Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 200 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 200 Left Column
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Christianburg, Guinea (main entry)
    Gold Coast
Christiansville, Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States (main entry)
Christianfeld, Sleswick, Denmark (main entry)
    Christian VII
    Hadersleben (directional)
Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway (main entry)
    Bay of Biorning
    Gulf of Christiana
    Waterlandt, Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway
    Peterwigen, Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway
    Fierdingen, Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway
    Aggerhuys (Fortress), Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway
    Opsloe, Christiania, Aggerhuys, Norway
    Christian IV
    Copenhagen (directional)
Christianopel, Blekingen, Sweden (main entry)
    Baltic Sea
Carlscrona (main entry)
Christiansand, Christiansand, Norway (main entry)
    Torrisdals River
    Scagerack River
    Isle of Fleckeren
    Stavanger (directional)
    Christiana (directional)
Christianstadt, Blekingen, Sweden (main entry)
    Christian IV of Denmark
    Helge-a River
    Carlscrona (directional)
Christianstadt, Russian Finland (main entry)
    Gulf of Bothnia
Christiansund, Fossen (Island), Norway (main entry)
    Drontheim (directional)
Christineham, Wermeland, Sweden (main entry)
    Wenner (Lake)
    Carlstadt (directional)
St. Christini (Islands), Marquesas (Islands) (main entry)
Christmas Island (main entry)
    Pacific Ocean
Christmas Sound (main entry)
    Terra del Fuego
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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