River, 105 m. S. of Albany. Pop. 3,486. Also the name of a township in Addison county, Ver- ,mont. Pop. 1,264 ; and of a town in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Pop. 1,712.
Cornwall, a town of Storrnoht County, Upper Canada, situate on the north bunk of the St. Law- rence, about 50 m. above Montreal.
Cornwall, New, a county in the western part of N. America, extending from Gardner's channel, in lat. 53. 15., to Fredericks Sound, lat. 57. 6. N.
Cormoallis, a town of Nova Scotia, seated on the south shore of the basin of mines at the head of the Bay of Fundy, about 10 m. N. W. of Windsor and 45 N. W. of Halifax.
Cornwallis, a county of Lower Canada, extend- ing for about 160 miles along the S. E. bank of the great River St. Lawrence, bounded on the N E. by the district of Gaspe. It is at present but thinly inhabited.
Coro, a town of Colombia, in the province of Venezuela. It is advantageously situate at the en- trance of an isthmus, at about an equal distance from the Carribean Sea, and the Gulf of Mara- caibo. It contains about 10,000 inhabitants, who carry on a considerable trade in mules, cattle, &c. with'Curagao and other islands, in the Cariibean Sea. See Venezuela.
Coromandel, Coast of, the eastern coast of the peninsula of Hindoostan, extending from Point Calvmere in the lat. of 10. 18. N. to the Kistnah River, in the lat. of 16. N. There is not a port for large ships on the whole coast, which is an even, low, sandy country. Madras is the prin- cipal town, and the other places of note are Negapatam, Pondicherry, Pullicate, Ac.
Coron, a seaport of Independent Creeec, in the Morea, seated on the W. side of a bay to which it gives name, 15 m.*E. of iViodon. Long. 21. 46. E., lat. 36. 55. N.
Coronation, Cape, a cape of the island of New Caledonia, in the Pacific Ocean. Long. 167. 8. E., lat. 22.5. S.
Correggio, a town of Italy, in the Modonese, with a castle, 9 m. N. N. E. of Reggio.
Correze, an interior department of France, con- taining the late province of Limousin. It takes its name from a river which runs into the Vezere, after having watered Tulles and Brives. Tulles is the capital.
Corricntes, Cape, on the E. coast of South Africa, opposite the S. end of the island of Mad- agascar.xe2x80x94Also the name of another cape on the W. coast of Mexico, in the Pacific Ocean, in the lat. of 20. N.
Corriealts, a town of Paraguay, with a fort, seated on the E. side of the Parana, at the influx of the river Paraguay, 490 m. N. of Buenos Ayres. Iv>ng. 59. 0. W. lat. 27. 30. S.
CorrtrrrAusn. a dangerous whirlpool on the W. coast or Scotland, between the Isle of Scarba and the N. point of that of Jura. It is so named from a young Danish prince, who perished in this place. Its vortex extends above a mile in circuit.
Corsham. a town in Wiltshire, Eng. and a con- siderable woolen manufacture. It is nine miles E. N. E. of Bath, and 97 W. of London. Pop. in 1821, 2,727. |
Corsica, or Corse, an island in the Mediterrane- an, separated from that of Sardinia, on the south, by the Strait of Bonifacio. It is 150 miles from north to south, and from 40 to 50 in breadth. It was known to the ancient Greeks, by the names of Callista and Cvrnus, and to the Romans by its xe2x80x9829 present appellation. On the coast are many ex cellent harbours. It is mountainous, but fruitfu, valleys are interspersed; and it has some fine lakes and rivers. In the earliest time it has been famous for its swarms of bees, and produces vast quantities of honey, which, however, is reckoned bitter, on account of the box and yew with which the country aboumS. The mountains are rich in lead, iron, copper, and silver ; and there are also mines of alum and saltpetre. The granite of Corsica is nearly equal to the oriental; por phyries, jasper, talc, amianthus, emeralds, and other precious stones, are found scattered in the mountains, and the south coast abounds with beautiful corah This island was, for some cen turies, under the dominion of the Genoese, whose tyranny was such, that the Corsicans were almost in a perpetual state of insurrection. In 1736 a German adventurer, Theodore Baron Newhoff, brought some assistance to them; and, on his as- surance of more powerful aid, they elected him king ; but as he could not substantiate his prom- ises he was obliged to leave the island. He went into England, was thrown into the Fleet prison, released by an act of insolvency, (after having registered his kingdom of Corsica for the benefit of his creditors,) and suffered to die in extreme indigence. The Genoese, tired of the contest, sold the sovereignty to France, in 1767; and Paoli, who had been elected to the chief com mand, in 1755, was obliged to abandon the island in 1769. After the French revolution in 1789 Corsica was admitted as an eighty-third depart- ment of France at the particular request of a de- putation, of which Paoli was at the head. In consequence of some events which followed the revolution of 1792, Paoli revolted ; the French, by the assistance of the English, were expelled from the island; and Corsica, in 1794, was de- clared annexed to the crown of Great Britian. In 1796, however, the English found it expedient to evacuate the island, of which the French im- mediately took possession, and again united it to France, of which country it now forms the eighty sixth department. It is divided into four prefec- tures, viz. Bastia, Calvi, Corte, and Sartenne Ajaccio, on the wes coast, Is the principal sea-port Pop. about 180,000.
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Corsocr, a town of Denmark, in the isle of Zealand, on a peninsula, in the Great Belt, with a good harbour for light vessels. It is defended by a citadel, which serves also as a magazine for corn; and is 54 miles W. S. W. of Copenhagen. Long 11. 12. E. lat. 55. 12. N.
Corte, a town of Corsica, situate in the centre of the island, on the side and foot of a rock, at the confluence of the Tayignano and Restonica. On the point of a rock, rising above the rest, is the cas- tle, to which there is but one winding passage, that will admit only two persons abreast. While the island was in the possession of the English, Corte was made the seatjff the viceroy; and it has been enlarged and fortified by the French. It is 27 miles N. E. of Ajaccio, and 40 S. W. of Bastia Pop. in 1826, 2,735.
Cortemiglia, a town of Piedmont, in Montferrat, situate on the Bormida, 16 miles E. of Cherasco.
Cortona, a fortified iown of Tuscany, and a bishops see, with a famous academy. It stands on a mountain, on the frontiers of the Ecclesias- tical States, 32 m. E. of Sienna.
Corunna, a seaport at the N. W. of Spain, in Galicia, with a large and safe harbour, called the Groyne, defended by two castles. The town is |