15. Concepcion
16. Aconcagua 71. Santa Rosa
7. Welipilla
8. Bancagua
9. Colchagua
10. Curico
11. Maule
12. Canquenes
13. Itata
14. Puchacay
18. Mapocho
19. Isla de Maule
20. Chilian
21. Rere
22. Isla de la Laxa.
Of these, the first five divisions extend from the Pacific Ocean to the Andes; Nos. 6 to 15 are bounded on the east by the seven remaining provinces, which with Concepcion, are bounded on the south by the Biobo River, in the lat. of 36.
50. S.; the more southern portion of the territory to the lat. of 42. S., being occupied by the Arau- c&ns, and the island of Chiloe projecting into the Pacific Ocean forms the southern extremity of the territory, which is separated from Peru on the north, by the dreary Desert of Atacama. The Andes, which flank the whole eastern boundary, rises to an average altitude of 12,000 to 14,000 feet above the level of the sea, having in the course of this range 14 volcanoes in a state of constant eruption, and several others which emit occasionally. All of them are, however, too re- mote from the inhabited parts of the territory, either to occasion inconvenience, or inspire ter- ror, by the violence of their eruption. The sev- eral provinces are mostly divided from each other by ranges of hills, each intervening valley being intersected by one or more streams of water, con- tributing alike to the beauty and fertility of the country, wliieh, as a whole, for diversity, beauty, and grandeur of feature, is unequalled in the world. Although the soil and climate of Chile are alike favourable to the culture and breed of all the fruits, grain, and animals conducive to the well-being, comfort, and enjoyment of society, its more distinguishing feature fs the abundance of its mineral productions, in gold, silver, copper, tin, and iron. Such, however, for nearly three centuries, was the subduing and perverse policy of the Spaniards, that with means to command every comfort, the inhabitants of this fine and fertile territory were kept in a state of barbarism, and on the verge of want. The ties of Spanish bondage, however, now appear broken, never to be united. The first movement of resistance to Spanish authority, which took place in 1809, for some time, appeared likely to succeed without in- terruption ; but in 1814, a Spanish force from Peru subdued nearly the whole country, and held it again in subjection until 1817, when a force, in the cause of independence, under the command of general San Martin, enifdred Chile from Buenos Ayres, and turned again the tide of victory against Spanish domination. On the 12th of Febraarv. 1819, the Chilians formally renounced all obligation to Spanish authority, and declared themselves- independent; which the battle of Maypa, in the following April, not only confirm- ed to theao. but enabled them to extend their arms, in pursuit of their oppressors, into Peru. Tlie new government is, however, for the pres- ent, too wsHtabfe to justify any positive conclusion as to the future destiny of the country. The population, aseordmg to a census taken in 1812, amounted to about 1.230,000, exclusive of some scattered trihes of Indians. Santiago, or St. Jago de Chile, (as it is sometimes written) in the province of Mapocho, in the lat. of 33. 20. is the chief city, to which Valparaiso, distant 100 miles west, is the seaport. The other seaports are Copiapo, Coquimbo, Concepcion, and Valdivia. 25
The Chilians are gay and hospitable, and are highly fond of bull fights, music, and dancing. They sleep from noon till sunset, after which the shops and streets are lighted up, and all the pub lie places are thronged till midnight.
A traveller in Chile in 1820, has furnished us with the following remarks :
The merchants and other principal inhabitants reside in the houses built along the base of the cliffs in Valparaiso, and along the streets of the Almehdral. But the poorer people live chiefly in the Quebradas, or ravines. This class of society have been the least affected by the changes in the political state of the country, and retain, as we were informed, nearly the same manners and habits as before ; a circumstance which gave them a higher interest to us; and induced us frequent- ly to rove ahout, in the cool hours of the evening, amongst their ranchos, or cottages. We were every where received with the utmost frankness, and, as far as the simple means of the inhabitants went, with hospitality. They were chiefly brick- makers, day-labourers, and washerwomen, who were always gratified by the interest we took in their affairs, replying readily and cheerfully to our inquiries. Their first anxiety was that we should be seated, in order, to use their phrase, that we might feel ourselves in our own house. Their next wish was that we should taste some- thing, no matter how little; some offering us spirits, or milk and bread; others, who could afford nothing else, presenting a citp of water. Yet, however wretched the cottage, or poor the fare, the deficiency was never made more appa- rent by apologies: with untaught politeness, the best they had was placed before us, graced with a hearty welcome.
These ranchos, as well as the houses in the town, are built of large flat bricks dried in the sun; and thatched with broad palm leaves, the ends of which, by overhanging the walls, afford shade from the scorching sun, as well as shelter from the rain. Each cottage is divided into two rooms; one- for the beds, and the other as a dining room; a portion of the mud floor in this apart- ment is always raised seven or eight inches above the level of the other parts, and being covered with mats, serves as a couch for the siesta sleep- ers after dinner.
In one cottage we found a young woman grind- ing corn in a very primitive mill, which consisted of two stones, one a large grooved block placed on the ground, the other polished, and about twice the size of her hand. The unground corn appeared to be baked till it could be crumbled
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