DABER, a town of Hither Pomerania, in a circle of its name, 16 m. N. N. E. of Stargard.
Dabul. a town of Hindoostan, on the coast of Concan, with a trade in pepper and salt, seated at the mouth of a river, To m. S. by E. of Bombay. Long. 72. 54. E., lat. 17. 50. N.
Dacca, a district of Bengal, lying between the main branch of the Ganges and the Burrampooter rivers. The chief town of the same name is seat- ed on the banks of a small river, which commu- nicates with the Burrampooter. It wins once the capital of Bengal, and defended by a strong fort- ress, the remains of which appear. It has a vast trade in muslins and other cotton manufactures of the most delicate texture, manufactured from the cotton produced in the province. The coun- try round Dacca lies low, and ixc2xab always covered with verdure during the dry months. It is 150 miles north-east of Calcutta. Long. 90. 32. E., lat. 23. 42. N.
Datkau. a town of Bavaria, where the king has a palace seated on a hill near the river Ammer, 10 m. N. N. AV. of Munich.
Dagdct's Island, an island about nine miles in circumference, in the Japanese Sea, at about an equal distance from the Isle of Niphon and the Coast of the Corea, in the lat. of 37. 25. N. It was visited by La Perouse. It abounds with tim- ber. which the Coreans are supposed to use in building of boats.
Prrg-r*xe2x80x94 a village of Essex, England, on the north bank of the Thames, from the tide-water of which it is secured by an embankment. In 1703 the embftakment gave way, and inundated 5,000 acres of grosnd, which were reclaimed in 1715.
Daghe&mm.a province of Georgia, lying between the west shore of the Caspian Sea and the Cau- casian mountains. It is intersected by several small rivers falling into the Caspian. The inhab- itants are a brave and hardy race, and successful- ly resisted the arms of Nadir Shah in 1743. Its sovereignty is claimed hy Russia, but the resolute- ness of the inhabitants renders it nominal rather than real. It has two considerable towns, Tasker and Derbent, on the shores of the Caspian. It is a fertile district, and under social institutions might be made an agreeable country. It is inter sected by the line of 42. of N. lat. |
Dago, or Dagao, an island in the Baltic, on the coast of Livonia, seven miles north of the Isle cf Oesel, near the entrance to the Gulf of Finland. It is 20 miles in circumference, and hastwo cas- tles. called Dagerwort and Paden. Long. 22. 56. E.. lat. 58. 44. N.
Da gem. See Ragoon.
Dagsborougk, ph. Sussex Co. Del.
Dahl, the finest river of Sweden , which flows through Dalecarlia, or Dalarne, and on the south confines of Gastricia, and enters the Gulf of Bothnia south of Gefle. Near Escarlebv, not far from its mouth, it forms a celebrated cataract, little inferi or to that of the Rhine at Lauffen.
Dahlak, an island in the Red Sea, near the north end of the coast of Abyssina, 40 miles long arid six broad. It is fertile, populous, and remarkable for a pearl fishery. The inhabitants are blacks, and great enemies to the Mahometans. Long. 40. 10. E., lat. 15. 44. N.
Dalme, a town of Prussia, at the south extremi ty of the middle mark, 45 m. S. of Berlin. Pop. about 3,000.
Dahomey, a kingdom of Guinea, supposed to reach 180 miles inland. The country is fertile, yielding a plentiful supply of farinaceous vegeta- bles ana tropical fruits; also indigo, cotton, su- gar-cane, tobacco, palm-oil and a variety of spi- ces. .The religion of Dahomey consists of k jum- ble of superstitious ceremonies, of which it is im- possible to convey any satisfactory idea. The king of Dahomey is under a partial subjection to the king of the Eyeos. The government is per- haps the most perfect despotism in the world; for the policy admits of no intermediate degree of subordination between king and slave, at least in the royal presence, where the prime minister prostrates himself with as much abject submission as the meanest subject. The king maintains a considerable standing army, commanded hy an agaow, or general, and their subordinate officers, who must hold themselves in readiness to take the field at the command of the sovereign. On extraordinary occasions, all the males able to bear |