than hilly, and subdivided by hedge rows, well stocked with timber, into comparatively very small enclosures, intersected by numerous paved roads, which imply either a Roman origin, or per- haps found necessary on account of the sandy prevalence of the surface. On the north and east side of the county about 100,000 persons are em- ployed in the silk and cotton manufacture. See Congleton, Macclesfield, and Stockport. The 250,- 000 tons of salt per annum exported, are convey- ed bv the river Wever, into the Mersey, about 20 m. above Liverpool, at which port it is principally shipped.
Cheshire, a county of New Hampshire, bound- ed on the west by the Connecticut River, which separates it from Vermont ; it is about 20 miles in mean breadth, and :'s, upon the whole, a tolerably fertile district; the south-end borders on Massa- chusetts. Pop. 27,016. Keene, in the interior of the county, 60 m. S. W. by AV. of Concord, is the chief town.
Cheshire, is also the name of a town in Berk- shire County, Massachusetts. Pop. 1,049. And of another in New Haven County, Connecticut. Pop. 1,764.
Cheshunt, a parish in Hertfordshire, England. Pop. in 1821, 4,376. Waltham Cross, at the en- trance of the parish from London, is 11 m. from Shoreditch church, on the line of the great north road.
Chester, a city of England, an ecclesiastical see, and capital of the county of Cheshire, is situate on the banks of the river Dee, at the western extremity of the county, 183 miles N. N. W. of London, and 24 due south of Liverpool. Chester is one of the most' ancient and interesting cities of England ; it is surrounded by a wall, nearly two miles in circumference, still kept in a good state of repair, the top affording, in its entire circuit, a delightful promonade. It has four gates, in the position of the four cardinal points, two of them very ornamental, and the whole in- teresting for their antiquity. Within the present century, the city has undergone vast improve- ments. Formerly, the houses in the principal streets projected over the foot-path, forming a covered way five or six feet wide ; which although agreeable enough in wet weather, rendered the shops and rooms on the ground floor dark and disagreeable, and gave an uncouth feature to the city. This defect is now wholly, or nearly so, removed, whilst several public edifices, unequalled in the British dominions for their architectural taste and grandeur, ornament different parts of the city; the most distinguished of these, are the county gaol, on the site of the old castle, and the county hall contiguous thereto; the porticoes of these two edifices, in their appropriateness of de- sign, exactness of proportion, and grandeur of effect, have no parallel in Britain, and cannot be surpassed in any part of the world. Here are a public library an exchange, &c. The cathedral is a venerable structure of reddish sand stone, built in the 8th century; there are eight other churches, and several dissenting places of wor- ship, a county infirmary, and several schools. Two annual fairs, in July and October, each of which continues several days, are verv numerously at- tended, giving rise to great traffic in linens from Ireland, and woolen cloths and stuffs from York- shire, and far the accommodation of which, a commodious hall was erected in 1809, and an- other in 1815. Chester, in 1825, had nine public oreweries, seven establishments for the cutting of corks, five iron founderies, two paper and four extensive flour mills, six manufactories of pipes, and nine of tobacco, and several other manufac- tories of minor importance. The river Dee is navigable up to the city for vessels of considera- ble burthen ; and ships of 300 to 400 tons are always in a course of building, and occasionally eight or ten at a time ; on the whole, however, Chester has more the character of a provincial, than of a seaport town. The contiguity of Liv- erpool having superseded it in hs latter character. Its local jurisdiction is vested n a mayor and 24 aldermen; it returns two members to Parliament by about 1,400 electors. The population, which in 1801 was 15,052, in 1821 amounted to 19,949. exclusive of about 1,500 in twTo adjoining oul parishes. |
Chester, a county at the S. E. extremity of the state of Pennsylvania in the E. District, bound ed on the N. E. by the Schuylkill River, and in- tersected by the Brandywine. The county is about 35 miles from north to south, and 1*5 in mean breadth. Pop. 50,908. A Vest Chester, on the east border of the county, 18 miles from Philadelphia, on the great western road to Pitts- burg, is the chief town.
Chester District, a county or district in the north part ofthe state of South Carolina, bound- ed on the east by the Catawba River, and west by Broad River, distant from each other about 25 miles. The district is about 20 north to south. Pop. 19,182.
Chester, p.t. Rockingham Co. N. H. 43 m. from Boston ; 30 from Portsmouth. Pop. 2,039. The town is about 12 miles in extent, and ihe village consists of a single street a mile long. Most of the trade of the county centres here. Plumbago of a good quality is found in this towin. Here are two remarkable caves, one of which exhibits columns of stalactites.
Chester, p.t. AVindsor Co. Vt. Pop. 2,320.
Chester, p.t. Hampden Co. Mass. Pop. 1,406
Chester, p.t. Orange Co. N. Y. There are 13 other towns and villages called Chester in the U. States.
Chesterfield, a town in Derbyshire, England. It has three establishments for the manufacture of baskets or skips, much used in the xe2x80xa2conveyance of cotton yarn from the mills to the dealers, five tanneries, two iron founderies, nine potteries chiefly coarse ware, some trifling manufactures of hosiery, &c. and next to Derby it is the most important trading town in the county. It has mines of coal, lead, and iron in its vicinity, and a canal, communicating with the Trent below Gainsborough; a prison for debtors, a market- house, town-hall and sessions-room are all com- bined under one roof. In 1821 the town con- tained 5,077 inhabitants, and the parish, which includes eight contiguous townships and hamlets, 4,113 inhabitants more. It is 155 miles N. by W of London, on the direct road from thence through Nottingham to Sheffield, from which it is distant 13 miles, and 26 from Nottingham.
Chesterfield, a county of Virginia bounded on the east and north by James River, and south by the Appomattox River. Pop. 18,637. The court house of the county is 15 miles S. by AV. of Richmond. The county contains about 300 square miles.
Chesterfield District, a frontier district of South Carolina, hordering on North Carolina, bounded on the east by the Groat Pedee River, and west by Lynche s Creek; it contains 450 square miles |