between Franee and England in 1756, the Eng- lish prepared to expel the French entirely from the North American continent, in which they completely succeeded in 1759. At this period, the number of settlers in Canada amounted to about 70,000. During the first fifteen years af- ter its surrender to the English, it made but little progress either in population or improvement, the prejudices of some of the older settlers being in- imical to the English laws introduced immediate- ly after its surrender, led, in 1775, to a revision of the civil code, more conformable to the usage and prejudices of the inhabitants. The revolt of the American States taking place about this time, occasioned a considerable accession of pop- ulation to Canada, which progressively increased up to the period of 1792, when a further import- ant arrangement took place in its Internal admin- istration, the territory was divided into two parts, denominated Upper and Lower Canada, with separate jurisdictions, and a council, and As- sembly of representatives established for each, as more particularly elucidated under each of their respective heads, viz.
Canada, Lower, although the least favoured in climate of the two, is by far the most populous, owing to its near contiguity to the sea, and earli- er settlement. This division extends from the United States Territory, in the lat. of 45. to that of 52. N.; and W. from the 65th degree of long, to an undefined boundary; the part, however, which is inhabited and under cultivation, lies within much narrower limits, comprising a tract of territory about 70U miles in length, and 150 in mean breadth, lying in a N. E. direction, from the lat. of 45. N. and 74. 30. of AV. loDg.; the geographical bearing of this territory has been owing to the noble river St. Lawrence, which in- tersects it in that direction its whole extent, fall- ing into the gulf of St. Lawrence, at the N. E. The settlements extend along both banks of the river, and are intersected on both sides by innumerable tributary streams and rivers, some of them of great magnitude ; the most consider- able of those on the south side of the St. Law- rence, taking them in order from the west, are 1st the Chambly, which runs out of Lake Cham- plain, falling inio the St. Lawrence about 60 miles below Montreal; 2nd the Tortue ; 3rd the St. Francis; 4th the Nicolet; 5th the Becancour; 6th the Beaurivage; and 7th the Chaudiere, which falls into the St. Lawrence, about 20 miles below Quebec; east of the Chaudiere, the waters chiefly flow to the south, or east into the gulf of St. Lawrence : the north bank is intersected at the distance of every 15 to 20 miles by rivers of greater xe2x80xa2in less magnitude, the most considerable is the Piekouagamls, which, after passing through a lake of considerable extent is called the Segu- enai and fails into the St. Lawrence about 150 miles below Quebec. At the new organization of the gxc2xabr?nn-nt in 1762, this territory was divi- ded into trie four districts of Montreal, Trois Rivieres. Quebec, and Gaspe ; the three first ex- tend on both sides of the river; the latter, which is called the district and county of Gaspe, com- prises all the S. EL part of the territory, south of the St. Lawrone**. bounded on the east by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and south by the Province of New Brunswick, the three first districts were further subdivided into 20 counties, 11 on the south, and nine on the north side of the river, as follows, beginning at the S. W. viz.xe2x80x94
1 Huntingdon f 12 York
2 Bedford . 13 Effingham
3 Montreal ro 14 Leinster
4 Richelieu 15 Warwick
5 Surrey 'fj 16 St. Maurice
6 Kent xc2xb0(17 Hampshire
7 Buckingham xe2x80x9e 18 Orleans
8 Dorchester 5 19 Quebec
9 Hertford s 20 Northumberland
10 Devon ^
11 Cornwallis Of these, the first eight, which all lie within or south-west of the river Chaudiere, are the most fertile, and afford the most favourable spots for agricultural and commercial enterprize. The counties of Cornwallis and Northumberland, each extend from the latitude of about 47, the former to the district of Gaspe, and the latter bor- ders on Labrador, all of which at present may be looked upon as one great wilderness. With this subdivision of territory and new organization of the government of Canada in 1792, a more stedfast career of improvement seems to have been pursued than in any former period.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of Lower Canada is its climate, in the intensity of cold in the winter, and of heat in summer, and the sudden transition from one to the other, without producing any injurious affect upon the constitutions either of the inhabitants or other parts of the animal creation. The frosts begin about the middle of October, the sun continuing to render the days mild and agreeable for three or four weeks, when the snow storms set in, which continue for about a month, with varia- ble winds and a hazy atmosphere, until about the middle or end of December; by which time the whole country is covered with an average depth of snow of three to five feet. An invariable season now commences ; an uninterruptedly clear sky prevails for ahout 20 weeks, the thermometer rang- ing the greater part of the time from 20 to 25 be- low zero, sometimes descending more than 30 helow, when the frost suddenly breaks, and in the course of a few days, about the end of April, or middle of May, the snow as suddenly disap- pears. All the energies of the husbandman are now directed to prepare the earth for seed, and in the short space of a month the most luxuriant verdure and vegetation are spread over all Canada ; the thermometer sometimes, in June, ranging as high as 95 or 100, prevailing through the summer from about 75 to 80. Although the severity of the winter hinders the earth from yielding any produce, yet it essentially facilitates the convey- ance to market of its summer products ; a track once beaten upon the snow, which is easily effect- ed after the storms have ceased, enables a horse to drag, on a sledge, a twofold weight, twice or thrice the distance in a day, which he would be able to draw in the best constructed carriage on the best possible road. In any country this facili- ty of conveyance would he a great advantage, but in Canada especially, where the rapidity of vegeta- tion, and the abundant produce of the summer, claims all the attention and all the energy of the population during that season, it more than coun- terbalances the severe and long duration of the winter, inasmuch as it supersedes the necessity of cost and labour in the construction of bridges and roads, and renders conveyance easy by routes and over tracts that would otherwise be impassa- ble ; thus so far from being deemed severe or in- convenient, it is regarded by the Canadians as the |