jrouche, at its head. Along the coast are numer- ous inhabitants whose occupation is fishing and ship-building.
Chalf or d', or Chdfford, a village in Gloucester- shire, Eng. 2 m. S. E. of Stroud. It stands on the Stroud canal, and has a considerable manufac- ture of broad cloth. See Stroud.
ChaUans, a town of France, in the department of Vendee, situate aDout 12 in. from the coast, and 21 m. N. of Sables dOloone.
Quill one, a town of France, in the department of Mayenne and Loire, situate on the S. bank of the Loire, 30 m. E. N. E. of Nantes. Pop. about 5,000.
Chalons sur Marne, a city of France, capital of the department of Marne, and lately an episcopal 6ee. It contains several public buildings and
12,000 inhabitants, who carry on a considerable trade in shalloons and other woolen stuffs. Here is an academy of the sciences, arts, and belles-let- tres. Chalons is seated on the river Marne, over which there is one very handsome, and two other bridges. It is 25 m. S. E. of Rheims, and 95 E. of Paris.
Chalons sur Saone, a city of France, in the de- partment of Saone and Loire, with a citadel, and lately an episcopal see. It is the staple of iron for Lvon and St. Etienne, and of wines for exporta- tion. Here are various indications of Roman magnificence, particularly the ruins of an amphi- theatre. The city c t ntains the old town, the new town, ar.d die suburb of St. Lawrence. In the first is the court of justice, and the cathedral. Chalons is sealed on the Saone. 70 m. N. of Ly- ons, and 170 S. E. of Paris. Pop. about 9.000.
Chains, a town of France, in the department of Upper Vienne, with a castle. Richard I. of Eng- land, while pr' paring to besiege this place, re- ceived a wound in his shoulder, by an arrow, which proved mortal. It is 15 m. W. S. W. of Limoges.
Chain, a town of Bavaria, seated on the river Cham, at its confluence with the Regen, 27 m. N. E. of Ratisbon. Pop. about 2,000.
Cham,, is also the name of a small town on the N. W. bank of the Lake of Zug, in Switzerland, and a town at the mouth of a small river, falling into the Gulf of Siam, on the west side ; it is also (or Citim) the name of a district in Cochin China.
Ckumbersburg, a town of Pennsylvania, Frank- lin county, situate in a hilly country, 30 m. S. W. of Carlisle. It is a flourishing place and has manufactories of excellent cutlery.
Chamberry, the capital of Savoy, with a castle, and a ducal palace. It is fortified by walls and ditch-?-. and watered by many streams, which run through several of the streets. There are piazzas under most of the houses, where people may walk xe2x80xa2irv in the worst weather. It has large and hand- some suburbs : and in the neighbourhood are some baths, much trequented in summer. In 1742, the Spaniards maA themselves masters of this capi- tal. but it was restored by the peace of 1748. It was taken in 1792 by the French, who were dis- possessed of it in 17.0, but regained it in 1800. It is seated at the conflux of the Lesse and DAlbon, 27 m. N. E. of Grenoble, and 85 N. W. of Turin. Pop. about 12.000. Long. 5. 50. E. lat. 45. 33. N.
Chambertin, a village of France, in the depart- ment of Cote dOr, celebrated for its delicious wine. It lies to the south of Dijon. |
Chambly, a fort of Lower Canada, on the river Chambly, or Sorel, issuing from Lake ChamplHLiri. It was taken by the Americans in 1775, and reta- ken by the English in 1776. It is' 15 m. east o Montreal; and a little higher on the same river is the fort of St. John, which is a frontier garrison.
Chamneishoi, a town of Asiatic Russia lying south of the south end of Lake Baieal, near the frontiers of Chinese Tartary.
Cliamouni, one of the elevated valleys of the Alps, about 3,300 feet above the level or tne sea. It is at the foot of Mont Blanc, on the north side, and is watered by the Arve, and celebrated for its herds of goats. There is a village of the same name in the bosom of the valley, on the banks of the Arve, 42 m. E. N. E. of Chamberry, and 35
S. E. of Geneva.
diamond, St. a town of France, in the depart ment of Rhone, with a castle on the river Giez, 17 m. S. of Lyon.
Champagne, a late province of France, 162 m. long and 112 broad; bounded on the north by Hainault and Luxemburgh, east by Lorrain and Franche Comte, south by Burgundy, and west by the Isle of France and Soissonnois. It now forms the departments of Ardennes, Aube, Marne and Upper Marne.
%* There are several small towns and vil- lages of the same name in different parts of France.
Champaign, an interior county of the State of Ohio, about 20 miles in length, from east to west, and 10 broad ; it is intersected from north to south by Mad River, a branch of the Great Miami. Pop. 12,130. Urbana, 50 m. W. N. W. of Columbus, is the chief town.
Champaneer, a city and capital of a district of the same name, in the province of Malwa, Hin- doostan: it was formerly the capital of the rajahs of Guzerat; ruins of temples and mosques remain to attest its former consequence. It is 45 m. due east of Cambray.
Champion, ph. Jefferson Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,342 Also a township in Trumbull Co. Ohio.
Champlain, a lake of North America, which di vides the north part of the state of New York from that of Vermont. It is 90 miles long, in a direc- tion due north, and 15 in its broadest part; the mean width is about six miles, and its depth is sufficient for the largest vessel. It contains many islands, the principal of which, called North He ro, is 24 miles long, and from two to four wide It receives the waters of Lake George from the
S. S. W. and sends its own waters a north course, through Chambly River, into the St. Lawrence. The land on its borders, and on the banks of its rivers is good. Although this lake lies between the lat. of 45. and 47. it is frequently frozen over so as afford a passage on the ice for two or three months in the year; it is united with Lake Erie by a canal.
Champlain, a town of New York, in Clinton County, situate on Lake Champlain, near its north extremity, 190 m. N. Albany. Pop. 2,456.
Champlemy, a town of France, in the depart- ment' of Nievre, near the source of the Nievre, 25 m. N. N. E. of Nevers.
Chancay, a seaport of Peru, capital of a district of the same name. It has a convenient port; 45 m. north by west of Lima.
Chanceford, Upper and Lower, towns in York Co. Pa.
Chanda, a town of Hindoostan, in Berar, seated on a branch of the Godavery, 78 m. S. ol Nag- pour. Long. 79. 54. E. lat. 20. 2. N.
Chanderee, a town of Hindoostan, capital of s
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