Chung-king, a city of China of the first rank, in the province of Setchuen ; it is beautifully sit- uated on a mountain, in the fork of a river which runs from north to south, into the Kiang-kou
Chun-ning, another city of China, of the first rank, in the province of Yun-nen. Chun-ning may be considered the frontier city of China on the side of the Birman empire ; it is seated on a stream, which falls into the Kiou-long, or Great River of Cambodia, and is only a few miles distant from another stream, which falls into the Maygue, or Great River of Siam. It is in lat. 34. 47. N. and 100. 15. of E. long.
Chun-te, a city of China, in Pe-tcheli, with nine cities of the third rank under its jurisdiction. It is 210 m. S. S. W. of Pekin.
Chuprah, a large town of Hindoostan, in Bahar, on the north bank of the Ganges, 28 m. W. N. W. of Patna.
Chuquisaca. See Plata.
Churbar, a seaport of Persia, on the coast of Mekran ; it is seated on the east shore, near the entrance of a bay, of the same name in the lat. of
25. 16. N. and 60. 24. of E. long.
Church, there are 30 towns and villages in dif- ferent parts of England, the names of which are preceded by Church, but none that claim any particular notice; the most considerable are Church Staunton, in Devonshire, and Stretton, in Shropshire.
Church Hill, villages in Queen Annes, Co. Ma- ryland and Abbeville Dis. S. C.
Churehtoicn, p.v. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Churchville, p.v. Middlesex Co. Va.
Chusan, an island on the east coast of China, with a town called Ting-hai, and a much frequent- ed harbour. Long. 122. 30. E. 30.0. N.
Chusistan. See Cusistan.
Chiampa, or Tsiompa, a small kingdom of Asia, bounded on the north by Cochin-China, S. E. by the China Sea, W. and N. W. by Cambodia. It is more elevated than Cambodia, but not so fer- tile ; having tracts of sand intersected with rocks. The productions are cotton, indigo, and silk. The inhabitants are much employed in fishing. Cape St. James, at the S. E. extremity of the territo- ry is in lat. 10. 18. N. and 107. 10. E. long.; from this point the coast lies in a direction E. N. E. for about 200 miles. There are two or three small harbours along the coast, of which Ceeir Bay, about 140 m. E. N. E. of Cape St. James, is the most considerable.
Ciatolt, a town of Hindoostan, capital of one of the northern Circars. It is 150 miles N. E. of Baj- amnndrv. and 308 E. N. E. of Hydrabad. Long.
84.8. E. lat. 18. 16. N.
Cicero, p.t. Onondaga Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,808.
Cidml. a frontier town of Dalmatia, on a rocky hill, on the west bank of the Narenta. It was taken from the Turks, by the Venetians, in 1694, and is 6 m. S. W . of Narenta. Long. 18. 22. E. .at. 43. 29. N
CUlry, a town of Germany, in Stiria, capital of a circle of the same name. It has a considerable trade in merchandize going to and from Vienna and Trieste; and is seated on the Saan, where it re- ceives the Koding, and becomes navigable, 58 m. S. by W. of Gratz. Long. 15. 19. E. lat. 46. 21. N.
Cimbnsham, a seaport of Sweden, in Schonen. 24 m. S. of Christiamtadt. Long. 14. 21. E. lat. 55. 33. N.
Cinaloa, or Sihmia, a province and town of Mex- ico, in the in tendency of Sonera, on the gulf of 26 |
California. The Aborigines in this province are robust and warlike, and were with difficulty brought to submit to the Spaniards, about the year 1771. This province produces abundance of maize, legumes, fruits, and cotton, and abounds in the richest gold mines. The town is seated on a river of the same name, and contains about 9,500 inhabitants. Long. 109. 35. W. lat. 26. 15. N.
Cincinnati, the largest town of the state of Ohio, and the capital of Hamilton County. It is seated on the north bank of the Ohio river, about two miles below the entrance of the Licking, from the state of Kentucky, and 20 above the entrance of the Great Miami, and about 600 above the en trance of the Ohio into the Mississippi, in the lat. of 39. 7. N. and 7. 30. W. long, of Washing- ton city. Cincinnati has increased in population J and importance more rapidly than any other town in the Union. The population which in 1805 did not exceed 500, in 1830 amounted to 26,515 with indications of still greater increase. It has exten- sive flour and saw-mills, worked by steam, and va- rious manufactures. It carries on a very extensive traffic with New Orleans, in exchanging the agri- cultural prod uctions of the state of Ohio for tropical and other foreign articles; and is the most import- ant city of all the territory of America west of the Alleghany Mountains. It is regularly built in squares and many of the structures are handsome. It has a college and a medical institution.
Cinefi, a town of Sicily, in Val di Mazara, in the neighbourhood of which excellent manna is col- lected. It is 20 m. west of Palermo.
Cinty.a town of the Netherlands, in the territo- ry of Liege, 17 m. S. E. of Namur, and 37 S. W. of Liege.
Cinque Ports, certain ports on the south coast of England, opposite France, so called on account of their being five in number, when their first charter was granted by William I. in 1077. These were Dover, Hastings, Hytbe, Roninev and Sandwich ; to which were afterwards added Win- chelsea, Seaford, and Rye. The king appointed a constable of Dover Castle (who is now called Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports) and invested him with the command of these ports, whose in- habitants had considerable privileges and immu- nities, for which they were to supply the gov- ernment with 57 ships, at 40 days notice and to pay thsir crews during 15 days. At that period, the opulent traders of London were styled barons; a privilege that was enjoyed likewise by the merchants of these ports ; each of which at pres- ent returns two members to parliament, the rep- resentatives being styled barons of the Cinque Ports. Their other privileges are now become nominal. See each place under its respective head.
Cinque Villas, a town of Portugal, in Beria, 6 m. N. E. of Almeida.
CintejrabeUe, a town of France, in the depart- ment of Upper Garonne,on the frontier of Arriege, 17 miles south of Toulouse. Pop. about 3,000.
Cintra, a town of Portugal, in Estremadura, situ- ate between the mountains of Cintra, on the north side of the entrance of the Tagus. Here was a pal- ace built by the Moors, which was destroyed by an earthquake, in 1655, and rebuilt by king Jo seph. It is 12 m. N. W. of Lisbon, by the inhab- itants of which place it is much frequented as an Occasional retreat; and is distinguished for the convention concluded at it, on the 22nd August, 1808, between the English general Dalrymole and the French general Junot. |