Kentucky, containing about 1,000 square miles of Burface, thinly inhabited. Pop. 3,549. The south fork of the Kentucky River has its source in this aounty. Manchester is the chief town.
Claydon, there are five villages of this name in different parts of England, all inconsiderable.
Clayton, there are eight townships and villages of this name in different parts of England, all inconsiderable.
Claytun, there are eight townships and villa- ges of this name in different parts of England, the mast important of which is a township, con- taining 3,609 inhabitants, in the parish of Brad- ford, Yorkshire, which see. The others are unim- portant.
Claysville, p.v. Washington Co. Pa. and Har- rison Co. Ken. *
Clayton, t. Perry Co. Ohio.
Claytonvillc, p.v. Rodin Co. Geo.
There are eight other villages in different parts of England beginning with Clay.
Clear, Cape, the south point of a small island off the south extremity of Ireland, in the lat. of 51. 20. N. and 9. 37. W. long. It generally forms the point of departure, or commencement of the reckoning of vessels sailing out of St. Georges Channel to the westward.
Clearfield, an interior county, in the west part of Pennsylvania, in which the western bank of the Susquehanna and several creeks have their source. Pop. 4.803, The chief town of the same name is about 200 m. N. N. W. of Philadelphia.
Clearfield, t. Butler Co. Pa.
Clear Stream, r. N. H. a branch of the Andros- coggin.
Clegueree, a town of France, near the north frontier of the department of Morbihan, 11 m. N. W. of Pontivi. Pop. about 4,000.
Cleobury, a town in Shropshire, Eng. seated on the river Rea, 28 m. S. S. E. of Shrewsbury, and 137 N. W. of London. Pop. in 1821,1,602.
Clerkenwell, one of the out-parishes, forming an integral part of the British metropolis, lying on the north side. The inhabitants, in 1801, amounted to 23,396, and in 1821, to 32,105, about 5,000 of whom were employed as lapida- ries, working jewellers, and in all the various branches of the manufacture of clocks, watches, and time-keepers, which are here made in greater perfection than in any other part of the world. In this district are two or three extensive dis- tilleries, serveral iron foundries, and various other manufactures, as also the works of the New Riv- er Company, which supply a great portion of the metropolis with water, conveyed by pipes into the several houses. Clerkenwell contains also a. very elegant and spacious edifice, in which the sessions for the county of Middlesex are held; two extensive prisons, one appropriated as a house of correction for juvenile offenders, and the other, which has recently been much enlar- ged, to general purposes. It has a theatre for pantomime and aquatic exhibitions, called Sadlers'Wells, and was formerly distinguished for an extensive establishment of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. This was destroyed by the rebels under Wat Tyler, in 1381, except the principal gate tower, which still remains en- tire, and forms one of the most interesting fea- tures of antiquity connected with the metropolis. It has two churches, but neither of them remark- able for their architecture, nor is the general aspect of this division of the metropolis in any way imposing to the eye; but in the extent and value of its productions, it is entitled to rank among the most important. |
Clerke, or Sinde Isles, two islands near the entrance of Behrings Strait, between the coasts of Kamtschatka and North America. They were seen by Cook in 1778, and so named in hon- our of captain Clerke, his second in command. They were both inhabited, and not unknown to the Russians. Long. 169. 30. W., lat. 63.
15. N.
Clermont, a city of France, capital of the de- partment of Puy de Dome, and a bishops see. It is seated on an eminence, and sometimes call- ed Clermont Ferrand, since the town Montfer rand, about a mile distant to the N. E., was uni- ted under the name of a suburb; the cathedral, public squares, and walks, are very fine, but the streets are narrow, and the houses built of stone of a gloomy hue. In the neighbourhood are some mineral springs: and that of the sub- urb St. Allyre, has formed a natural bridge over the brook into which it falls, so that carriages can pass over. Clermont is the birthplace of the celebrated Pascal, and has manufactures of rat teens, druggets, serges, and leather. It is 215 m. S. by E. of Paris, and 10 W. of Lyons. Pop. about 16,000.
Clermont, a town of France, in the department of Meuse, on an eminence by the river Ayr, 12 m. W. by S. of Verdun.
Clermont, a town of France, in the department of Oise, on an eminence near the Bresche, 37 m. N. of Paris. Clermont is also the name of several other inconsiderable towns in different parts of France.
Clermont, a county in the state of Ohio, the south end qf which is bounded by the Ohio Riv- er. It is aboutsO miles from north to south, and from east to west. Pop. 20,466. Batavia is the chief town.
Clermont, p.t. Columbia Co. N. Y. Pop. 1.203.
Clermont de Iudeve, a town of France, in the department of Herault, with manufactures of cloth and hats; seated on an eminence near the Lo- guere, 80 m. S. 8. E. of Lodeve, and 24 W. of Montpelier. Pop. about 5,500.
Clery, a town of France, in the department of Loiret, once famous for the pilgrimages to our lady of Clery. Here is the tomb of Louis XI., who appears in white marble as the saint and the patriot king. It is 9 m. S. S. W. of Orleans.
Cleveland, p.t. Cuyahoga Co. Ohio, on Lake Erie, at the junction of the Ohio canal with the waters of the lake. Pop. 1,076.
Cleves, a duchy of Westphalia, bordering on the S. E. part of Holland, divided into two parts by the Rhine. It is a fine country, varie- gated with hills, woods, fields, towns, and villa- ges, and the chief rivers are the Rhine, Lippe, and Roer. The capital is Wesel.
Cleves, a city of Germany, and the capital of the duchy of Cleves. It is seated on the eas- tern side of three hills, two miles west of the Rhine ; and has a castle, built in the time of Ju- lius Caesar. It is 70 m. N. N. W. of Cologne, and about the same distance E. by S. of Rotter- dam. Pop. about 5,000.
Cleves, p.v. Hamilton Co. Ohio.
Cliff, a Saxon word implying a rock or high ground. There are six villages in different parts of England so named, probably from theii situa tion (in a relative sense) on high ground. There
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