Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 200 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 200 Right Column
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St. Christophe de Laguna, Teneriffe (Island) (main entry)
    St. Cruz
St. Christopher (Island), Leeward Islands, West Indies (main entry)
    St. Kitts (synonym for St. Christopher (Island), Leeward Islands, West Indies)
    Antigua (directional)
    Nevis (Island)
    Basseterre, St. Christopher (Island), Leeward Islands, West Indies
Christorf, Bunslau, Bohemia (main entry)
    Krottau (directional)
Chroberg, Sandomirz, Austrian Poland (main entry)
Chrudim, Chrudim, Bohemia (main entry)
    Chrudinka River
    Elbe River
    Prague (directional)
Chucuito, Paz, Peru (main entry)
    Lake Titicaca
    Lake of Chucuito
    Paz (directional)
Chudleigh, Devonshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Teign River
    Exeter (directional)
    London (directional)
Chuganserai, Cabul, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Cabul (directional)
Chukotskija, Siberia, Russia (main entry)
    Tchonkchi (synonym for Chukotskija, Siberia, Russia)
    Behring's Straits
Chulmleigh, Devonshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Taw River
    Bristol Channel
    Exeter (directional)
    London (directional)
Chumbul River (main entry)
    Ougein, Malwa
    Agra (directional)
Chunar, Allahabad, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Nabob of Oude
    Ganges River
    Benars (directional)
    Patna (directional)
Chunaub River (main entry)
    Indus River
    Thibetan Mountains
    Acesines River (synonym for Chunaub River)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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