and is intersected from north-west to south-east, between the lats. of 38. and 40. by the Colorado River, and in the lat. of 36. by the Saladillo, which falls into the La Plata. This part of the province is very little known, but is celebrated as containing the chief town and seat of government of the eight united provinces.
Buenos Ayres, city of, is seated on the south bank of the La Plata, about 180 miles from its mouth, in the lat. of 34. 35. S. and 58. 24. of W. long, opposite to where the Uruguay forms its junction with the Parana. This city is justly es- teemed as the finest country and as containing the most active and intelligent population of all South America. It was founded by Mendoza, in 1535, but afterwards abandoned; and in 1544, another colony of the Spaniards came here, who left it also; but it was rebuilt in 1582, and inhab- ited by Spaniards ''and the native Americans. It was, however, but little known to the world until the commencement of the last century, up to which period the intercourse of the country had been restrained by a rigorous monopoly, when in 1748 the annual fleet ol the monopolists sailed for the last time to Cadiz, the intercourse being thrown open tor the whole of Spain. In 1774, the freedyn of its intercourse was extended to the greater part of the ports of the other Spanish governments in America; and in 177c, when the provinces of Buenos Ayres, which had previously been under the government of Peru, were consti- tuded a separate viceroyalty, and the city of Buenos Ayres made the seat of the viceroy, it grad- ually increased in extent, population, and import- ance, during the remainder of the last century ; about which period the imperial French govern- ment under Napoleon sent emissaries for the pur- pose of rendering it subservient to the views and policy of France, which tended materially to re- tard its commerce and career, on which alone the prosperity of the city depended. To counteract this influence, the English, inxc2xab1806, sent an expe- dition from the Cape of Good Hope against Buenos Ayres, which they took by surprise in the month of May of that year, hut the whole force were compelled to surrender at discretion, after a few weeks, to a body a militia under the com- mand of General Liniers a partizan of the French government. In June of the following year, suc- cessive reinforcements having arrived from Eng- land, a renewed attack was made upon the city with a force of 10,000 men under the command of General Whitelocke, but the inhabitants,animated by Liniers to the most determined resistance, and aided by the militia, converted every house into a fortress, from which they assailed the English troops at all points with such disastrous effect, as to compel the whole force to surrender prisoners- of-war. From this period, up to July, 1816, the city became the theatre of internal dissensions, when a declaration of independence was agreed upon, and it has since then remained compara- tively tranquil, and been progressively recover- ing from the disasters of the preceding fifteen or twenty years. The buildings of Buenos Ayres are stately and uniform, and the streets regu- lar. Among the public buildings are a stately cathedral, and two or three churches, town hall, several convents, and other similiar institutions. The public edifices are all built of stone of a whitish colour, and produce an imposing effect Its commercial intercourse now extends to all parts of the world, and its export productions of hides and tallow, in addition to the silver and gold from the mines of Potosi, &c. enable it to com mand an abundant supply of all the manufac- tured productions of Europe and Asia, as well as of every other commodity, from every quarter of the globe. The population, which at the com- mencement of the present century was estimated at about 40,000, in 1825, was supposed to amount to 70,000. |
Buffalo, p.t. Erie Co. N. Y. on Lake Erie, near its outlet. This is a port of entry with a good harbour, furnished at the entrance with a light- house. It is the great emporium of the lake com- merce and the point at which the great canal from Albany joins the waters of the lake. The town occupies a pleasant spot on a gentle acclivity, and consists principally of one long street with many handsome and commodious buildings. It is a ve- ry flourishing place and increases fast from year to year. The harbour is frequented by great num- bers of lake craft and steamboats. Pop. 8,653 There are 9 other towns called Buffalo, in the U. S. viz. 6 in Pa. and one in Ohio, Va. and Missouri
Bug, a river of Poland, rising near Leopol or Limberg, running north, dividing Austrian Gal- licia from Russian Poland, to Brzese, (which see.) It then takes a westerly course, between Gallicia and Prussian Poland, falling into the Vistula a few miles below Warsaw.
Bugges Bay. See Boni.
Bugia, or Bujein, a seaport of Algiers, in the province of Constantina. at the mouth of the Ma- jor, on a bay of the Mediterranean. It has a strong castle, but Sir Edward Sprague destroyed several Algerine men of war under its walls in 1671. The harbour is safer and more capacious than that of Algiers, but its entrance is equally dangerous. The principal trade is in instruments of agriculture, made of iron, obtained from moun- tains near the town. It is 90 miles E. of Algiers. Long. 5. 28. E. lat. 36. 45). N.
Bugie, a town of Egypt, situate on the west shore of the Red Sea, almost oppo-ite to Ziden, the port town of Mecca, and about 110 m. W. of it. Long. 36. 6. E. lat. 22.15. N.
Builth, or Bualt,a town of Wales, in Brecknock shire. Here was an ancient castle, whose keep, its last remains, was burnt down in J690. In this neighbourhood the Welsh made their last stand for independence, and were defeated by Edward I. in 1283. Builth has a manufacture of stockings. It is seated on the Wye, over which is a bridge into Radnorshire, 12 m. N. of Brecknock, and 173 W. by N. of London. Pop. 946.
Buis, a town of France, in the department of Drome, 40 m. E. of Orange, and 65 S. S. E. of Valence.
Buitrago, a fortified town of Spain, in New Castile, on the frontier of Segovia, celebrated for the wool collected in its environs. It is seated on the Lozoya, 40 m. N. of Madrid.
Bukfmria Great. See Bokhara.
Bukharia Little. See Cashgur.
Bukowine, a district in the north-west part of the province of Moldavia, bordering on Gallicia comprising about 4,000 square miles, and 160,000 inhabitants of various nation*, among whom are about 2,000 gypsies. It is nominally under the do minion of Austria.
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