reach of the violence of tlie'ocean, whicn in 1813 was so far accomplished, as to hold 50 sail of the iine. having 50 feet depth of water. Other works of corresponding magnitude have since been carried on, and it now appears destined to become the chief naval station of France, and to rival in extent and magnificence every establishment of the kind in the world. Its situation is very advantageous, either for dispatching a fleet to any part of the world, west or south ; or for commanding the chan- nel between France and England. It is about 70 m. due south of the south side of the Isle of Wight, and 10.0 AV. N. AV. of Par s, in N. lat. 49. 39. and
1. 37. AV. long.
Cherihon, a seaport on the north coast of the Island of Java, about 150 m. N. of Batavia; it ex- ports large quantities of coffee.
Cherokccs, an Indian tribe occupying an exten- sive tract of country, between the Chatahoochee and Tennessee rivers, at the S. extremity of the Apalachian chain. The Cherokees were among the bravest and noblest of the American race. This na- tion has been lur.g distinguished, for being in ad- vance of the other Indian tribes in the arts of civilization. Some of their chieftains have been really great men, fully sensible of the disadvan- tages of their condition, and sagacious in devising means to remedy them. Among these chieftains, the late Charles Hicks, and John Ross, now at the head of the nation, were pre-eminent. Under their directing counsels, and aided by the policy of the general government, they have outstrip- ped all the other tribes in the march of improve- ment.
Advantageously situated in the northwest of Georgia, and extending themselves into Alabama and Tennessee, they occupy a well watered and healthy country, conveniently divided into hill and dale. The northern part is quite mountain- ous ; but the southern and western parts are com- posed of extensive and fertile plains, covered with the finest timber, and furnishing excellent pas- turage. The winters are mild, and the climate healthy. Large herds of cattle and horses are owned by thematives.'and they are used for culti- vating the earth. Numerous flocks of goats, sheep, and swine, cover the hills. The valleys and plains furnish the best soil, and produce In- dian corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, oats, and pota- toes. The natives carry on considerable trade with the adjoining states, and some of them carry their cotton down the Tennessee, and even down the Mississippi, to New Orleans. Apple and peach orchards are very common, and much at- tention is paid to gardens in the nation. There are many public roads in the nation, and houses of entertainment kept by the natives.
Numerous and flourishing villages are to be seen in every section of the country. Cotton and woolen cloths, and blankets, are manufactured here. Almost every family raises cotton for its own consumption. Industry and commercial en- terprise are extending themselves through' the nation. Different mechanical trades are pursued The population is rapidly increasing, and the fe- male character is much respected. The religion of the nation is Christianxe2x80x94that religion which, wherever it reigns, whether in Europe, Asia, Africa, or America, elevates its professors above those of other religions. |
Another proof is given by this people of their capacity of self improvement, in the alphabet in- vented by one of their native chieftains, called Guess. I ke Cadmus, he has given to his people the alphab of their language. It is composed ov eighty-six characters, so well adapted to the pecu- liar sounds of the Indian tongue, that Cherokees, who had despaired of acquiring the requisite knowledge by means of the schools, are soon en- abled to read, and correspond with each other. This invention is one of the great triumphs of the aboriginal intellect. Like the Greeks and the Latins, the Indians have now found a means of perpetuating the productions of mind. They have erected a barrier against the inroads of oblivion. Henceforth their peculiar forms of expression, their combinations of thought, and the sugges- tions of their imaginations, will be preserved. An empire of intellect is founded on a stable founda- tion ; and when did such an empire experience a decline, till it had first attained the climax of hu- man grandeur P A printing press established in the nation issues a newspaper, periodically im- parting information, both of domestic and foreign origin, throughout the tribe.
Their political constitution affords another proof of their capacity of self government. Re- publican in its character, its provisions are better calculated, as expressed in the preamble, to es- tablish justice, insure tranquillity, promote the common welfare, and secure to ourselves and pos- terity the blessings of liberty, than many of the more einborate contrivances of their European brethren. The government is representative in its form, and is divided into executive, legislative, and judicial departments. The trial by jury is established; and the particular provisions of the constitution, while they are calculated to accustom the Cherokees to the principles of our system of jurisprudence, are peculiarly well adapted to the anomalous condition, in which the nation is placed. The whole is well suited to secure to the tribe the improvements already made, and to stimulate them to further advances in civilization.
The sympathies of the public have within a short time been strongly excited in their behalf in consequence of a determination manifested by the government of Georgia to expel them from their territory. The Cherokees refuse to depart. They avow themselves to be independent of the state of Georgia and under the protection of the United States.
Their numbers amount to about 14,000. Their capital is New Echota, on the Coosa river, within the limits of the territory claimed by Georgia.
Cheroniso, a town of European Turkey, on the N. E. coast of the island of Negropont, 25 m. E. of Negropont.
Cheroy, a town of France, in the department ofYonne, 10 m. W. of Sens.
Cherryjield, t. Washington Co. Me. Pop. 583.
Cherryton,. t. Northampton Co. Va. on the east- ern shore.
Chcrryvalley, p.t. a flourishing town of New York, in Otsego County, at the head of a creek of its name, 18 m. S. of Canajoharie, and 55 AV. by N. of Albany. Pop. 4,098.
Cherryville, villages in Pa., and Louisiana.
Cherso, an island in the Gulf of Venice, be- tween the coasts of Istria and Croatia. On the south it is separated from Osero by a very narrow channel, and the two islands are united by a bridge. The soil is stony ; but it abounds in cat- tle, wine, oil, and honey. It has a town of the same name, with a good harbour. Long. 14. 45. E. lat. 45. 10. N. The two islands contain to- gether a population of about 10,000, and wers ceded to Austria by the treaty of Campo Fomio |