Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 240
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DAN    240    DAR

the commencement of the eighteenth century it
contained upwards of 100,000 inhabitants, more
than 20,000 of whom were carried off by a pest in
1709. In 1734 it offered protection to Stanislaus,
king of Poland, when it was besieged by the Rus-
sians and Saxons, to whom it was forced to sur-
render. In 1793 it was taken possession of by a
Prussian force, who held it till 1807, when, after
a long siege, it surrendered to the French, who,
in their turn, were forced to surrender it to a uni-
ted Russian and Prussian force, after the disaster-
ous campaign of 1812-13, and in the following
year (1814) it was confirmed in full sovereignty to
Prussia. The easy navigation of the Vistula, and
three or four considerable collateral rivers which
intersect an extensive and fertile country, affords
to Dantzic great commercial advantages. The
chief product of the interior country is grain, of
which article Dantzic has occasionally exported

500,000 quarters per annum, and the vicinity of the
city contains some extensive granaries. It is al-
so capable of affording very large supplies of
timber, pearl-ash, flax, and hemp. It has several
yards for ship building, but its commercial activi-
ty has of late years very much declined. It has
upwards of twenty churches, chiefly Lutheran,
and several other public buildings. It is nearly
surrounded by water, and two streams intersect
the city, dividing it into three parts. The fortifi-
cations are very strong by nature, and rendered
formidable by art. It is 90 m. W. S. W. of Kon-
isburg, 250 N. E. of Berlin, and 190 N. by W. of
Warsaw. Pop. in 1825, 52,820.

Danube, or Donau, (the lower part called Ister
by Strabo,) the noblest river of Europe; has its
source in the territory of the grand duke of Baden
on the eastern confines of the Black Forest, in the
lat. of 48. N , and 8. 15. of E. long. It pursues
a winding course in a N. N. E. direction to Ulm,
where it receives the Uler from the south, and be-
comes navigable. From Ulm it bears north into
Bavaria, to the lat. of 49. at Ratisbon, previously
receiving the united waters of the Wartasch and
Lech from the south, and before passing Ratisbon
it receives the waters of the Altmucht and of the
Nab from the north. From Ratisbon it bears to
the south, past llstadt into Austria, previously re-
ceiving the Iser^ Inn, and Salza, all from the

Its course through the archduchy of Austria,
past Vienna to Presburg, is rather circuitous;
from Presburg it runs E. by N. for about 100 m.
receiving several streams from the Carpathian
mountain, when it takes a course due south
through the heart of Lower Hungary, past Buda,
for 160 miles to the lat. of 45. 25. Here it re-
ceives the waters of the Drave from the west,
and again bears to the east, receiving the Theiss,
Which divides Upper and Lower Hungary from
the north, and the Save from the west at Bel-
grade. From Belgrade it forms the boundary be-
tween Hungary and Servia, then bears S. sepa-
rating Bulgaria from Walachia, receiving nume-
rous streams, both from the north and south. It
again bears north to Galatz, near which it re-
ceives the waters of the numerous rivers of Mol-
davia and Bessarabia, falling into the Black Sea
on the east, by several channels between the lat.
of 44.40. and 45. 30. N. in 29. 20. of E. long.
The meridional distance from the source to the
mouth of this river is 21 degrees of long., be-
tween the lat. of 45. and 49., equal to about 1,000
English miles, but the course of the stream, by
its continued windings, may be estimated at from

1,500 to 1,600 miles. It is navigable to Ulm
within 150 miles of its source, but political per-
versions preclude the countries through which
this noble river flows, from deriving much exter
nal advantage from its navigation. In the arch-
duchy of Austria it forms several islands. Un-
der the head of Dalmatia it is shown that it might
easily be made to communicate with the Adriatic.
It contains a great variety of fish, and is celebra-
ted for its sturgeon, which ascend the river seve-
ral hundred miles.

Danube, Upper, Circle of, forms the south-west
part of the kingdom of Bavaria, lying between 48
and 49. of N. lat. and 10. and 11. of E. long
it comprises the S. part of the circle of Su-
abia, the county of Pappenheim, and the principal-
ity of Neuberb. It is watered by the Uler, Min-
del, Wertach, and the Lech, all running from
south to north into the Danube, which gives name
to the circle. The Uler might readily be united
with the lake of Constance, and thereby open a wa-
ter communication between the Danube and the
Rhine. It is a district of capability, and of re-
source, under a well-directed exertion of agricul
tural pursuit. The principal towns are Gunsburg,
Dillengen, Hochstadt, Donauwert, Pappenheim,
Neuberg, Eichstadt, Nordlingen, &c.

Danube, Lower, Circle of, another circle of the
kingdom of Bavaria, comprises the east part of
Lower Bavaria, and the bishopric of Passau.
It lies on both sides of the Danube, between the
iat. of 12. 30. and 13. 40. E. in the same parallel of
lat. as the Upper Circle. The Iser and the Inn
intersects the south part, which is considered the
most fertile district of all Bavaria. Passau is the
capital; and the other principal towns are Strau-
bing, Landau, Deckendorf, Osterhofen, &c. Pop
about 400,000.

Danube, Circle of. The source of the Danube
also gives name to a cirele in the territory of the
grand duke of Baden, comprising part of the
Black Forest. Willengen, 20 m. E. by N. of Fri-
burg, is the capital. Pop. about 75,000.

Danube, District of, one of the four great divi-
sions of the kingdom of Wurtemberg, according
to the distribution of 1818.

Danvers, p.t. Essex Co. Mass. adjoining Salem.
Pop. 4,288. It has many flourishing manufactures
of cotton.

Darby, the name of 4 townships, viz. in Dela-
ware Co. Pa., Union, Madison, and Pickaway Cos.

Danville, p.t. Cumberland Co. Me. Pop. 1,128.
Also a p.t. in Caledonia Co. Vt. Pop. 3,631. Al-
so a p.t. in Columbia Co. Pa. Also villages in
Pittsylvania Co. Va., Mercer Co. Ken., Knox
Co. Ohio and Hendricks Co. Indiana.

Darabgherd,a town of Persia, in Farsistan, said
to have been founded by Darius. It is large but
not populous ; and surrounded by luxuriant groves
of orange and lemon trees. Near it salt is found
of various colours, white, black, red and green.
A considerable manufacture of glass is carried on
here. It stands 140 m. E. S. E. of Shiraz, on the
road to Ormus. Long. 54. 56. E., lat. 28. 56. N.

Darah, or Drass, a country of Barbary, bound-
ed'on the north by Sus, east by Tafilet, south by
Zahara, and west by the Atlantic. A river of the
same name flows through it, which enters the At-
lantic on the south side of Cape Non. The prin-
cipal produce is indigo and dates. The rnhabi-
itants are Arabs and Mahometans; and some of
the districts are dependant on Morocco.

Daraporam, a town of Hindoostan, capital of


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