Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 192
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CHI    192    CHI

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Chtavari, a town of the territory of Genoa,
situate at the mouth of a river falling into the
gulf, about 20 m. S. E. of Genoa. It has seve-
ral manufactures. Pop. about 8,000.

Chiavenna, a town of Switzerland, capital of a
country of its name, subject to the Grisons. It
is a trading place, especially in wine and delicate
fru:ts, being the principal communication be-
tween the Milanese and Germany. The govern-
or’s palace and the churches are magnificent; and
the inhabitants are Roman Catholics. Here are
the ruins of a once celebrated fortress, on the
summit of a rock; and close to the town is a rock
of asbestos. It is seated on the banks of the river
Maira, which falls into the north end of the Lake
of Como. Pop. about 3,000. The district, which
is mountainous, contains a population of about


Chicago, a town with a military post called Fort
Dearborn, at the southern extremity of Lake
Michigan in the state of Illinois. A river of the
same name here flows into the lake.

Chichasaws, a nation of American Indians, set-
tled on the head branches of the Tombeckbe and
Yazoo rivers, in the N. E. corner of the state of
Mississippi; the N. W. extremity of their territo-
ry jets upon the river of that name; they have
seven towns, the central one of which is in lono-.
89. 43. AV. lat. 34. 23. N. Their numbers have
lately been cn the increase and they are now
about 4,000. They have many mills and work-
shops,and pay considerable attention to agriculture.

Chichacotta, a fortified town of Bootan, on the
south frontier, frequently taken and relinquished
by the British India troops, in the war with the
Booteeas in 1772. It is 48 m. S. hy E. of *Tas-
sasudon. Long. 89. 35. E. lat. 26. 35. N.

Chichester, a city, the capital of Sussex, Eng.
and a county of itself. It is a bishop’s see,
and has seven churches, beside the cathedral, a
spacious edifice, 4.10 ft. in length, with a tower,
surmounted by a spire rising to the height of 297
feet. The city is walled round, and had formerly
four gates. It exports corn, malt, &c. has seme
foreign commerce, and a manufacture of nee-
dles. The haven affords fine lobsters. It is
seated in a plain, on the river Levant, near its
entrance into an arm of the English Channel,
12 m. E. N. E. of Portsmouth, and 61 S. AV. of
London. Pop. in 1821, 7,362.

Chichester, p.t. Merrimack Co. N. H. 45 m. N.
AV. Portsmouth. Pop. 1,084.

Chidefa, a town of Independent Greece, in the
Morea, near the Gulf of Coron, 14 m. AV. of

Chiem-Sce, a lake of Bavaria 35 miles in circum-
terence. In the midst of it are two islands; on
one of them is a convent of Benedictine nuns,
and on the other an Augustine monastery. It
lies 22 m. W. N. W. of Salzburg, and discharges
its waters by the river Alza, in a northerly direc-
tion into the Inn.

Chieri, a town of Piedmont, surrounded by an
ancient wall, in which are six gates. It has four
grand squares, many churches and religious hou-
ses, and considerable manufactures of cloth and
silk. It is 7 miles east of Turin. Pop. about


xc2xab Chieti. See Civ it a di Clueti.

Chigwell, a village in Essex, Eng. 10 m. N. E.
of London. It is noted for a free-school, founded
by archbishop Harsnett, who had been vicar of
this place, and lies, buried in the church. Pop. in
91 1,696.

Chihuahua, a city in the province of Durango
situate in the lat. of 28. 50. N. on the high road
from the city of Mexico to Santa Fe, about 700 m.
N. N. W. of Mexico.
Chihuahua is a considera-
ble place, having several public buildings, and
about 11,000 inhabitants. The principal church
is a beautiful edifice ; the surrounding country is
productive in silver.

Chilca, a small seaport of Peru, about 30 m. S.
of Lima.

Chile, a territory of the southern division of
the western hemisphere, extending from the lat.
of 24. 20. to 43. 50. S. and from 65. 50. to 74. 20.
W. long, bounded on the w'nt by the Pacific
Ocean, and on the east by ti"xc2xbb Andes, which di-
vides it from the United Provinces of Buenos
Ayres,-being about 1,350 miles in length, from
north to south, and 130 in mean breadth, in a po-
sition from the south, of N. N. E. Antecedent
to the irruption of the Spaniards into this part of
the world, Chile was divided into several inde-
pendent states, of whom the earliest information
hitherto obtained respecting them, is, that in
1450 Upanqui, the then Inca of Peru, made in-
roads upon the Chilian territory, and subdued the
four northern provinces, at the southern boundary
of which their progress was stayed by the bravery
of a tribe called the Promancians. The Peru-
vians, however remained masters of the four
provinces, up to the period of 7.535, when it was
first visited by the Spaniards, who invaded it
from Peru with a force of 970 Europeans and

15,000 Peruvians, under the .ommand of Alma-
gro, the companion of Pizt-rro. Two-thirds of
the number of this expedition perished with fa-
tigue on the march, the remainder, however, suc-
ceeded in reaching the northern province of
Chile, and the Spaniards were received by the
inhabitants with cordiality and respect; but the
perfidy and baseness of Almagro indulged in the
wanton massacre of some of the chief men of the
country, and thereby raised the indignation of the
whole population against him : and having in a
general engagement with the Promancians, sus-
tained a oomplete defeat, and dissatisfaction pre-
vailing among 1 's troops, he returned to Peru in
1538. In 1540 nowever, Pizarro dispatched an-
other expeditim, under the command of' Val-
divia, who, after much resistance, succeeded in
extending ’
f arms as far as Mapocho, and from
that peri* the Spaniards maintained possession
of the co/ ntry, though not without repeated con-
flicts with the natives, and occasional reverse of
fortune. Such has been the bravery of the Arau-
cans, a tribe of Indians, occupying the southern
part of the territory, from the lat. of 37. to 42. S.
that up to the present time they have never been
subdued. The last conflict in which they were
engaged with the Spaniards was in 1773, in which
great slaughter ensued, without a decided triumph
to either party. From that period, however, tran
quillity has generally prevailed, the Araucans
having since then had a resident at Santiago,
more in the character of representative of an in-
dependent nation, than a conquered or dependent

In 1742, Don Josef Manto, the then Spanish
governor, under whose administration peace and
order generally prevailed, founded several new
towns, and divided the country the 22 fol
lowing provinces, commencing at the north, viz

1. Copiapo

4. Cuscos

5. Pectorca

6. Quillota

2. Huasco

3. Coquimbo


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