they therefore built a wall across it, called Hexa- milia, because it was six miles in length. This was demolished by Amurath II., rebuilt by the Venetians, and levelled a second time by Ma- homet II.
Corinth, a town of the Morea, situate on the northern declivity of a mountain, sloping towards the Gulf of Lepanto and the preceding isthmus, to which it gives name. During the zenith of Grecian glory, Corinth justly ranked among the most important and magnificent cities of Greece : its temples, theatres, and fountains, were the admiration of every beholder. In the propor- tions and richness of their columns and porticos, architecture was perfected, leaving nothing for after ages to perform in that noble art, but to copy: and the Corinthian pillar or column now, more or less adorns every city of the civilized world. Corinth fell a prey to the fury of the Roman arms under Mummius in the year 146 B. C.; and al- though Julius Csesar endeavoured to restore it to its former grandeur, in whose time it was visited by St. Paul, it has progressively sunk into a place of insignificance. It fell into the hands of the Venetians during the ephemeral career of their ascendency; the Turks became masters of it in 1715, and it now forms a part of Independent Greece. It had formerly a port on the Gulf of Egina, called Cenchrea, as well as on that of Le- panto ; but the former is now little used. The ancient citadel, Acro-Corintkus, still remains en- tire, and to a well-disciplined garrison, may be con- sidered impregnable. Corinth is the seatof a Greek metropolitan and bishop. Pop. abont 1,500. It is 65 m. E. by S. of Patras, and 43 W. by S. of Athens.
Corinth, ph. Penobscot Co. Me. Pop. 712. Also a ph. in Orange Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,953. Also a ph. in Saratoga Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,412.
Cork, a maritime county forming the southwest extremity of Ireland, having upwards of 100 miles of sea-coast, indented with several very spacious and safe bays and harbours, opening into the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 35 miles in mean breadth from south to north, and is intersected from east, to west by two fine rivers, the Black- water and the Lee, with five or six others of in- ferior note. The following are the principal bays and harbours, beginning at the west: viz. Bantry, Dunmaaney. Baltimore, Glandore, Ross, Clonakil- tv. Kinsale. Cork, and Youghal. Besides the city of Cork, the principal towns in the interior are Charlerille. Mallew, Daneraile, Michelstowri, Band in. Cloyne, &c. Bandon, Mallow, and Youghal. each return one, and the city of Cork ana the c uutv each two members to the parlia- ment of the United Kingdom. The agriculture of this county, both in tillage and pasture, has been much improved since the middle of the eighteenth century, and in conjunction with the adjoining interior county of Tipperary, supplies a great portion the English marine wiih salt-beef and pork, more especially the former, and exports vast qaantit:-=-5 of butter; and since 1800, it has also exported a considerable quantity of grain. Some woolen manufactures are carried on for in- ternal consumption in the eastern part of the county, and during the present century, several efforts have been made to establish the cotton manufacture over the county generally. For terri- torial extent, divisions, population, &c. see Ireland.
Cork, City of. and capital of the preceding county, supposed to have been first founded by the Danes in the 6th century, is beautifully and advantageously situate on the banks of the River
Lee, about five miles above its entrance into Cork Harbour. Cork, in conjunction with Ross, is a bishops see. The city is divided into twenty-two parishes, which in 1821, contained a population of 100,658, being an increase of upwards of 35,000 since 1813, exclusive of 8,998 in eight of the pa rishes which extend beyond the stations of the city. Next to Dublin, Cork is the largest and most important place in all Ireland. During the twenty-four years war, from 1793 to 1815, Cork Harbour was one of the chief rendezvous of the British navy; and the extensive demand which that war created for salt provisions, enabled Cork to become the largest and most celebrated market in Europe for that article. The Cork beef contin- ues to be the chief source of supply, not only of the national, but of the commercial navy of the United Kingdom, and for long voyages and tropical climates, is preferred by the ships of all nations. As the chief commercial town in the south-west of Ireland, Cork receives the surplus production, not only of the whole county, but of the greater part of those of Kerry and Tipperary, which it also supplies with such British and foreign pro- ductions as are received in exchange. Since the commencement of the war in 1793, the city has undergone great improvement, both in regard to public and private buildings. There are five bridges over the Lee; that of St. Patrick is a fine structure. The exchange, custom-house, and town-hall, are all fine edifices. It has two thea- tres, several hospitals, and other public buildings. The cathedral, erected between 1725 and 1735, is a stately edifice, and some of the parish churches are of the like character. The barracks on the north side of the city, situate on an eminence, present a very imposing aspect. Cork has a pub- lic brewery on a very extensive scale, and which makes also its own malt. The city is 125 miles southwest of Dublin, in the lat. ofiSl. 54. N., and 8. 28. of W. long.
Cork, Cove of, is that part of the harhour ol Cork usually occupied as the anchorage ground. The harbour, which is entered by a deep and nar- row channel, and defended by a strong fort on each side, is about nine miles from the mouth ol the River Lee, and about the same extent in breadth. At the upper end is an island called Great Island, from four to five miles long from west to east, and from two to three miles wide. At the west end of this island is a town called Cove, which, in 1821, contained 6,508 inhabitants, and the rest of the island 2,897 more ; and at the entrance of the channel between Great Island and the main land, are two small islands called Haul- bowline and Rocky Islands, strongly fortified, and inhabited by 950 persons; and thus, whilsi the natural positions of Cork Harbour are such as to afford accommodation for the whole British ma- rine, secure from the effects of the elements, the fortifications render the shipping and the town equally secure from the irruptions of an enemy; and the surrounding shore being studded with neat and commodious residences render the whole as picturesque and agreeable as it is important in point of security and defence.
Corleone, a large and well-built town of Sicily, in the Val di Mazzara. It is 24 miles S. S. W. of Palermo. Pop. about 12,000.
Corlin, a town of Further Pomerania, with a castle. It has considerable woolen manufactures, andis seated on the Persant, 10 m. S. E. of Colberg.
Cormanlin, a town of Guinea, on the Gold Coast, large and populous. Here the Dutch have | |