emigrating to Ohio and other parts of the western territory.
This State was settled in 1636 by emigrants from Massachusetts. See Hartford. The peo- ple are remarkable for thrift, ingenuity and enter- prise. and display with peculiar strength many prominent traits of the New England character. See JYew England.
Connecticut, the largest river in New England, rising at the northern extremity of New Hamp- shire, on the boundary between that state and Canada. It runs southerly, dividing the states of New Hampshire and Vermont, after which it passes through Massachusetts and Connecticut to the sea at Long Island Sound. Its whole course is above 400 miles. It is navigated by sloops to Hartford 50 miles, by steamboats to SpringSeld in Vermont and by the help of im-
provements in canals, it will soon have a steam- boat navigation of 200 miles.
The valley of this river is from 5 to 45 miles in width, and its surface is composed of a suc- cession of hills, vallies and plains. The interval lands begin about 12 or 14 miles from its mouth. These lands are formed by a long and continued alluvion of the river. The tributary streams of the Connecticut run everywhere through a soft and rich soil, considerable quantities of which, par- ticularly the lighter and finer particles, are from time to time washed into their channels, by occa- sional currents, springing from rains, and melted snows. Wherever the stream moves with an uniform current, these particles are carried along with it; but where the current is materially checked, they are in greater or less quantities deposited. In this manner, the interval borders ofthe river are formed. The form of most of them is elegant; a river, passing through them becomes almost of course, winding; the earth of which they are composed is of a uniform texture, the impressions made by the stream upon the margin entirely neat, and very comm mly orna- mented with a fringe of shrubs and trees. Nor is the surface of these grounds less pleasing; their terraced form and undulations are eminent- ly handsome, and their universal fertility makes a cheerful impression on every eye. A great part of them is formed into meadows, which are here more profitable, and everywhere more beautiful than lands devoted to any other culture; here they are extended from 5 to 500 acres, and are everywhere covered with a verdure, peculiarly rich and vivid. The finest and most abundant crops of hay are raised upon these intervals.
border are also nearly uniform; hence this border is almost universally a handsome arch, with a
There are many falls and rapids upon the Con- necticut, the largest of which is a violent rapid called Bellows Falls, at a village of that name in Vermont. A canal passes round this obstruction on the western side. Most of the other rapids are also avoided by locks and canals. The scenery along the hanks of the Connecticut is exceeding- ly varied and picturesque, and though many other streams surpass it in grandeur of features, yet for the variety, elegance and cheerfulness of the landscape which its borders everywhere exhibit, it may he regarded as one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. Its waters afford vast num- bers of the finest shad, and the taking of these fish furnishes occupation to many of the inhabitants xe2x80xa2 along the river.
Connecticut, lake, N. H. the source of one of the branches of that river.
Conecuh, a south frontier county of the state of Alabama, bordering on West Florida. Pop. 7,444. A river ofthe same name intersects the county, running south through West Florida into the Bay of Pensacola. Sparta is the chief town.
Connor, a parish in the county of Antrim, Ire land, which, in 182.1, contained a population of 7,123. There is a decayed town in the parish, for- merly k bishops see, now united to Down. It ip 6 m. north of Antrim. Pop. in 1820,239.
Connorsville, p.v. Fayette Co. Ind.
Conquest, ph. Cayuga Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,50~
Conquet, a town of France, in the department of Finisterre, with a good harbour and road It is 12 m. W. of Brest.
Conselve, a town of Italy, 12 m. S. of Padua. Pop. about 6,000.
Consiglione, a town of Sicily, in Val di Mazara, 19 m. S. of Palermo.
Constable, p.v. Franklin Co. N. Y. Pop. 693.
Constadt, a town of Silesia, in the principality of Oels, 23 m. E. of Brieg.
Constance, a fortified citv of Suabia, seated on the south side of the Rhine, between the upper and lower lakes of Constance, or the lakes of Constance and Zell. Though once flourishing in commerce, and celebrated in history, it now scarcely contains 4,000 inhabitants. Constance is | |