Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 242
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slaughter, they took M. Castel. the French gener-
al, three lords, and twenty-inree knights, prison-
ers. It is 31 miles south of Exeter, 204 W. S.
W. of London, and returns two members to par-
liament. Pop. in 1S21, 4,485.

Dartmouth College. Sec Hanover, N. H.

Dartmouth, a sea-port in Massachusetts, in
Bristol county, adjoining New Bedford. Pop.
3,867,62 m. S. of Boston. Long. 70. 52. W.,lat
41. 37. N.    .

Dartown. p.v. Butler Co. Ohio.

Dariear, a fortress of Hindoostan, in the coun-
try of Sanore, taken from Tippoo by the British in
1791, and afterward restored to the Mabrattas. It
is 45 m. W. N. W. of Sanore, and 90 E. of Goa.

Darwen, Upper and, Lower, two townships in
the parish of, and contiguous to, Blackburn, Lan-
cashire. Pop. in 1821, 8,949. See

Dartmoor, an extensive forest in Devonshire,
Eng. bounded on the north by bleak hills com-
prising about 80,000 acres, and is watered by the
river Dart. Many sheep are bred here, but of
a small kind, and black cattle, which thrive well
on the coarse herbage.

Dasscl, a town in Germany, in the principality
of South Calenburg, 48 m. S. by W. of Hanover.

Dauphin, a county in the E. District of Pennsyl-
vania, bounded on the west for about 40 miles by
the Susquehanna River, being about 20 miles in
mean breadth. The Blue Mountain Ridge inter-
sects this county from W. to N. by E. Pop. 25,-
303. Harrisburg is the chief town, and seat of
government of the state.

Dauphiny, a late province of France, extend-
ing 40 leagues from north to south, and 36 from
east to west; bounded on the west by the Rhone,
north by the Rhone and Savoy, south hy Pro-
vence, and east by the Alps. The heir apparent
of the kings of France derive the title of dauphin
from this province. Two-thirds of Dauphiny are
intersected by mountains, which afford good pas-
turage ; plenty of timber, fir-trees in particular,
for the building of ships : and very scarce simples.
In these mountains, which are branches of the
Alps, are bears, chamois, marmots, eagles, hawks,
&c. and mines of iron, copper, and lead. The
valleys afford wheat, and the hills in the vicinity
of the Rhone, excellent wines! olives and silks.
The principal rivers are the Rhone, Durance,
Isere, and Drome. It now forms the departments
of Drome, Isere, and Upper Alps (each of

Davenport., ph. Delaware Co. N. Y. Pop.

Daventry, a town in Northamptonshire, E ng. with
a manufacture of whips. It stands on the Roman
highway called Watling-street, on the side of a
hill, 16 miles wrest of Northampton, and 72 N. W.
of London, on the mail-coach road to Birmingham
and Liverpool. It is distinguished for its cheese
fairs, in April and October. Pop. in 1821, 3,326.

David, St. a town of South Wales, in Pem-
brokeshire. It was formerly an archbishop’s see,
and in king Arthur’s days the metropolitan of the
British church, and continued so till king Henry

I. at which time Bernard, who was the forty-
seventh archbishop of St. David’s, became suffra-
gan to the see of Canterbury. The situation of
the town being very nnhealthful, and the soil of
the adjacent country very barren, it has nothing
now to boast of but its cathedral, which is 300
feet long, and about 127 high, and supposed to he
the highest in Britain; though the east end is in
ruins, the western part and choir are in good re-
pair. St. David’s is at present a bishop’s see, yet
only a single street of miserable cottages. It is
seated on the Ulen, near the coast, 24 miles N. W
of Pembroke, and 255 west by north of London.
Pop. in 1821, 1,816.

David, St a village of Scotland, in the parish of
Dalgety, Fifeshire, with a harbour in Inverkei-
thing bay. It has a considerable manufacture of
salt, and exports an immense quantity of coal.

David, Fort St. an English fort on the coast of
Coromandel, which wins taken and destroyed by
the French in 1758, and has not yet been rebuilt.
It is 80 miles south of Fort St. George.

Davidson. a county of West Tennessee, about 30
miles square. It is intersected from east to west
by Cumberland River. Pop. 22,523. Nashville,
on the south bank of the river, is the chief town.

Davidsonville, ph. Lawrence Co. Arkansas, on
Current River.

Davidstown, village, Huntindon Co. N. J.

Davies, an interior county of the state of In-
diana, 25 m. from south to north, and 15 wide
intersected by White River, which falls into the
Wabash. Pop. 4,512. Washington is the chief

Davies, another county in the western part of
Kentucky, bounded on the south and. west by
Green River, and on the north by the Ohio, which
separates this county from the state of Indiana.
Owenboro’, on the south bank of the Ohio, is the
chief town. Another town called Vienna, is seat-
ed on the north bank of Green River. The ex-
tent of this county is about 25 miles each way.
Pop. 5,21xe2x82xac.

Davis's Straits,an arm of the sea betwreen Green
land and North America, discovered by captain
Davis in 1585, when he attempted to find a north-
west passage. This sea comprises a space be
tvreen the lat. of 58. and 63. N.. and from 50. to
70. of W. long., to which from fifty to sixty sail of
ships are annually fitted out from England to fish
for whales.

Davisburg, v. Christian Co. Ken.

Dayton, p.v. Montgomery Co. Ohio, on the
Great Miami river.

Davos, a town of Switzerland, in the" canton of
Grisons, capital of a district in which are mines
of copper, lead, and silver. It is 14 miles east of

Dawley, Great and Little, two villages contigu-
ous to Shiffnal in Shropshire, Eng. abounding in
coal and iron; the working of which gives em-
ployment to from 2,000 to 3,000 persons. Total
population in 1821,5,147.

Datvlish, a village pleasantly situate near Teign-
mouth, on the shore of the English channel, in
Devonshire. It is a good deal frequented in the
summer season for sea bathing. Pop. in 1821,

Dax, or Dacqs, a town in France in the depart-
ment of Landes, and lately a bishop’s see. Here
are some famous hot baths, the spring of which
discharges thirty-six cubic feet of water in a
minute. It is surrounded by walls, flanked with
towers, and seated on the Adour, 24 m. N. E. of
Bayonne. It is the seat of a prefect, and in 1826
contained 4,849 inhabitants.

Dead, r. Coos Co. N. II. falls into the Margalla-

bead Sea, a lake or inland sea of Palestine into
which the river Jordan runs. It is sixty miles
long and fifteen broad, enclosed on the east and
wrest by high mountains. There is no verdure on
its banks, or fish in its waters owing to the ex-

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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