which is the source of the Aven, and 4,050 feet above the level of the sea. Its sides clothed with firs, and its top generally covered with snow. It is famous for beautiful rock-crystals, .inch es- teemed by lapidaries. About 30 m. E. of Fort Augustus.
Cairo, or Grand Cairo, a large city, capital of Egypt. It consists of three towns, about a mile apart: Old Cairo, New Cairo, and the port term- ed Bulac. The population is estimated at 300.000. Old Cairo is now reduced to a small place. New Cairo is a mile from the river, and seven miles in circumference. The streets are narrow; and the fin est houses are built round a court, in which they make the best, appearance, having few or no windows next to the street. The castle stands on a steeo rock, and is surrounded by thick walls, on w hich are strong towers. Josephs Well, made by a vizier of that, name, about the year 1100, is the most curious part of the Castle : it is sank in the rock 230 feet deep and 40 in cir- cumference, with a staircase carried round ; and a machine, turned by oxen, raises the water (which comes from the Nile) into a reservoir, whence it is again raised by a similar machine. There are many other reservoirs for water; and numerous bazaars, where each trade has its allot- ted quarter. There are several public bagnios, verv handsome within, and used as places of refreshment and diversion, especially for the women. who go there twice a week: but the wives of great men hare baths at home. The womn have greater liberty here ban in anv part of the Turkish empire; and on Fridiv a mosque without the wall is frequented bv them as a pil- grimage of pleasure. The Calish. a canal which conveys the waters of the Nile into the citv. is 20 feet broad, and has houses on each side of it. As soon as the water begins to rise, they close the mouth of the canal with earth, and place a mark, to show the time when this and all other canals in the kingdom are to be opened, which is done with great solemnity. There are not less than 300 mosques in Cairo, the lofty minarets of which present a very picturesque appearance. It was a pface of verv great trade before the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope ; and is still the centre of that of Eastern Africa. The chief manufac- tures are sugar, sal ammoniac, glass lamps, salt- p*rc. gunpowder, red and yellow leather, and linen made ofthe fine Egyptian flax. This city w->* t.ihen by the French, under Bonaparte, in !T.'~. and retaken bv the British in 1801. It J? on the east bank of the Nile, about 120 m. S. E Alexandria, and about, the same distance from xe2x80xa2vh of th<* two mouths of the river at Rosetta and Dnkth. Lat. 30. 2. N. and 31. 20. ofE. long.
Ci'~9. a town of Piedmont, 25 miles, west of Genoa. Tt was the scene of a sanguinary battle betwexc2xbbn the French and Austrians in 1794, and in 17:>i was taken bv the French. Pop. about 4,000.
Cairn, p.t. Green Co. N. Y. 35 m. S. AV. Al- bany. Pop. 2.012. Also 2 towns in Ten. and Ohio.
Ca'roan. or Kaincan, an interior town of the kingdom of Tunis, and next to the city of Tunis for trade and number of inhabitants. It is situate near a sandv desert, where are found many ves- tiges of former magnificence, and on the river Magrida, about GO m. S. E. of Tunis, and a few miles west of Susa.
Caistor, a town in Lincolnshire, Eng. Near it are the remains of a monastery, and many Roman vestiges. It is 12 m. S. W. of Grimsby, and 156 N. of London. Pop in 1821,1,253. |
*** There are 2 other towns named Caistor, in the county of Norfolk.
Caithness-shire, a county at the S. E. extremity of Scotland, 35 miles long and 20 broad ; bound- ed on the north by Pentland Frith, which divides it from the Orkneys, east and south-east by the German Ocean, and west by Southerlandshire. The south angle is occupied by mountains; and a vast ridge of hills forms the south-west bounda- ry,ending in a promontory called the Ord of Caith- ness, which runs out into the sea, in the lat. of
58.10. N. The rest of the county may be deem- ed an immense morass, interspersed with some fruitful spots, produeingoats andbarley, and others affording pasture for sheep and black cattle. Its other chief products are butter, cheese, yarn, skins, feathers and kelp. It sends a member to parliament alternately with Buteshire. English is chiefly spoken on the coast, but in the high- lands the Gaelic prevails. Thurso on the north, and AVick on the east coast, are the chief towns.
Cajann. or Kajana, one of the seven principal towns of East Bothinia, which see.
Cajazzo.a town of Naples, 25 miles north of the citv of Naples.
Calabar, Old and, New, a territory at the east- ern extremity of the coast of Guinea on the wrest coast of North Africa. Since the restriction of the slave trade to the south of the Equator, this district has carried on a more extensive trade in palm oil and bar wood, and some elephants teeth, ihan any other part of the coast. The town of New Calabar is situate at the mouth of a river ofthe same name, in the lat. of 4. 10. N. and 6. 42. of E. long. Dukes Town, the chief town of Old Calabar, is situate at the mouth of another river of the same name, falling into a bay, about 80 m. E. by N. of New Calabar.
Cafabazo, or Calahaco, an interior town of Co lombia about 150 miles south of Caracas, contain ing about 5,000 inhabitants.
Calabria, a promontory and province of Naples, forming the foot and southern extremity of Italy, extending from 37. 53. to 40. 5. of North lat. and being about 40 m. in mean breadth, between the long, of 15. 40. and 17. 30. E. A ridge of mountains, the Apennines, intersects the whole territory from north to south, and numerous streams fall into the sea on both coasts. It gives the title of Duke to the eldest son. of the king of Naples. It is di- vided into twin parts ; Citra. north, bordering on the Basilicata, contains about 350.000 inhabitants, and Ultra, south, containing about, 400,000. This country abounds in excellent fruit, corn, wine, oil, silk, cotton, and wool. In 1783, a great part of Calabria Ultra. a.s well as of Sicily, was destroyed by one of the most terrible earthquakes on rec- ord : besides the destruction of many towins, vil- lages, and farms, above 40,000 people perished by this calamity. The principal towns are Bova, at the south extremity, Reggio, Rosarno, St. Eufe- mia, Castiglione, and Paula, on the west; and Rossano. Cariato, Catanzaro, and Squillace on the east coast, and in the interior, Cossano. Bisagna- no, Cosenza, (the capital) Policastro, Mileto, and Oppido.
Calahorra, an episcopal town of Spain, in Old Castile, on the side of a hill, which extends to the Ebro, 90 m. E. of Burgos. It was the birth-p.ace of Quintilian. Pop. about 4,300.
Calais, a seaport of France, in the department of Pas de Calais, with a citadel. It was taken by Edw. III. of England, in 1347, after a siege of more than 11 months, which has given rise to some |