Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 153
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CAM    153    CAM

in addition to their convenience, add considerably and the south end iets upon Albermarle Sound,
to the general picturesque effect. The county, between Pasquetank and George Rivers. Pop.
town, and university, each sends two members to 6,721. New Lebanon is the chief town,
parliament. About two miles from the town, one
Camden, a maritime county of the state of
of the largest fairs in England is held, for a fort- Georgia, bounded on the uthby St. Mary’s Riv-
rxight, commencing on the 7th of September, er, which divides it from East Florida. It is
The population in 1801 was 10,087, and in 1821, about 20 miles in extent each way, bounded on
14,142, of whom about 1,000 may be considered the west by the Great Swamp of Oke-fin-ocaw.
members of the university.    The Santilla River intersects it from the N. W.

Cambridge, p.t. Middlesex Co. Mass. This corner, running to the centre of the county, falling
town is separated from Boston by the wide bay into the sea, at the N. E. corner. It is very pro-
which nearly surrounds the city. Two long ductive in rice and cotton. Pop. 4,578. Jeffer-
bridges open a communication between them, son, is the chief town.

The town properly consists of three divisions,    Camden, p.t. Waldo Co. Me. Pop. 2,200.

viz. 1. East Cambridge, or Lechmere Point, which    Camden, p.t. Oneida Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,945.

is a suburb of Boston and connected with the    Camden, p.t. Gloucester Co. N. J. opposite

city by Craigie’s bridge. This is a flourishing Philad. Also a town in Kent Co. Del.
place, and has many manufactories of glass, iron    
Camden, p.t. Kershaw District. S. C. on the

&e. 2. Cambridge-port, which communicates with Wateree, 35 m. N. E. Columbia. It is the seat of
the city by West Boston bridge, and 3.
Old Cam- justice for the district. Here the Americans, un-
bridge, 3 miles from Boston, containing Harvard der Gen. Gates, were defeated by Lord Cornwallis
University, the oldest and richest literary institu- in 1780, and another battle fought between Gen.
tion in the United States. It was founded in 1638. Greene and Lord Rawdon in 1781.

The officers are a president and 23 professors    Camel, a river in Cornwall, Eng. which rises

and tutors. The libraries contain 40,000 volumes, two miles north of Camelford, flows south almost
and the philosophical apparatus, cabinets and to Bodmin, and then north-west to Padstow,
similar materials for scientific purposes are of the where it enters the Bristol channel. Its banks
first excellence. The Botanical Garden and green- were the scenes of some bloody battles between
house, are handsomely arranged and furnished the Britons and Saxons.

with the choicest plants. The college buildings    Camelford, a borough in Cornwall, Eng. A

are 8 ; one of these is elegantly built of granite ; great quantity of yarn is spun in this place and
the others are brick. They are beautifully situa- its neighbourhood. It is seated on the Camel, 14
ted upon a spacious level common. The number m. W. of Launceston, and 228 VV. by S. of Lon-
of students is 236. There are 3 vacations in April, don. It returns two members to parliament. Pop.
August and December, of 10 weeks. Commence- in 1521, 1,256.

ment is in August.    Co merino. a town of Italy, in the marquisate of

A short distance west of the colleges is the spot Ancona, and an archbishop's see. It is seated on
occupied by Washington as his head quarters dur- a mountain, near the river Chiento, 37 m. S. AV
ing the siege of Boston, in 1775 and 6. Many of Ancona.

parts of the town exhibit the remains of the forti-    Cameron, p.t. Steuben Co. N. Y. Pop. 924.

fieations thrown up by the Americans at that pe-    Camillas, p.t. Onandaga Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,513.

riod. In the western part of the town and bor-    Cumin, a seaport of Further Pomerania, and

dering upon Watertown, is Mount Auburn, a spot    once a bishop’s see, which was secularized at the

lately chosen for the establishment of a Cemetery peace of Westphalia; but it still has a fine cathe-
and Horticultural Garden. This place is charm- dral and a chapter. Its navigation and commerce
ingly variegated with hills and dells, woods and were formerly extensive, but it is now of little
lawns, and when the design is fully completed note. It stands on the Diwenow, or east mouth
will be among the most interesting objects in the of the Oder, opposite the isle of Wollin, 25 m. N.
country.    of Stettin. Long. 14. 52. E. lat. 53. 54. N.

In the san,e    neighbourhood is    Fresh Pond, a    Caminha, a town of Portugal, in    Entre Douro

small sheet of water skirted by steep and woody e Minho, with a fort; seated at the mouth of the
hills in a highly picturesque manner. This is a Minho, 12 m. N. of Viana.

favourite resort    of the people of    Boston in the    Camolin, a village in the county    of Wexford,

summer. Pop. i/ Cambridge, 6,071.    Ireland, on the north bank of the Bann, 4 m. S.

Cambridge, West, p.t. Middlesex Co. Mass. ad- W. of Gorey. Pop. in 1820,377. It was possess-
joiaing the preceding town. Pop. 1,230.    ed by the insurgents in 1798.

Cambridge, p.t. Franklin Co. Vt. Pop. 1,613.    Camorta, one of the Nicobar isles off the west

Cambridge, an unsettled township in Coos Co.    coast of Malaya, in the lat. pf 8. N.

N. H.    Campagna, or Campania, a town    of Naples, in

Cambridge, p.t. Washington Co. N. Y. Pop. Principato Citeriore, 40 m. S. E. of Naples.

2,319. Also towns in Maryland, S. C., and Ohio.    Campagna di Roma, or Territory    of Rome, the

Cambnlla, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, sur- most south-west province of the ecclesiastical
rounded by a wall, and seated near the sea, 14 m. states of Rome, extending from the river Tiber,
AV. by S. of Tarragona.    for about 65 miles along the shore of the Mediter-

Camburg, a town of Thuringia, on the east ranean to the Neapolitan province of Lavoro, being
bank of the Saal, 18 m. N. by E. of Jena, and 32 about 50 miles wide, bounded on the east by Abruz-
S W. of Leipzig.    zo. This extensive district, lying between the 41st

Cambyna, an island lying between the S. E. and 42d degree of north latitude, was the ancient
promontory of Celebes, ana the Isle of Bouton, Latium, and was once the most populous and fer-
It is about 60 miles in circumference.    tile district in the world, but now presents one

Camden, a county in the N. E. part of North general scene of desolation. The Pontine marsh-
Carolina, about 25 m. from N. to S. and four in es, which are constantly emitting the most noi-
breadth; the north end borders on Virginia, some vapours, comprise a great portion of the
and forms part of the Greet Dismal Swamp, south-xc2xb0a?t part of the province ; besides the, city

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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