were much concerned to hear that tlltey were ad- vancing upon them ; for these beautiful creatures, when they spread over the inhabited country in such migrations, are more dreaded than even the devouring locust; they eat up entirely both corn and pasture, and frequently oblige the farmers to fly with their flocks to other districts. The incredible numbers wnich sometimes pour in from
the north, during protracted droughts, distress the farmer inconceivably. Any attempt at nu- merical computation would be vain; and by try- ing to come near the truth, the writer would subject himself in the eyes of those who have no knowledge of the country, to a suspicion that he was availing himself of a travellers assumed priv- ilege. Yet it is well known in the interior, that 011 their approach the grazier makes up his mind to look for pasturage for his flocks elsewhere, and considers Himself entirely dispossessed of his lands until heavy rains fall. Every attempt to save the cultivated fields, if they be not enclosed by high and thick hedges, proves abortive. Heaps of dry manure (the fuel of the Sneeuwbergen and other parts) are placed close to each other round the fields, and set on fire in the evening, so as to cause a dense smoke, by which it is hoped the an- telopes will be deterred from their inroads; but the dawn of day exposes the inefficacy of the precaution, by showing the lands, which appeared proud of their promising verdure the evening be- fore, covered with thousands, and reaped level with the ground. Instances have been known of some of these prodigious droves passing through riocks of sheep, and numbers of the latter, carried along with the torrent, being lost to their owner,' and becoming a prey to the wild beasts. As long as these droughts last, their inroads and deprada- tions continue; and the havock committed upon them is of course great, as they constitute the lood of all classes; but no sooner do the rains fall, than they disappear, and in a few days be- come as scarce on the northern borders as in the more protected districts of Bruintjes-Hoogte and Camdeboo.
Cagayan Sooloo, an eastern island lying off the north-east point of Borneo, in the lat. of 7. N. and 118. 36. E. long. It is about 20 m. in circumference, and governed by a Rajah.
Cagayan, a district, the most northern part of
I.uconia, the chief of the Philippine islands. It fa a fertile and populous district, in the lat of 19
Cagayan Isles, a group of small islands in the Mindoro Sea, between Borneo and the Philippines, in the lat of 9. N. and 121. E. long.
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Cagliari, a fortified city and seaport of Sardinia, capital of the island, and an archbishops see, with a university and a castle. Here are numerous churches, besides the cathedral, three of which are collegiate. It stands on the south part of the island, at the bottom of a gulf of its name, whi'h farms a iarge and secure harbour, and exports con siderable quantities of olive-oil and salt. Long.
9. 8. E. lat. 39. 20. N. Pop. about 30,000.
Cagnete, Cunete, or Gunrco, a town of Pern, cap- ital of a district of the same name, extending about 24 leagues along the seacoast. It is situate near the sea, 80 m. S. E. of Lima. Long. 76. 16. W. lat. 13. )0. S.
Cahawbo, the chief town of Dallas county, Alabama. It is seated at the junction of a rive* of the same name with the Alabama River, 91 u m. S. W. of Washington, and about 180 north of New Orleans.
Cahir, a town and parish in the south part of the county of Tipperary, Ireland. The town is seated on the west bank of the Suir, about six miles south of Cashel, and 85 S. AV. of Dublin, and in 1820 contained a population of 3.288, and the parish 4,310 more.
Cahir, is also the name of a small island off the south-west coast of the county of Mayo, in the lat. of 53. 44. N. and 9. 53. W. Long.
Cakokia, p.v. St.Clair Co. 111. on the Mississippi
Caliors, a city of France, capital of the depart ment of Lot, and a bishops see, with a university. It is seated on a peninsula, made by the river Lot, and built partly on a craggy rock. There are three bridges over the river. The cathedral is a* Gothic structure, and has a large square steeple. The town has a manufacture of fine cloths and ratteens, and furnishes excellent wine, of the kind called via de grave. It was taken by assault, in 1580, by Heriry I A, by means of petards, which were first employed here. In one of the suburbs are the remains of a Roman amphitheatre. Ca hors is 70 m. N. of Toulouse, and 315 S. by AV of Paris.
Caicos, or Caycns, the southernmost of the Ba hama Isles. See Bahamas.
Cai-fong, a city of China, capital of the province of Homan. It is situate on a plain, six miles from the river Hoang-ho, or Great Yellow River about 300 m. above its entrance into the sea, which is higher than the plain, and kept in by raised dikes that extend above 90 in. AVlien the city was besieged by the rebels, in 1642, they cut the dikes of the river, which drowned 300,000 of the inhabitants. Some of the ruins still remain, which shows that its present state is far inferior to its former magnificence. Its jurisdiction com- prehends four cities of the second class, and 30 of the third. It fa 350 m. S. S. AV. of Pekin, and about 850 N. by E. of Canton. Long. 114. 28 E. lat. 34 . 53. N.
Caifa, or Haifa, a seaport of Syria, in Palestine, defended by a wall and a citadel. It stands on the south side of the bay of Acre, 8 m. S. W. of Acre.
Caivmn, or Caymans, three small islands lying to the N. W. of Jamaica, between it and the south coast of Cuba. The north-east point of Grand Caymans fa in lat. 19. 12. N. and 81.26. AV. long. The inhabitants of Jamaica come hither to eaten tortoises.
Cairngorm, a mountain of Scotland, at the south-west extremity of Banffshire, on the border of Inverness. It rises in a conical form 1,750 feet above the level of a small lake near its base |