Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 140
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BUR    140    BUR


In Middlesex the springs lie along a tract about a
inile in length, partly at the bottom of a valley.
The gas arises from the summits of little hillocks
of a dark bituminous mould, and burns with a
steady flame. In winter when these hillocks are
covered with snow, openings are made through
it, and the gas when set on fire, burns in contact
with the snow. Sometimes tubes of ice are form-
ed about the currents of gas, and rise to the height
of several feet; when several of these are lighted
at once in a still evening, the illumination produc-
es a most brilliant effect There is another burning
spring upon Niagara river about half a mile above
the falls, and within a few feet of the rapids; the
water is charged with sulphuretted hydrogen gas.

In the south-east part of Lake Erie, about 20
rods from the shore, is a burning spring rising from
the bottom of the lake. The water is here 4 or 5
feet deep, and the stream from the spring is thrown
to the surface with considerable force When a
brand is applied to the water it bursts into a flame.
If drank, it proves a powerful emetic.

Burnley, a town in the parish of Whalley,
Lancashire, Eng. situate at the foot of the range
of hills whieh divide Lancashire from Yorkshire,
in the centre of a very populous district, exten-
sively occupied in the cotton manufacture, and
abounding in coal; immediately contiguous to
Burnley there are eight extensive colleries, about
30 extensive cotton mills and manufactories, four
calico printers, five or six machine makers, &c.
&c,. The Leeds and Liverpool Canal nearly en-
circles the town, which in 1801 contained a pop-
ulation of only 3,305, but iff 1821, 6,374 ;. 24 miles
due north of Manchester, and 15 W. of Halifax.

Burnt Island, an island near the south coast
of Newfoundland, 15 m. E. S. E. of Cape Ray.
Long. 58. 50. W. lat. 47. 30. N.

Burnt Islands, a cluster ol islands m the Indian
Ocean, W. N. W. fiom Goa. Long. 73. 30. E. lat.

16. 0. N.

Burntisland, a borough of Scotland, in Fife-
shire, on the frith of Forth, with an excellent
harbour, and a nade in ship-building. It is seated
at the foot of lofty hills, 9 m. north of Leith.
Pop. 2,136.

Burrampooter, Megna, or Brahamapootra, a river
of Asia, which rises in the mountains of Thibet,
near the head of the Ganges, in the lat. of 34. N.
and of 80. of E. long. These two rivers, issuing
from opposite sides of the same ridge of mountains,
direct their course toward opposite quarters, till
they are more than 700 miles asunder; and after-
wards meet in one point near the sea, each hav-
ing performed a winding course of about 1,400
miles. From its source, the Burrampooter pro-
ceeds S. E. through Thibet, where it is named San-
poo, or Zancin ; that is,
the River : after washing
the border of the territory of Lassa, it proceeds S.
E. beyond the 95th degree of E. long, to within
220 miles of Yunan, the western-most province of
China : it then turns suddenly to the west, and
passing through Assam, assumes the name of Bur-
rampooter. It enters Bengal on the N. E., makes
a circuit round the western point of the Garrow
Mountains, and then, altering its course to south,
meets the Ganges about 40 m. from the sea, in
the lat. of 22. 40. N. During the last 60 miles be-
fore its junction with the Ganges, it forms a stream
which is regularly from four to five miles wide.

Burrillsville, ph. Providence Co. R. I. in the
N. W. corner of the state. Pop. 2,196.

Burton, t. Strafford Co. N. H. Pop. 325. Also
i town in G
eauga Co. Ohio.

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Bursa, or Prusa, a city of Asiatic Turkey, in
Natolia, built by Prusius, king of Bythinia. It
was the capital of the Ottoman empire, before the
taking of Constantinople ; and it now contains
about 60,000 inhabitants. It stands upon several
little hills, at the bottom of Mount Olympus, and
on the edge of a fine plain full of fruit-trees. So
many springs proceed from the mount, that, eve-
ry house has its own fountain : and at its foot are
splendid hot-haths. The mosques are elegant, as
are the caravanseras. The Bezestine is a large
structure full of warehouses and shops, containing
all the commodities of the east, besides their own
manufactures in silk. Here are the best work-
men in all Turkey, who are excellent imitators
of the tapestry of Italy and France. None but
musselmen are permitted to dwell in the city;
but the suburbs, which are much finer, and better
peopled, are filled with Jews, Armenians, and
Greeks. Bursa is seated on the banks of the Nil-
ifur, which falls into the sea of Marmora, 68 m.
S. by E. of Constantinople. Long. 29. 12. E. lat.
40. 12. N.

Burstdon, a village in Hampshire, Eng. five
miles E. S. E. of Southampton. It stands on the
Hamble, three miles from its mouth, and several
ships have been built here for the navy. Pop. 473.

Burslem, a town in Staffordshire, Eng. Till
towards the close of the last century, it was an in-
considerable place, but being intersected by the
Trent and Mersey Canal, it has become one of
the principal centres of the pottery, porcelain,
earthenware and several other manufactures. The
population, which in 1801 was 6,578, in 1821 was
9,699. It is three miles north of Newcastle-under-
Line, and 151 N. by W. of London.

Burton-upon-Trent, a town in Staffordshire,
Eng. It has the remains of a large abbey ; and
is seated on the west bank of the Trent, which
here divides the counties of Stafford and Derby ;
there is an old bridge of 36 arches over the river,
and on its banks are two extensive corn mills, one
cotton mill, and six extensive breweries, the prod-
uce 'of which is distributed, and justly esteemed,
over every part of the world. There are also six
or eight employers in the manufacture of hats;
the cotton spinning, at the commencement of the
present century, was more extensive, and, in con-
sequence of its transfer to Lancashire, the popu-
lation of the town, which in 1801 was 4,459, in
1821, was only 4,114, four contiguous hamlets con-
taining 2,586 inhabitants more. It is 12 m. E. of
Litchfield, 12 W. of Derby, and 123 W. of Lon-

*#* There are about 35 other towns and villages
Burton, or to which it is prefixed, in dif-
ferent parts of England, but all of them are in-

Burwah, a town of Hindoostan, in Bengal, on
the border of Orissa, 256 m. W. by N. of Cal-

Bury, a town in Lancashire, Eng. extensively
engaged both in the cotton and woolen manufac-
ture, in all the branches of spinning, weaving,
scouring, fulling, dressing, bleaching, printing,
&c. in all the various branches of which there
are nearly 100 establishments, some of them very
extensive. There are also iron founderies, ma-
chine makers, and six or eight employers in the
manufacture of hats ; it communicates with the
Leeds and Liverpool canal by a collateral cut cal-
led the Bury Extension. It is seated on the bank
of the Irwell, 9 m. N. of Manchester. Pop. in
1821, 10,583, being 3,511 more than in 1810,


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