south-west point jetting upon the gulf of Trieste. It is intersected from the north-west to the south- east by the Save river, which receives several tributary streams, both from the north and south. In feature, character, and productions, it is very similar to Carinthia, somewhat more diversified and fertile, and having the advantage of a nearer proximity to the sea, the inhabitants are some- what more active and enterprising. It is divided into four parts, viz. Upper, north; Inner, south- west; Middle and Lower, south-east. Laybach, in the middle district, is the chief town. For commercial purposes it has the advantage of the port of Fiume, as well as Trieste.
Carolath, a town of Silesia, capital of a princi- pality of the same name, seated on the uder, 14 nt. N. W. of Glogau.
Carolina, a town of Spain in Andalusia, the ehief of a new colony of the same name, in the Sierra Morena. It stands on a hill, towering above the whole settlement, 20 m. N. E. of An- duxar.
Carolina, See North and South Carolina.
Caroline a county of Maryland, bounded on the east by Kent county, state of Delaware, and on the west by the Tuckapo and Choptank Rivers, which fall into Chesapeak Bay. Pop. 9,070.
xe2x96xa0 Denton is the chief town.
Caroline, an interior county in the District of Virginia, bounded on the north-east by the Rap- pahannock River, and south-west by the North Anna River. Its area is abont 20 miles each way, or 400 square miles, and is tolerably fertile. Pop.
17,774. Above one half of the population are slaves. Bowling Green, is the chief town.
Caroline, ph. Tompkins Co. N. Y. 199 m. W. Albany. Pop. 2,633.
Caroline Islands, a range of islands in the North Pacific Ocean, discovered in 1686, by the Span- laids, in the reign of Charles II. They lie to the east of the Philippines, between 138. and 155. xc2xa3. long, and 8. and 11. N. lat. They are about xc2xabld in number, and populous; the natives resembling those of the Philippines. The most considerable island is Hogoleu, about 90 m. long and 40 broad: the next is Yap, at the west extremity of this chain, but not above a third part of that " size. They have been little visited by recent navigators.
Caroon, Lake of. See Kaipjun.
Cwroor. See Caruru.
Carora, a city of Colombia, in the province of Venezuela, situate about 45 m. from the strait that separates the gulf from,the lake of Mara- caibo, and 150 m. west of Valencia It is inter- sected by a stream called the Morera, that runs east int<5 the Caribbean Sea. The inhabitants, about 6,000 in number, subsist principally by means of cattle and mules, which they drive to the coast for transhipment to the West India islands. The surrounding country produces a variety of odoriferous balsams and aromatics, which under social arrangements might be made to constitute an extensive and reciprocal external commerce.
Carpadtiarf Mountains, a grand chair, which Sfoides Hungary and Transylvania from Poland on tne north and north-east, and from Moravia on the north-west, extending about 500 m.
Carpendolo, a town of the Bresciano, on the Chiese, 15 m. S. S. E. of Brescia. Pop. about 4,030.
Carpentaria, a large bay on the north coast of New HoUvtuI discovered, in 1618 b/ . Dutch |
captain, named Carpenter. That part of the country which borders on the east side of the bay is also called Carpentaria. It has about 1,200 m of coast, and some good harbqurs. It is frequent- ed by Chinese junks to fish for tne Beech-le -mar one of the most delicious of the finny tribe, which superabound at the entrance of this bay.
Carpentrus, a town of France in the depart ' ment ofVaucluse. It we- .....erly the capita of Venaissin, and atiaiiop's see. It is seated on the Auson, at the foot of a mountain, 14 m. N. E. of Avignon. Pop. about 9,000.
Carpi, a town of Italy, in the Modenese with a fortified castle, and a good trade. It stands oil a canal to the Seechia eight miles north of Modena,
Carpi, a town of Italy, in the Veronese, where a victory was gained by the Austrians over the French, in 1701. It is seated on the Adige, 24 m. S. E. of Verona.
Carrick on Shannon, a towin of Ireland, capital of the county of Leitrim. It is a small place, seated on the Shannon, 78 m. W. N. W. of Dub- lin. Pop. in 1821,1,673.
Carrick on Suir, a town of Ireland, in Tippera- ry, famous for its woolen cloth, called ratteen. It is seated on the Suir, 22 m. S. E. of Cashel, and 10 W. N. W. of Waterford. Pop. in 1821. 7,466.
Carrickfergus, a borough and seaport of Ire- land, chief town of the county of Antrim, with a castle. It is seated on a bay of its name, in tne Irish channel, 88 m. N. by E. of Dublin, and 8 from Belfast. Pop. of the town in 1821, 3,711, and of the parish 8,023.
Carrickmacross, a town of Ireland, in the coun- ty of Monaghan, 19 m. E. S. E. of Monaghan, and 44 N. by W. of Dublin. Pop. in Ic2l, 1,641.
Carrion de los Candes, a town of Spain, in Leon on the frontiers of Old Castile. It has ten parish churches, ten convents, and two hospitals; and is seated on the river Carrion, 18 in. N. of Pla- centia, and 40 AV". of Burgos.
Carroll, a county at the western extremity of Tennessee, bordering on Wood Lake, contiguous to the Mississippi River. Pop. 9.378. Hunting- don is the chief town
Carrolton, ph. Green Co. Illinois, 48 m.W of Vandalia.
CarrolviUe, ph. Jefferson Co. Alab.
Carron, a river of Scotland, in Stirlingshire which rises on the south side of the Campsey hills and flows into the frith of Forth, below Falkirk Two miles from its source, it forms a fine cascade called the Fall of Auchinlilly; and near its mouti commences the Great Canal from the Forth b the Clyde.
Carron, a village of Scotland, in Stirlingshire on the river Carron, twin miles from Falkirk, cel ebrated for the greatest iron-works in Europe These works employ about 3,000 men; and, or an average, use weekly 800 tons of coal, 400 tona of ironstone, and 100 tons of limestone. All sorts of iron goods are made here, from the most trifling article to the largest cannon; and the short piece of ordnance called a carronade hence received its name. The trade in coke and lime is also consid- erable. These works were erected in 1761, and are carried on by a chartered company.
Carru, a town of Piedmont, in the province of Mondoni, 8 m. S. S. of Bene. Pop. about 4,000.
Cart, two rivers in Scotland, in Renfrewshire, distinguished by the appellation of Black and White. The Black Cart issues from the lake Lochwinnoeh: the White Cart descends from the |