Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 173
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lai, it has been plumbed from 192 to 295 yards,
70 of which seemed to be in water. Pop. of the
village in 1821, 993.

Castleton, a township in the parish of Roch-
dale, Lancashire, Eng. Pop. in 1821, 7,894.

Castletown, the capital of the Isle of Man, near
the south coast, with a rocky and shallow har-
bour, which checks its commerce, a.nd renders
it inferior to Douglas in most respects. In the
centre of the town, on a high rock, is Castle
Rushen, a magnificent xc2xbbile, built of free stone, in
960, by Guttred, a prince ofthe Danish line, who
lies buried in the edifice. It is occupied by the
governor of tne island, ana on one side of it are
the chancery offices, and good barracks. Near
the town is a fine quarry of black marble, whence
the steps to St. Paul’s church, in London, were
taken. Long. 4. 38. W. lat. 55. 4 N. Pop. in
1821, 2,036.

Castletown, a town of Richmond Co. N. Y. on
Staten Island, at the entrance of New York har-
bour, where is the quarantine Ground and Marine
Hospital for that city. Pop. 2,204.

Castres, a city of France, capital of the depart-
ment of Tard, and lately an episcopal see. In
the reign of Louis XIII. it was a kind of pro-
testant republic; but in 1629, its fortifications
were demolished. It is the birthplace of Rapin
Thoyras and M. Dacier, has a good trade, and
contains a number of beautiful edifices and about
12,500 inhabitants. In the vicinity turquoise
stones have been fonnd. It is seated in a fine
valley, on the Agout, 36 m. E. of Toulouse.

Castries, Bay of, a bay on the north-east coast
of Chinese Tartary, in the strait of Saghalen,
visited by Peyrouse. Long. 142. 1. E. Tat. 51.

29. N.

Castro, a town of Jtaly, in the patrimony of
St. Peter, capital of a duchy of its name. It is
56 m. N. W. of Rome.

Castro, a town of Naples, in Terra d’Otranto,
six miles S. S. W. of Otranto.

Castro, a town of the island of Chiloe, with a
castle, which commands the harbour. It is 180
m. S. of Valdivia. Long. 75. 5. W. lat. 42.

4. S.

Castro, the ancient Mytilene, a seaport and
capital of the island of Metelin, with two har-
bours, one of which will admit large vessels.
There are two castles, the one ancient, the other
modern, in each of which is a Turkish gover-
nor and commander. Considerable vestiges still
remain of its former grandeur and magnificence.
The chief trade is ship building. It is 80 m. W.
of Adramitti, and 60 N. W. of Smyrna. Long.
26. 39. E. lat. 39. 14. N.

Castro de Uriahs, a town of Spain, in Biscay,
with a castle and an arsenal, on the seacoast, 22
m. N. W of Bilbao.

Castro Giovanni, a town of Sicily, in Val di
Demona. It was the ancient Enna, famous for
the worship of Ceres and Proserpine. It is 40
m. W. of Catano. Pop. about 12,000.

Castro Msrim, a strong town of Portugal, in
Algarve, seated near the mouth of the Guadiana,
15 m. E. N. E. of Tavira, and 62 S. by E. of Beja.
Long. 7. 20. W. lat. 37.12. N.

Castro Realt, a town of Sicily, in Val di Demo-
na, 15 m. W. of Messina. Pop. about 8,000.

Castro Verde, a town of Portugal, in Alemtejo,
on the Corbes, 18 m. S. S. W. of Beja.

Castro Vireyna, a town of Peru, in the pro-
vince of Guamanga, noted for good tobacco and
fine wool. It is 125 m. S. E. of Lima. Long. ”4,

45. W. lat. 13. 50. S.

%* There are several other towns in ita y.
Spain, and Portugal, tc the names of which
is perfixed.

Castria, a town of Austrian Istria, a few ir es
W. of Fiume.

Castrop, a town of Westphalia, in the co" t
of Mark, 7 m. W of Dortmund.

Castropol, a town of Spain, in Asturias, 14 o'
N. E. of Mondonedo.

Caswell, a county of North Carolina, bordering
on Pittsylvania county, Virginia. It is a square of
20 miles each way, intersected by numerous
streams falling into the Roanoke. Pop. 15,499
The principal town is Pittsborough.

Cat Island, the name at present given to Giuin-
or St. Salvador, one of the Bahamas and
the spot when the first discovery of America was
made. Columbus discovered this island on the
12th of October 1492, landed upon it and took for-

mal possession in the name of the King and Queen
of Spain. The island is about 60 m. long and 15!
wide, but is not a place of any commercial or polit
ical importance. It is in lat. 24. 30. N. long 75

Catabamba, or Cotobamba, an interior town ol
Peru, in a district of the same name, in the 14th
degree of south latitude. The town is seated on
the south-west bank of the Apurimac River about
60 m. S. of Cuzco.

Catabaw, properly Catawba, a river of the Uni
ted States, rising from numerous sources in the
north-west part of North Carolina, in the lat of

36. N. and 82. of W. long, running in a S. S E
direction into South Carolina, in which state it it
called the Wateree until it reaches the centre ol
the state, where it is joined by the Saluda or Con
garee and numerous other streams from the S. W .
where it is called the Santee, falling into the At-
lantic Ocean, in the lat. of 33. 5. N. and 79. 15.
of W. long, about 40 m. N. of Charleston, with
the harbour of which city it is connected hv s
canal from a point 50 m. above its entrance into
the sea.

Catabaw, or Catawba, an Indian town on the
banks of the preceding river at its entrance into
South Carolina. The native inhabitants amount
to about 450, the remains of a once powerful na-
tion, who have degenerated in physical energy,
and progressively decreased in number, sir in
their association with Europeans.

Catahoula, or Oeatohool, a parish in the western
district of Louisiana, about 60 miles in extent fr- to
north to south, and 30 in mean breadth; it is in-
tersected by the Washita and several other riv -rs
and lakes. Pop. 2,576. A town of the sa ne
name, on the west bank of the Washita, is 260 nj-

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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