Norfolk county, seated on Charles river, 11m. S. W. of Boston. Pop. 3,117.
Dee, a river of Wales, held in great veneration by the ancient Britons, and the theme of many a poet since. It issues from the lake of Bala, in Merionethshire, whence it flows through a fine vale across the south part of Denbigshire to the nortii-west part of Shropshirfe, visi ts the west bor- der of Cheshire, passes on to-Chester, and flows thence to the Irish sea, making a broad estuary, which separates Cheshire from Flintshire. The Dee is navigable from near Ellesmere, in Shrop- shire, to Chester, where the continuity of the nav- igable is broken by a ledge of rocks, running across the river ; but by embankments made here, much land has been gained from the tide ; and a narrow channel, fitter for navigation, has been formed from Chester half way to the sea. See Chester.
Dee, a river of Scotland, which rises on the west border of Aberdeenshire, amid the moun- tains of Mar Forest, and flows east through a wild country till it reaches the fertile vale of Brae- mar, whence it proceeds to Aberdeen, below which it enters the German ocean.
Dee, a river of Scotland, which rises in the west part of Kirkcudbrightshire, receives the Ken below New Galloway, and runs into the Irish sea, five miles below Kirkcudbright.
Deeping, or Market Deeping, a town in Lin- colnshire, Eng. seated on the banks of the river Welland, in a fenny country, six miles east of Stamford,and 90 N. of London. Pop. in 1821,1,016.
Deeping, St. James's, contiguous, contains about the same number of inhabitants.
Deer, a village of Scotland, in Aberdeenshire, on a river of its name, 10 miles west of Peter- head. It has a trade in fine yarn, and near it are the remains of the abbey of Deer.
Deer Creek, a township of Madison Co. Ohh>.
Deerfield, p.t. Rockingham Co. N. II. 55 m. N. W. Portsmouth. Pop. 2,086.
Deerfield, a town of Massachusetts, in Hamp- shire county, seated on the Connecticut, near the influx of the river Deerfield. 15 m. X. of North- ampton, and 80 AV. by N. of Boston. Pop. 2,003.
Deerfield, p.t. Oneida Co. N. Y. on the Mohawk, opposite Utica. Pop. 4,182. Also a p.t. in Cum- berland Co. N. Y., 4 townships in Ohio, and a village in Augusta Co. Ta.
Deerhust, a village in Gloucestershire, Eng. three miles south of Tewkesbury*, subject to fre- quent inundations from the Severn. Here was a celebrated monastery, which was afterwards made a cell to Tewkesbury abbey.
Deering, p.t. Hillsborough Co. N H. 66 m. fr. Boston. Pop- 1,227.
Deer Island, in Penobscot Bay, state of Maine, containing 2,217 inhabitants.
Dthli. commonly mi3-spelt Delhi, a province of Hindoostan hounded on the N. W. by Lahore ,N. E. by Serinagur, east by the Rohilla country, south by Agra.and west by Moultan. Having been the seat of continual wars above sixty years, previous to 1806, when it fell under the influence of the English, it had become almost depopulated; and a tract of country that possessed every advantage that could be derived from nature, contained the most mis- erable of inhabitants. It is now all that remains to the Great Mogul of his once extensive empire, but since his alliance with the English, the country has been progressively improving. |
Delili, the capital of the province of the same name. It is the nominal capital of all Hindoos- tan, and was actually so during the greatest part of the time since the Mahometan conquest in 1193. In 1738, when Nadir Shah invaded Hin- doostan, he entered Dehli, and dreadful were the massacres and famine that followed : 100,000 of the inhabitants perished by the sword; and plunder to the amount of 62,000,000Z, sterling was said to be collected. The same calamities were endured in 1761, on the invasion of Abdalla, king of Candahar. In 1803 the Mahrattas, aided by the French, got possession of this place ; but they were afterwards defeated here by Gen. Lake, and the aged Shah Aulum, emperor of Hindoos- tan, was restored to his throne. Dehli may be said to be now in ruins; but there are many splendid remains of palaces with baths of marble. The grand mosque is a magnificent edifice of marble and red freestone, with high minarets, and domes richly gilt. At Cuttab Minor, 15 m. S. W. of the city, is a noble monument, 242 feet high, built by the Khan Cut^abaddeen in 1194, to commemorate his conquest of Dehli, which is seated on the west bank of the Jumna, 350 miles N. W. of Allahabad, and 1,500 N. AV. of Calcutta Long. 77. 40. E., lat. 28. 27. N.
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Deizabad, a town of Persia, in Irac Agemi, 90 m. N. of Ispahan.
De Kalb, p.t. St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. Pop 1,061.
Delagoa, a bay on the east coast of South Af- rica, at the north end of the country of Natal. The adjacent country abounds in cattle and poultry, which may be purchased for a trifle ; and it is frequently visited by vessels employed in the whale fishery. Long. 32. 0. E., lat 26. 0. S.
Delaware, a town of Virginia, in King Wil- liam County, seated cn the broad peninsula for- med by the confluence of the Pamunky and Mat- tapony, whose united streams hence assume the name of York River. It is 20 m. N. by AV. of AAtilliamsburg, and 45 AV. of Richmond.
Ddaware, a river of the United States, formed of two streams in the state of New xc2xa5ork, in the lat. of 42. 30. N. In its course south, it separates, for about fifty miles, the north-east part of Penn- sylvania from New York, and afterwards for about 100 miles in a direction nearly due south, it sepa- rates Pennsylvania from New Jersey, and a few miles below Philadelphia, the state of Delaware from New Jersey, till it enters the head of Dela- ware bay, at Bombay bar, in the lat. of 39. 15. N. where it is about five miles wide. At Phila- delphia, it has sufficient depth of water for a 74 gun ship; is navigable thence for sloops up to the falls of Trenton, a distance of about thirty miles, and for boats that carry eight or ten tons, forty miles higher.
Delaware Bay, into which the preceding river falls, is formed by Cape Henlopen on the south, and on which is a light-house, in the lat. of 38.
45., and Cape May on the north, in the lat. of 39. N.; the two capes being about 18 m. distant, nar- rowing to about 10 m. at Bombay bar which is considered as forming the entrance to the river The bay, and its entrance is interspersed with numerous shoals, the ship channel being on the side of Cape Henlopen, and about midway be tween Bombay Hook and Philadelphia is a small island called Pea Patch, on which are two strong forts. Just within Cape Henlopen, at the mouth of the bay, there is now constructing a breakwa- ter of soli.d rock, and a dike farther inward, which form an artificial harbour with 5 or 6 fathoms of water. |