Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 225 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 225 Left Column
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    Albany (directional)
    Cornwall, Addison County, Vermont, United States
    Cornwall, Litchfield County, Vermont, United States
Cornwall, Stormont County, Upper Canada (Historical), Canada (main entry)
    St. Lawrence River
    Montreal (directional)
New Cornwall County (main entry)
    North America
    Gardner's Channel
    Frederick's Sound
Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, Canada (main entry)
    Bay of Fundy
    Windsor (directional)
    Halifax (directional)
Cornwallis County, Lower Canada (Historical), Canada (main entry)
    St. Lawrence River
Coro, Venezuela, Colombia (main entry)
    Caribbean Sea
    Gulf of Maracaibo
Coast of Coromandel, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Point Calymere
    Kistnah River
    Madras, Coast of Coromandel, Hindoostan
    Negapatam, Coast of Coromandel, Hindoostan
    Pondicherry, Coast of Coromandel, Hindoostan
    Pullicate, Coast of Coromandel, Hindoostan
Coron, Morea, Independent Creeec (main entry)
    Coron Bay
    Modon (directional)
Cape Coronation (main entry)
    New Caledonia
    Pacific Ocean
Correggio, Modonese, Italy (main entry)
    Reggio (directional)
Corrèze, France (main entry)
    Limousin (historical), France
    Vezere River
    Correze River
    Tulles, Corrèze, France
Cape Corrientes (main entry)
    South Africa
    Madagascar (Island)
    Pacific Ocean
Corrientes, Paraguay (main entry)
    Parana River
    Paraguay River
    Buenos Ayres (directional)
Corryvrekan (main entry)
    Isle of Scarba
    Jura (Island)
Corsham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Bath (directional)
    London (directional)
Corsica (Island) (main entry)
    Corse (Island) (synonym for Corsica (Island))
    Sardinia (Island)
    Strait of Bonifacio
    Callista (synonym for Corsica (Island))
    Cyrnus (synonym for Corsica (Island))
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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