Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 224 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 224 Left Column
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Comery, Indre-et-Loire, France (main entry)
    Benedictine Abbey
    Indre River
    Tours (directional)
Corna, Irak Arabi, Asiatic Turkey (main entry)
    Tigris River
    Euphrates River
    Bassora (directional)
Corneto, Saint Peter, Italy (main entry)
    Marta River
    Civita Vecchia (directional)
Cornhill, County Durham, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Tweed River
    Coldstream, Scotland, United Kingdom
    Berwick (directional)
    London (directional)
Cornigliano, Milanese, Italy (main entry)
    Milan (directional)
Cornish, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, United States (main entry)
    Boston (directional)
    Cornish, York County, Maine, United States
Cornville, Somerset County, Maine, United States (main entry)
Cornwall, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Atlantic Ocean
    Devonshire, United Kingdom
    English Channel
    Bristol Channel
    Lizard (Point)
    Land's End
    Mount's Bay
    Stannary Laws
    Duke of Cornwall
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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