Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 152
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CAM    152    CAM

7 St. John’s in

8 Magdalen,

9 Trinity,

10 Jesus’,

11 Emanuel,

12 Syd. Sussex,











3 Trinity,

4 Catherine,

Malehou, in China the Kiou Long, and through the
Laos the
May Kung, and the eastern channel into
the xc2xabca is sometimes called the
Japanese. The
chief town of the country, called also
is situate on the western bank of the river, about
240 miles above its entrance into the sea. Cam-
bodia appears to be thinly peopled, but of the
number of its inhabitants no estimate lias been
formed. They appear to manufacture both silk
and cotton, and the country producing every pos-
sible article necessary for subsistence and com-
fort, and also to gratify the most luxuriant sense,
either of taste, smell, or ornament, there is but
little inducement on the part of the Cambodians
to cultivate an intercourse with Europeans, more
especially on the overbearing, higgling, and self-
ish principle which they seem to have exercised
over all Asia. As far as the Cambodians main-
tain an external commerce, sandal wood, ele-
phants’ teeth of the finest quality, camphor, and
the gum called cambogia, or gamboge, from the
name of the country, constitute the chief articles
of export. (See

Cambray, a fortified city of France, capital of
the department of Nord. The linen manufacture
is extensively carried on in this district, and
the term
cambric was derived from the finer
qualities of linen, which were distributed from
this city. It has since been applied by the Eng-
lish to the fine fabric of cotton as well as of linen.
Cambray has also some manufactures of lace and
leather. It is seated near the source of the
Scheldt, which runs through the city, 18 m. S. by
W. of Valenciennes, 35 S. by E. of Lisle, and 102
N. N. E. of Paris. The fortification was one of
those retained by the allies for five years after the
peace of 1815.

Cambria, a county in the W. District of Penn-
sylvania, lying west of the main ridge of the Al-
leghany mountains. The south-west branch of
the Susquehannah River rises in this county, and
a branch of the Alleghany intersects its south
part. It is about 33 miles in length from north to
south, and 18 in breadth. Pop. 7.079. Ebens-
burg, in the centre of the county, 143 m. W. by
N. of Harrisburg, is the chief town.

Cambria, ph. Niagara Co. New York, near the
reat falls of Niagara, 290 m. W. Albany. Pop.

Cambridge, an interior county towards the S. E.
part of England, being about 50 miles in extent
from north to south, and 20 to 25 from west to
east. It is bounded on the south by a range of
hills which divide it from the counties of Bedford
and Essex, having the counties of Suffolk and
Norfolk on the east, and Bedford, Huntingdon,
Northampton, and Lincoln on the west, the north-
ern extremity jetting upon the Boston Wash.
The river Ouse intersects it from west to east,
whilst the Nen forms the boundary between the
counties of Northampton and Lincoln, and the
Cam, which rises at the foot of the hills, which
form the southern boundary, falls into the Ouse,
about the middle of the county. After descend-
ing the hills from the south, the country is one
entire level, and that part was formerly little bet-
ter than a swamp, which, by well-directed efforts
in draining and embanking, since the middle of
the last century, has been converted into rich and
verdant pastures, which yield a vast surplus of
xe2x80xa2butter, and cream-cheese, for the London market.
It has no surplus of manufactures of any kind,
but in addition to its butter, it yields a surplus of
calves, cattle, sheep, and wool, and large quanti-

These institutions, founded in ages of monastic
influence, and when architecture was the ruling
passion of those who possessed the means of in-
dulging either in acts of benevolence or vanitv,
claim the attention of the present age, some for
their monastic features, some for the history of
their foundations, and others for their architec-
tural beauty. Most of them have chapels and
libraries attached, some of them extensive and
valuable, and the chapel of King’s College is
justly esteemed, as the most beautiful Gothic edi-
fice in the world. It is 304 feet in length, 71
broad, and 91 in height; the effect of its propor-
tions, and beauty of its decorations, must be seen
to be understood. In 1807 another college was
founded, pursuant to the will of a Sir George
Downing, whose name it bears ; and, in 1810,
viscount Fitzwilliam bequeathed a very extensive
and valuable cabinet of works of nature and art,
and ample funds for the foundation of an observa-
tory and a building for the reception of his colleo
tion, for the use of the university at large. Thi?
munificent donation excited a general spirit of
improvement, both in the town and university
several of the colleges have been enlarged, re-
paired, and beautified, several old buildings in the
town taken down; judicious sites for the new
buildings selected, and those edifices more par
ticularly deserving of attention for their architec-
ture, laid more open to the view7. In addition to
the libraries attached to the several colleges and
halls, there is also one common to the university;
a senate house, and schools for public examina-
tions, which, together with 14 parish churches, a .
county hospital, and other public buildings for
county purposes, afford a very interesting extent
of varied architectural display. There are also
six bridges of stone, over the river Cam, which,

ties of wild fowl. Its supply however of foreign
and manufactured productions is obtained in ex-
change for the expenditure of the students at the
university of the town of Cambridge, and rents
abstracted from different parts of the country, on
account of the endowments of the several colleges
The only other place in the county deserving of
notice, besides the town of Cambridge, is the city
of Ely. (See
Bedford Level.)

Cambridge, the chief town of the preceding
county, and seat of one of the two universities of
England, is situate in the south part of the coun-
ty, 17 m. south of Ely, 23 east of Bedford, and 28
west of Bury, and 51 north by east of London.
It is a corporate town, governed by a mayor and
13 aldermen ; but its importance is derived frarn
its university, which dates its foundation by Sige-
bert, king of the East Angles, in 030. It acquir
ed, however, but little celebrity until after the
period of the collisions between the barons and
the court had subsided, in the 13th century, from
which period, to the close of the ltjth century, 12
colleges and 4 halls were founded, by the names,
and in the order of date as follows, viz.:

1 Clare,

2 Pembroke,



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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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