Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 245
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Delaware, one of the United States, bounded
N. by Pennsylvania; E. by Delaware Bay and
river ; S. and W. by Maryland, extending from
38. 29. to 39. 47. N. lat. an! from 74. 56. to 75. 40.
W. long. 92 miles in length; and 23 in its great-
est breadth; containing 2,120 sq. miles. Pop.
76,739, of whom 3,305 are slaves.

This state is almost wholly an alluvial level;
the northern extremity is hilly. In the south the
soil is sandy and unproductive, but toward the
north it is excellent and produces the finest wheat
in the United States. This article is the staple

commodity of the state, and the flour mills of
Brandywine, near Wilmington, are among the
largest in the country. The soil also produces
maize, flax, buck-wheat. potatoes, &c. and there
are some excellent grazing lands. At the south-
ern extremity of the state, is the Cypress Swamp,
from which great quantities of timber are obtained
for exportation. In the same quarter is found
abundance of bog iron ore.

There is no large river in the state, nor any
good harbour upon the bay, although this latter
defect will in some measure be remedied by the
breakwater above mentioned. The Chesapeak
and Delaware canal (
which see) crosses the north-
ern part ofthe state and will materially assist the
trade of the country. The chief pursuits are ag-
ricultural. The commerce consists in the export
of flour. The shipping in 1828, amounted to
13,213 tons. The manufactures of the state are
considerable. They are chiefly at Wilmington,
and consist of cotton, woolen, paper, gunpowder,
Enuff, &c.

Delaware is divided into 3 counties, New-
castle in the north. Kent in the middle, and
Sussex in the south. The legislature is called
the General Assembly, and consists of a Senate
and House of Representatives. The Governor
is chosea for 3 years. All elections are popular
and suffrage is universal. Dover is the capital.
The other ehief towns are Wilmington and New-

The Methodists have 15 ministers ; the Presby-
terians 10; the Baptists 9, and the Episcopalians

6. There is no college in Delaware, but common
schools are established by law; and the School
Fund of the state yields an annual income of 9,225
dollars. Also the proceeds of 25,000 dollars in-
vested in the Chesapeak and Delaware Canal
are devoted to purposes connected with education.

This state was first settled by the Swedes, and
afterwards formed a part of the colony of Pennsyl-
vania. The present constitution was framed in

Delaware is also the name of four counties in
the different states of North America, as fol-
lows :xe2x80x94

1. In the state of New York, bordering ov
Pennsylvania, in which is the Susquehanna, as
well as the Delaware rivers, both have their
source. It is a somewhat mountainous district,
but its fertility and local advantages may be in-
ferred from its increase of population, which ir.
1800 was 10,228, and in 1830, 32,933. Delhi is
the chief town.

2. In E. Pennsylvania, bounded on the south
by the state and east by the river Delaware, and
north by the county of the city of Philadelphia.
It is the smallest county in the state. Pop. 17,361
Chester, 15 m. S. W. of Philadelphia, is the chiet

3. In the centre of the state of Ohio, intersect
ed by the Scioto river, and Walnut, Alum, anc
Whetstone creeks. It is a square of about 28
miles each way. The pop. which in 1810, was
only 2,000, in 1830 had increased to 11 523. The
chief town of the same name is seated between
the main branch of the Scioto and Whetstone
creek, twenty-five miles north of Columbus.

4. In the eastern part of Indiana. Pop. 2,372
Muncy town is the capital.

Delaware, city, Newcastle Co. Del. This place
has just been laid out, and is situated on the
Delaware at the entrance of the Chesapeak and
Delaware Canal.

Delaware, is also the name of 4 townships and
villages in Pa., Va. and Ohio.

Delft, a town of South Holland, well built,
with canals in the streets, planted on each side
with trees. Here are two churches, in one ot
which is the tomb of William I. prince of Or-
ange, who was assassinated. It has a fine arsenal,
and a considerable manufacture of earthenware.
Delft is the birth-place of the renowned Grotius.
It is seated about midway between Rotterdam
and the Hague.

Delftshaven, a fortified town of South Holland
on the north side of the Maese, with a canal tc
Delft. It is between Rotterdam and Schiedam
about three miles from each.

Dqlftzuyl, a town and fortress of Holland, in
Groningen, with a good harbour. It is seated on
the Demster, at its entrance into the mouth of
the Ems, 12 miles west by south of Emden. Long.

6. 58. E., lat 58. 18.

Delhi, the chief town of Delaware Comity, in
the state of New York, seated on the north bank ot
the Mohawk branch of the Delaware River, 40 m
W. S. W. of Albany. Pop. 2,114. See also

Delitz, a town and castle of Upper Saxony, in
Misnia. Great quantities of worsted stockings
are made here. It is 15 miles north hy east of

Dellameotta, a fortress of the country of Bootan,
which commands the principal pass over the
mountains. It was taken by storm in 1773, by a
detachment under the command of captain John
Jones. It is 55 m. S. S. W. of Tassa.udon, and
200 N. of Moorshedabad. Long. 88. 46. E. lat.

27. 2. N.

Delmenhorst, a town of Westphalia, capital of
a district in the duchy of Oldenburg; seated on
the Delm, near the Weser, 8 m. S. W. of Bre-

Delos, or Deli, an island of the Grecian Archi-
pelago, formerly celebrated for the temples of
Diana and Apollo, whose birth-place it is said to be.
It is 6 miles in circumference, but now little
more than a desert rock, covered with ruins, and
uninhabited. Long. 25. 12? E. lat. 37. 38. N.

Delphi, or Delphos, a town of Independent
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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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