Colleda, a town of Upper Saxony, in Thurin- gia, on the Unstrut, 19 m. N. by W. of Weimar.
Colleton, a maritime district of South Carolina, south of Charleston; it is intersected by the Edisto River, and is fertile in rice and cotton. Pop. 27.250.
Collioure, a town of France, in the department of Eastern Pyrenees, with a castle. It was taken by the Spaniards in 1793, but retaken the next year. It has a small port on the Mediterranean, 16 m. S. S. E. of Perpignani
Collinsville, p.v. Huntingdon Co. Pa.
Collon, a weil-built town of Ireland, in Louth County, with a stocking manufactory, and an ex- tensive bleach field, 29 m. from Dublin. Pop. in 1821, 1,347.
Collumpton, a town in Devonshire, Eng. with a considerable trade in woolen cloth. It is seat- ed on the river Culm, 12 rn. N. N. E. of Exeter, and 160 W. of London. Pop. in 1821, 3,410.
Colmar, a town of France, capital of the de- partment of Upper Rhine. It is surrounded by a wall, flanked with towers, near the river 111; and has various manufactures, 42 m. S. by W. of Strasburg. Pop. about 15,000.
Colmar, a tow n of Germany, in the duchy of Holstein, 5 m. S . E. of Gluckstadt.
Colmars, a town of France, in the department of Lower Alps, 20 m. E. N. E. of Digne.
Colmitz, a town of Austria, 4 m. S. S. W. of Drossendorf.
Coin, a river of England which rises near Clare, in Suffolk, passes by Hafatead and Col- chester in Essex, and after a course of about 40 miles enters the German Ocean, at the east end of Mersey Island. In the inlets and pools at the mouth of this river are bred the famous Colches- ter oysters. There are several small rivers of the same name in England.
Colnbrooh, a town in Buckinghamshire, Eng. seated on the river Coin, which falls into the Thames, 17 m. W. of London, on the road to Bath. Pop. in 1821, 2,817.
Colne, a town in Lancashire, Eng. It is a place of great antiquity, having been selected for a Roman station, by Agricola. It is situate near the border of Yorkshire, within about a mile of the Liverpool and Leeds Canal. It formerly par- ticipated in the woolen manufacture, which, with- in the present century has given way to the more profitable pursuit of the cotton manufacture, in which branch, in 1821, there were seven large establishments far spinning and weaving, and twelve ethers far weaving only. The vicinity abswi3teis in coals and slate. The population, wnrcfe is 18 "I was only 3,636, in 1821 had in- creased to 7,274. It is 21 miles N. by E. of Manchester.
Coitpr'geAi. t t wvri of Independent Greece,in the Morea, on the west side of a bay to which it gives narae.33milesS. ofMisitra. Long.22.24. E.,lat. 36.3'. N-
Colocz.i. or K-Ao'sha, a town of Hungary, on the east hank of the Danube, and an arch-bishops see, 57 m.S. ot Brrda.
Cologna, a town of Italy, in the Paduan, 26 m. W. by S. of Padua. Pop. about 6,000. |
Cologne, a late archbishopric and electorate of Germany, in the circle of the Lower Rhine; bounded on the north hy the duchy of Cleves and Gelderland ; on the south by the archbishopric of Treves, and from the south, in a N. N. W. direc- tion, for about 90 miles by the Rhine, which divides it on the east frcm the duchy of Berg and on the west it is divided by a very irregular boundary from the duchy of Juliers. It is not more than about 15 miles in mean breadth, and contains a good deal of forest, some mines of coal and iron, and parts of it are fertile in com, wine, and flax. Pop. about 220,000: it held a distinguished rank in the Germanic confederacy as early as the fourth century, and at the general partition in 1814, it was transferred to Prussia. Besides the city of Cologne, the other principal towns are Kemper, Lunne, Nuys, Brul, Mecken- heim, Bonn, &c.
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Cologne, the chief town of the preceding ter- ritory, and one of the most ancient and celebrated cities of Europe, is seated on the west bank of the Rhine, in the lat. of 50. 55. N. and 6. 55. of W. long. 295 miles W. S. W. of Berlin, and 105 E. of Brussels. Antecedent to the ascendancy of the Romans over western Europe, the site of Cologne is supposed to have been the capital of a tribe called the Ubii; and at a subsequent period, to have given birth to Agrippina, the mother of Nero; in reference to whom the Romans named it Colonia Agrippinia. It joined the Hanseatic League at an early period of its formation; and in the 13th century ranked high as a commercial city. After that period its commercial activity yielded to the influence of priestcraft and in dolencexe2x80x94persecution followed; in 1485 the Jews, and in 1618 the Protestants, were expelled the city; so that in 1794, when the French took pos- session of it, the ecclesiastics amounted to about
2.000 ; and besides the university, founded in 1388, nine collegiate churches, two abbeys, and an archiepiscopal seminary, it contained no less than 126 other monastic and religious establishments. The walls of the city are about seven miles in circumference ; but a considerable portion of the area is now converted into gardens and vineyards ; and although the perspective of the city on all sides is very imposing, on inspection it proves to be low and ill built. The town-hall, cathedral, and some of the churches are, however, stately and fine edifices. Cologne is connected with Duytz, on the opposite bank of the river, by a bridge of boats ; and contains within itself almost every branch of manufacture for domestic use ; it still carries on some traffic up and down the Rhine, from the waters of which it is liable to in- undation. The city was transferred with the ter- ritory of Cologne, to Prussia in 1814. Pop. about
40,000. It was the birth-place of Rubens.
Colombe, St., the name of about 20 towns in different parts of France, all inconsiderable.
Colombey auz Belles Femmes, a town of France, in the department of the Meurthe, and chief place of a canton in the district of Veselize, 15 m. S. W. of Nancy.
Colombia, Republic of, an extensive territory, forming the whole northern part of the southern division of the western hemisphere commonly called South America, and includes what, pro- vious to 1811, constituted the vice-royalty of New Granada, and the captain-generalship of Caracas or Venezuela. In its extreme length from N. to S. Colombia extends from the shores of the Carribean Sea, in-the lat. of 12. 30. N. to the Tunguragua, the main western branch of the great river Ama- zon, in the lat. of 5. S. and longitudinally from 59. to 83. W. From the 59th to the 68th of W. long, however, it extends only to 3. of N. lat. and its mean long, on the western side, or side of the Pacific Ocean, will not exceed the line of 79. W.; these limits will give an aggregate extent of s |