Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 169
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north-east angle of the county ; and they both
flow into the Gryfe, a few miles before its conflu-
ence with the Clyde.



Cartago, a city and capital of Costa Rica, and
a bishco’s see. It stands on a river of the same
name, 50 m. from its mouth in the Pacific Ocean,
and about the same from Lake Nicaragua. Long.
84. 10. W. lat. 10. 15. N.

Cartago, is also the name of a town in Colom-
bia, in the valley of Popayan, about 100 m. W. of
Bogota. Pop. about 5,000.

Cartama, a town of Spain, in Granada, at the
foot of a mountain, near the river Guadala Medi-
na, 8 m. N. W. of Malaga.

Carter, a frontier county at the north-east ex-
tremity of Tennessee, bounded on the east by the
Iron, Yellow, and Stone mountains which divide
it from North Carolina. It is intersected by the
Watonga, a branch of the Tennessee River. Pop.
6,418. Elizabeth Town, on the west side of the
county is the chief town.

Carteret, a county of North Carolina, bordering
on the Atlantic Ocean, south of Pamlico Sound.
It is a swampy and dreary district. Pop. 6,607.
Beaufort, is the chief town.

Carteret Island, an island in the Pacific Ocean,
seen by Captain Carteret in 1767. It is six leagues
lomr from east to west. Long. 159.14. E. lat. 8.
26. S.

CarterstiUe. ph. Cumberland Co. Ain. on James
river, 40 m. AV. N. AV. of Richmond.

Carthage, ph. Jefferson Co. N. Y. 177 m. N. W.
Albany. Also a village in Monroe Co. N. Y. on
the Genesee, a little below the falls. Also towns
in N. C., Ten., and Ohio.

Carthage, Cape, a promontory on the east coast
of the kingdom of Tunis, near which stood the fa-
mous city of Carthage, razed by the Romans, and
some of the ruins are to be seen on the coast. It
is 10 m. N. E. of Tunis. Long. 10. 20. E. lat. 36.
50. N.

Carthagena, a seaport of Spain, in Murcia, built
by Asdrubal, a Carthaginian general, and named
after the city of Carthage. It is the see of a bish-
op, and a great mart for merchandise. It has the
best harbour in Spain; also the most considerable
docks and magazines. The principal crops of ba-
rilla are produced in its vicinity; and a fine red
earth, called almagra, used in polishing mirrors,
and preparing tobacco for snuff. Carthagena was
taken by Sir John Leak in 1706, hut the Duke of
Brunswick retook it. It is seated on a gulf of the
same name, 27 m. S. ofMurcia. Long. 1. 0. W.
lat. 37. 33. N. and240. S. S. E. of Madrid. Pop.
about 25.000.

Carthagena, a city of South A me.ica, in the New
Colombian province of Magdalena. It is situate
on an iiland off the shore of the Caribbean Sea,
in the lit. of 10. xe2x80x9825. N. and 75. 27. of AV. long,
about 7 ) m. S. S. AV. of the mouth of the Magda-
lena, and 183 N. N. E. of the Gulf of Darien. It
has a commodious and safe harbour, and for near-
ly three centuries has ranked among the most con-
siderable cities t-f America. It was the port first
resorted to by galleons from Spain during the mo-
nopoly of tire commerce of America with that
country. It has experienced various alternations
of fortune, having been several times captured,
and %as an object of severe contention between
the royalist, and republican forces from 1815.down
to the period of the final extinction of Spanish
domination in America in 1823. The island is
united to the main land by two wooden bridges.
The houses are chieflv built of stone, and it has

several churches and convents, some of whicn -
elegant edifices. Its harbour will doubtless con-
tribute towards its retaining a high rank among
the cities and seaports of the new republic. Pop.
in 1826, about 28,000.

Cartmd, a town in Lancashire, Eng. It has
a spacious old church, with a curious tower,
being a square within a square, the upper part
set diagonally within the lower. It is seated
among the hills called Cartmel Fells, not far
from the sea, 14 m. N. by W. of Lancaster, and 254
N. N. W. London. Pop. 371, and of the parish

Carura, or Caroor, a town of Hindoostan, in
the province of Coimbetore, with a neat fort, in
which is a large temple Much sugar-cane is
raised in the vicinity. It is seated on the Amara-
wati, eight miles above its confluence with thp
Cavery, and 37 N. E. of Daraporam.

Carver, ph. Plymouth Co. Mass. 40 m. S.
Boston. Pop. 976. This town furnishes much
bog iron ore, and several furnaces are employed
in manufacturing the metal.

Carivar, a town of Hindoostan, in the province
of Canara, and a British settlement. It is seated
near the mouth of the Aliga, 50 m. S. S. E. of
Goa. Long. 74. 14. E. lat. 14. 52. N.

Casac, or Caiae, a country in the dominion of
Persia, on the frontiers of Armenia, governed by
princes of its own, nominally subject to Persia.
The inhabitants are descended from the Cossacs,
and represented as a rude and barbarous people.
Casac or Cazac Lora, is the name of the capital.

Casagiande. a town of New Mexico, in the
north part of New Navarre. Here is an immense
edifice, supposed to have been huilt by the ancient
Mexicans for a fortress : it consists of three
floors, with a terrace above them ; and the en-
trance is at the second floor, so that a scaling-ladder
was necessary. Long. 113. 23. AAr. lat.33. 40. N.

Casale, a town of Piedmont, lately the capital of
Lower Montferrat, and a bishop’s see. Its castle,
citadel, and all its fortifications have been demol-
ished. It is seated on the river Po, 37 m. N. E.
of Turin. Pop. about 15,000.

Casale Maggiore, a town of Italy, in the duchy
of Milan, on the river Po, 20 m. E. S. E. of Cre-
mona. Pop. about 4,900.

Casale Nuova, a town of Naples, in Calabria
Ulteriore. An earthquake happened here in
1783, by which upward of 4,000 inhabitants lost
their lives. It stands near the sea, II m. N. by
W. of Oppido.

*** There are numerous other towns in differ-
ent parts of Italy either named
Casale, or to
which it is perfixed.

Casbin, or Caswin, a town of Persia, in Irac
Agmei, where several of the kings of Persia have
resided. Nadir Shah huilt a palace here, inclosed
by a wall a mile and a half in circumference;
and the town is surrounded by another four miles
in circuit. It carries on a great trade, and is sea-
ted near the south shore of the Caspian Sea., in a
sandy plain, 230 m. N. AV. of Ispahan. Long.

50.10. E. lat. 36. 8. N. Pop. estimated at 60,000.

Cascaes, a town of Portugal, in Estremadura, at
the mouth of the Tagus, on the north bank, near
the rock, 17 m. west of Lisbon. Pop. 2,500.

Casco Bay, a bay of the state of Maine, between
Cape Elizabeth and Cape Small Point, leading
into the harbbur of Portland. It is 25 m. wide,
and interspersed with a great number of small
islands. Long. 69. 30. W. lat. 43. 40. N.

Caserta, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro


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