Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 158
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CAN    158    CAN

chain of broken hills, rather than mountains.
But little discovery of minerals has as yet been
made : coals, copper, and iron, have been found,
and as population extends itself, and when neces-
sity requires them, the mineral substances will
most probably not prove deficient. The two prin-
cipal towns are York and Kingston.

Cnnajoharie, ph. Montgomery Co. N. Y. Its
vicinity abounds with apple-trees, from which it
makes cider of an excellent quality. It stands on
a creek of the same name, between the Mohawk
River and the Erie Canal, 25 m. N. E. of Coop-
erstown, and 53 W. N. W. of Albany. Pop. 4.348.

Canandaigua, a lake in the western part of the
State of New York, which discharges its waters
into Lake Ontario. It is 20 miles long, and from
2 to 3 miles wide. The banks are high and va-
riegated, and ornamented with many beautiful

Canandaigua, ph. Ontario Co., on the outlet of
the above lake. It is one of the pleasantest towns
in the country. The principal street runs along
the ridge of a hill which rises from the north end
of the lake; it is handsomely planted with trees,
and the houses have an uncommonly neat ap-
pearance, being generally painted white, with
green blinds. In the centre of the town is a large
square. In the neighbourhood are many beauti-
ful gardens. Canandaigua has a very flourishing
trade, and a steam-boat plies upon the lake. It is
208 m. W. of Albany. Pop. 5,162

Cananore, a town of Hindoostan, in Malabar,
defended by a fortress, with other works afler the
European fashion. It is the head-quarters of the
province. This town was taken in 1790 by the
British, in whose possession it remains. It has
several good houses, and carries on a good trade
with other parts of the peninsula, and with Ara-
bia and Sumatra. The country furnishes a large
quantity of pepper, cardamoms, sandal wood, coir,
sharks’ fins, &c.; the imports are horses, benzoin,
camphor, almonds, opium, sugar, and piece goods.
It is governed by a native sovereign, who pays an
annual tribute of 14,000 rupees to the English
East India Company. It is seated on a small
bay, one of the best on the coast, 56 m. N. N W.
of Calicut. Long. 75. 30. E. lat. 11. 53. N

Canari, a province on the west coast of Hin-
doostan, lately subject to the regent of Mysore, on
whose defeat and death, in 1799, it came into the
hands of the British. It is 180 miles in length,
between the Concan and Malabar, and from 30 to
80 in breadth. The soil is fertile, and it produces
abundance of rice, betel-nuts, and wild nutmegs.
The principal port is Mangalore.

Canaries, or Canary Islands, anciently called
the Fortunate Islands, are thirteen in number,
lying in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the west
coast of North Africa, between the latitudes of

28. and 30. N. Seven of them are considerable,
namely, Palma, Ferro, Gomera, Teneriffe, Ca-
nary, Fuerte-ventura, and Lanzerota, each of
which see : the other six are very small, Graciosa,
Rocca, Allegranza, St. Clare, Inferno, and Lobos.
They were formerly inhabited by a brave and in-
dependent race of people called
Gaunches. Fuerte-
ventura and Lanzerota, being the least populous,
wfere taken possession of by John de Betancourt,
a Norman, about the commencement of the 15th
century, in
behalf of John, the then king of Cas-
tile : but it was not till towards the close of that
century that the Spaniards, under whose sove-
reignty they still remain, obtained complete pos-
session of the whole group, after
the most deter-
mined resistance of the natives; lhr- wh'.lr,of
whom, during the 16th century, foil vi himxc2xbb to
the cruelty of the Spaniards, either by the sworct
or the inquisition, which was established in these
islands in 1532.

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9 Canary, Grand one of the principal ofthe above
islands, lying between the east side of Teneriffe
and the south end of Fuerte-ventura. Next to
Teneriffe, it is the most fertile and productive of
the group. The surface near the coast is beau-
tifully diversified with hill and dale and well
watered with streams issuing from mountains
which lie towards the centre of the island. The
vine in all its varieties flourishes in this island ir
the utmost luxuriance. It is here that the most
delicious malmsey wine or sack is made, and it
wins from hence that the English obtained their
sack, so celebrated in the time of Shakspeare.
Under reciprocal arrangements and due excite-
ment of protection and reward, this island would
produce nearly all the fruits and vegetables com-
mon to the tropics; but under the proscriptive
and bigoted policy of Spain, nothing depending
on human exertion prospers, and, though the Ca-
nary Islands are less exposed to its despotism than
any other part of the Spanish dominions, every
thing languishes. The extent of this island is
about 30 m. from north to south, and 28 in breadth.
Palmas, or Canary, as it is sometimes called, the
chief town,is situate on the coast to wards the north-
east end of the island, in the latitude of 28. 43. N.
and 17. 46. W. long, having a tolerable harbour
for vessels of 100 to 200 tons burthen, sheltered
by a promontory jetting for about two miles into
the sea from the north-east extremity of the
island. Palmas was formerly the capital and seat
of government, both civil and ecclesiastical, of the
whole group of islands, but the governor now re-
sides at Santa Cruz on Teneriffe ; the bishop con-
tinuing at Palmas, the population of which is es-
timated at about 25,000, and the remainder of the
island at about the same number.

Cancale, a towin of France, in the department of
llle and Vilaine, seated on a hay of its name, and
celebrated for oysters. The English landed here
in 1758, and proceeded by land to bum the ships
at St. Malo. It is nine miles east of St. Malo,
and 40 N. N. W. of Rennes. Pop. about 3,000.

Candahar, or Kandahar, a province of Afgha-
nistan, lying between the 31st and 34th degree
of north latitude, and the 65th and 70th of east
long.; the chief city, of the same name, is situate
on the frontier of the Persian province of Sigis-
tan. in the lat. of 33. N. and 65. 30. of E. long.
During the entirety of the Persian and Mogul
empires, it was considered the most important
barrier between the two territories, and it was for-
merly the capital and seat of government of he
whole Afghan territory, which is now at CaDuh
It is however still an important place, both as a
fortress and of commercial intercourse See

Candeish, a province ofthe Deccan of Hindoos-
tan, subject to the Poonah Mahrattas : bounded on
the N. by Malwa, E. by Berar, south by Dowlata-
bad and Why Baglana. The soil is fertile, though
mountainous, and produces abundance of cotton
Burhampour, which surrendered io the British in
1803, is the capital.

Candes, a town of France, in the department of
Indre and Loire, at the confluence of the Vienne
with the Loire, 30 m. W. S.W. of Tours.

Candia, an island in the Mediterranean, for
merly Crete, lying to the south of the Archipela


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