dicinal springs. It is seated on the Neckar, three m. N. E. of Stuttgard.
Cantal, an interior department in the south of France, including part of the late province of Auvergne. It is so called from a mountain, near the centre of the department, whose summit is always covered with snow. The capital is St. Flour. Pop. about 250,000.
Cantazaro, a town of Naples, in Calabria Cite- riore, near the sea, 26 m. S. W. of St. Severino.
Canterbury, a city of Kent, Eng. capital of the county, and the see of an archbishop, who is pri- mate of all England. It was the Durovernum of the Romans, and founded before the Christian era. The cathedral, a large structure, was once famous for the shrine of Thomas a Becket, a tur- bulent priest, who was murdered here in 1170, and afterwards made a saint. In this cathedral are interred Henry IV. and Edward the Black Prince. The city has likewise 14 parish church- es ; the remains of many Roman antiquities; and an ancient castle, with walls and a deep ditch ; and a grammar-school founded by Henry VIII. It is a county of ifaelf, governed by a may- or ; and is noted for excel lee I brawn. The adja- cent country produces abundance of hops. It is seated on the river Stour, 56 m. E. S. E. of Lon- don, on the high road to Dover, from which it is distant 17 m. Pop. in 1821,12,754.
Canterbury, ph. Merrimack Co. N. H. 9 m. from Concord. Pop. 1,663. Heie is a village of Sha- kers.
Canterbury, ph. Windhi n Co. Conn. 40 m. E. Hartford. Pop. 1,881. Here are some manufac- tories of cotton and woo leu. Also a town in Kent Co. Del.
Canth, a town of Silesia, on the river Weistritz, 15 m. S. AV. of Breslau.
Cantin, Cape, a promontory of the Atlantic Ocean, on the coast of Morocco. Long. 9. 5. AV. lat. 32. 33. N.
Canton, a city, seaport, and capital of Quang- tong, the most southern province of China, and the only port in that vast empire with which Eu- ropeans are permitted to hold any intercourse ; it is finely situated at the head of a bay, into which flow two large rivers, one from the westward, which by numerous collateral branches intersects all the southern part of the empire, and the other from the north, which, by a portage of only one day’s journey, communicates with the great chain of inland waters that intersects every other pro- vince. These rivers afford a facility of conveyance by water, which renders Canton peculiarly well adapted for the great outport of the empire. The harbour is very commodious, and being sheltered by several small islands, it affords secure moor- ings for the innumerable barks or junks which navigate the inland watei s ; all the foreign ships an^jor several miles distant from the town, not on accoqrft of the incapac ity of the harbour to ac commodfife them, but from the peculiarly jealou3 policy of the Chinese, which seems to dread noth- ing so much as sociality of intercourse. Canton consists of three towns, divided by high walls, but f so conjoined as to form almost a regular square. The streets are long and straight, paved with flag- stones/and adorned with triumphal arches. The houses in general have only one floor, built of earth or brick, some of them fantastically colour- ed, and covered with tiles. Hie better class of people are carried about in chairs; but the com- mon sort walk barefooted and bareheaded. At the end of every street is a harrier, which is shut every |
evening, as well as the gates of the city. The Eu ropeans and Americans occupy a range of build- ings termed the factories, fronting a spacious quay along the bank of the harbour, without the city , and no foreigner is permitted to enter without the special permission of the viceroy, which is sel- dom obtained.
There are 40,000 sampans or hoa.ts upon the river, which contains above 100,000 people who live constantly upon the water. The wall around the city is 4 or 5 miles in extent. The city con- tains vast numbers of triumphal arches and tem- ples richly adorned with statues. The streets are crowded with passengers to such a degree that it is difficult to get along. The European or Amer- ican visiter is struck with the variety and oddity of the different articles offered for sale in the streets and markets. If he is in quest of a dainty morsel of fresh meat he may here purchase a fine lot of rats, cats and puppies, which the Chinese
esteem particularly nice for making pies ! The foreign trade of Canton resolves itself into a mo- nopoly more peculiar and oppressive than any where else exists, (except the Bank of England and East India Company in London) it is vested . in 12 persons precisely on the same principle as the 12 Jews are permitted to act as brokers in the city of London, each paying a large premium for the privilege of trading, or in other words, as far as the principle applies in China, for the priv- ilege of extorting from and oppressing the produ- cers of the commodities in whidh they trade. There is, however, this difference in China; whilst each of the 12. individuals all trade on separate account, they are collectively, amenable, as well to foreigners as the government, for any default or mulct imposed upon any one or more of them individually; whilst each of the Jew brokers of London is only responsible for his own acts. In addition to the external commerce of Canton, it also appears to be the seat of almost every branch of manufacture, more especially of silks and household gods; and as from the circumstance of there being no public winrship in China, every house has its own collection of idols, the manu- facture of these forms one of the most important branches of occupation. The main article of ex- port from Canton is tea, which since 1798, to England alone, has averaged about 25 millions of lbs., whilst to America and other parts (since 1815 more especially) it has been gradually in-. creasing, making an aggregate average quantity, annually exported at the period of 1826, of about 40 millions of lbs. The other principal articles exported to England are raw silk and nankeens, |