Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 175
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of the mountain, steep and seemingly inaccessible,
tower far above you, clothed in the rich, deep
foliage peculiar to such regions; while below your
path a clear stream runs, one moment bubbling
over its rocky bed, and the next leaping down in
cascades to the valley. The road is extremely
circuitous, and so completely hemmed in by the
luxuriant growth of forest trees that the traveller
is for a long time unable to judge of his progress
in the ascent by any view of the country he has
left. At an abrupt angle of the road, however, he
ontains at once a full view of the Mountain House
xe2x80x94perched like the eyrie of an eagle among the
cloudsxe2x80x94or rather like the enchanted castle in a
fairy tale ; seemingly inaccessible to mortal foot,
still it reminds him of such terrestrial comforts as
are sure to be acceptable after exercise in the pure
air of the mountains. Another turn and it again
disappears, and the traveller next finds himseif on
the level rock of the Pine Orchard, and approach-
ing the Hotel from the rear. A moment more
and he is on the edge of the precipice in front of
the noble building. From this lofty eminence all
inequalities of surface are over-looked. A seem-
ingly endless succession of woods and watersxe2x80x94
farms and villages, towns and cities, are spread
out as upon a boundless map. Far beyond rise
the Tagkannuc Mountains, and the highlands of
Connecticut and Massachusetts. To the left, and
at a still greater distance, the Green Mountains
of Vermont stretch away to the north, and their
blue summits and the bine sky mingle together.
The beautiful Hudson, studded with islands, ap-
pears narrowed in the distance, with steam-boats
almost constantly in sight; while vessels of every
description, spreading their white canvass to tire
breeze, are moving rapidly over its surface, or
idly loitering in the calm. These may be traced
to the distance of nearly seventy miles with the
naked eye ; and again at times all below is en-
veloped in dark cloud and rolling mist, which,
driven about by the wind, is continually assuming
new, wild, and fantastic forms.

From the Pine Orchard a ride or walk of a mile
or two brings you to the Kauterskill Falls. Here the
outlet of two small lakes, leaps down a perpen-
dicular fall of 180 feetxe2x80x94then glides away through
a channel worn in the rock to a second fall of 80
feet. Below this it is lost in the dark ravine
through which it finds its winy to the valley of the
Catskill. The waterfall, bold as it is, forms how-
ever. but one of the many interesting features of
this scene. Standing on the edge of the first fall,
you look down into a dreary chasm whose steep
sides, covered with the dark ivy and the thick
foliage of summer, seem like a green bed prepar-
ed for the reception of the winters. Making a
circuit from this spot, and descending about mid-
way of the first fall, you enter a footpath which
conducts into an. immense natural amphitheatre
behind the waterfall. The effect of this scene is
imposing beyond description. Far over your head
projects a sc tooth surface of rock, forming a mag-
nificent ceding to this amphitheatre. In front is
the ever-failing water, and beyond, the wild
mountain dell with the clear blue sky above.

Cattaraugus, a county toward the west extrem-
ity of the state of New York, bordering on Penn-
sylvania ; it is a raoare of about 35 miles each
way. The Alleghany River, falling into the
Ohio, is, however, navigable for more than 30
miles within this county, which will doubtless
tend to excite industry, and thereby increase its
population ; it is bounded on the north by Catta-
raugus River, or creek, which falls into the cast
end of Lake Erie. Pop. 16,726. Ellioitsville is
the chief town.

Cattaro, a town of Dalmatia, with a castle, seat-
ed on a gulf of its%iame, in the Adriatic, which
forms two extensive and secure harbours. The
town is built at the extremity of the inner basin,
surrounded by rocks, and strongly fortified. It is
24 m. S. of Scutari. Long. 19. 15. E. lat. 42.12

Cattegat, a gulf of the German Ocean, between
Sweden and Jutland, extending for about 120 m.
from north to south, and 70 from E. to W.,
through which the Baltic Sea is entered by three
straits, called the Sound, the Great Belt, and the
Little Belt.

Cattaio, a town of Italy, in the Paduan, 5 m. S
of Padua.

Catteriek, a village in West Yorkshire, Eng.
near Richmond. It has a bridge over the river
Swale, and a Roman highway crossed the river
here, on the banks of which are the foundations
of great walls, and a mount cast up to a vast

Catwyck, a village of South Holland, on the
German Ocean, near which the riv**r Rhine is lost
in the sands. It is six miles north by west of

Catzenellenbogen, or Kutzenellenbogen, a town
and castle of Germany, in the circle of Upper
Rhine, which gives name to a county. The town
has an iron mine near it, and is 10 m. N. E. of St.

Caub, a town of Germany, with a citadel; seat-
ed on the Rhine, 2 m. N. by E. of Bacharach.

Cauca, a river of Colombia, rising near Popa-
yan, in the lat. of 3. N. running north through the
valley of Popayan, between the 2d and 3d ridges
of the Andes, falling into the Magdalena about
120 m. above the entrance of that river into the
Caribbean Sea in the lat. of 11. N.

Caucasia, a government of Asiatic Russia, di-
vided into the two provinces of Astracan and
Caucasia. The province of Caucasia comprises
the Cuban, and all that district to the east and
south, now in the possession of Russia, between
the rivers Don and Cuban, and between the
Black Sea and the Caspian, extending as far as
the confines of Georgia.

Caucasus, a chain of mountains extending from
the mouth of the Cuban, in the Black Sea, to the
mouth of the Kur, in the Caspian. Their tops
are always covered with snow: and the lower
parts abound in honey, corn, wine, fruits, gum,
hogs, and horned cattle. The Caucasian moun-
tains are inhabited by seven distinct nations, each
speaking a different language : namely, the Tur-
comans, the Abkahs, the Circassians, the Ossi,
the Kisti,the Lesgius, and the Georgians.

Caudebec, a town of France, in the department
of Lower Seine, 18 m. W. by N. of Rouen. Pop.
about 3,000.

Caudette, a town of Spain on the frontiers of
Murcia and Valencia, about 50 m. W. of Denia.
Pop. about 6,000.

Caudhully, a town of Hindoostan, in the prov-
ince of Coimbetore. It is the first place of any
note above the Ghauts, and a principal thorough-
fare between the country below and that above
those mountains. The inhabitants aro chiefly
traders. It is 60 m. S. E. of Seringapatam.

Caughnawaga, p.v. Montgomery county, New
York; situated south the river Mohawk, 42 m. N
W. Albanv.

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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