quota of troops being 3,600, occupying the 10th p.t. Lewis Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,270. Also a township
place in the diet, and having three votes. in Ashtabula Co. Ohio.
Since the general peace, in 1815, Denmark has Dcnnewitz, a village of Brandenburg, where the excited little or no interest in the considerations French experienced a severe defeat in 1813, two of the relations of Europe. Like most of the other miles from Juterbock.
states she has been occupied in attempting to re- Dennis, p.t Barnstable Co. Mass. on Cape Cod.
pair her finances, so extensively deranged by the Pop. 2,317.
events of so protracted a state of warfare, and the Dennis Creek, p.v. Cape May Co. N. J.
speculative experiments to which it gave rise. In Dcnnysmlle, p.t. Washington Co. Me. Pop. 856.
1826 the national marine of Denmark consisted of Dentila, a country of Western Africa, situated
three ships of the line, four frigates, and three to the W. of Kciikodoo. It is famous for its iron, brigs.- her commercial navy has increased since in preparing which the natives employ as a flux the termination of the war, but not equal to its the ashes of the bark of the kino tree, extent in 1300, when she possessed above 2,000 Den ton, a town of Maryland, capital of Carolina
merchantmen, 20,000 seamen, and 250,000 tons of county ; seated on the E. side of Choptank River,
shipping. The nature and extent of her commerce 37 m. S. S. E. of Chester.
and capabilities will be found more particularly Dentrecasteaux's Channel, a strait on the S. E. elucidated under the heads of Holstein, Jutland, coast of Van Diemens Land, about 30 or 40 m and Zealand. The manufactures of Denmark are long.
very limited. The ancient literature of Denmark Dentrecasteaux's Port, or Port North.,a harbour
'such in the elucidation of Scandinavian an tiqui- near the S. extremity of Van Diemens Land, ties; and their traditions, whilst they vie with the Deogur, the Mansion of the Gods, a town in the Heathen Mythology in preposterousness, are ex- the province of Bahar, Hindoostan, 170 m. N. N ceedingly amusing for their quaintness. For the W. of Calcutta; the name is applied to several higher order of mental cultivation, at the present hill forts in different parts of India, time, there is a university at Copenhagen on an Deounella, a town of the Mysore, supposed to
extensive scale and under liberal regulations ; have been the birth, place of Hyder Ali, it surren- another at Kiel in Holstein, and a college at Oven- dered to the English under Lord Cornwallis in see in the island of Funen. The manners and 1791. It is 20 m. N. by E. of Bangalore, customs of the superior classes differ but little, Dejttford, an appendage to London, situate in whilst the manners of the people are more social the county of Kent, on the S. bank of the and orderly than in most other parts of Europe. Thames, the market place is 4 1-2 miles E. of For some time after the adoption of the tenets of London bridge. The town is intersected by a Luther, the penal statutes against dissenters were stream called the Ravensbourne, on the banks of very severe, but the most complete toleration in which are some extensive flour mills ; a hand- reference to religious pretensions now prevails. some bridge over the river near its entrance into The Danes have regular and well-formed fea- the Thames, connects Deptford with Greenwich tures ; frequently fair or brownish hair, blue eyes, on the E. Tt contains the principal storehouse and a body capable of sustaining fatigue. The for victualling the national marine, and also sev- women are of a more delicate frame. Their com- eral slips for building and repairing the largest plexion is dazzlingly white ; but upon the whole ships of war. It has also two floating docks, a
basin, and two ponds for masts', and extensive workshops for the manufacture of cables, anchors, and blocks. In the reign of Hen. VIII., a socie- ty was incorporated here under the title of the Master, Warden, and Assistants of the guild of the most glorious and undivided Trinity, which society was invented with the power of examining the masters of the kings ships, the appointment of all pilots, ballasting of all ships in the Port ot London, and the erecting and maintaining light- houses, buoys, beacons, &c. in the river Thames and within certain limits on the E. coast of Eng- land. The business of this society was trans- ferred to an elegant edifice in the vicinity of the Tower in London, in 1788 ; but in 1685 a hos- pital with 56 apartments, and another in 1788, with 25 apartments, was endowed here for decay- ed Masters of Vessels and Pilots, and their wid- ows, with very comfortable allowance. Dept- ford is divided into two parishes, St. Nicholas and St. Paul; the church of the latter, erected in tneir countenances are destitute of animation ; and 1730, is an elegant and spacious structure. With soon after twenty-five thev begin to lose all their the exception of the importance which Deptford charms. The Dane is gallant'and brave ; a spir- derives from its extensive government establish- ed sailor or soldier, but averse to enterprise. The ments, it is an uninviting part of the metropolis dress of the Danes is generally copied from the and as such its population has not materially in- French, and the Frenchlaneuage is very general creased since 1801, when it amounted to 17,548, in Denmark. The population of the Danish do- and to 19.862 in 1821.
minions is about 21000,000. This includes Ice- Derbent, a district or khanship in the province
land, the Ferro Islands, Greenland, and the settle- of Daghestan, Persia, extending for about 20 m
ments in Africa and the West Indies, which along the W. shore of the Caspian sea, and 15 m amount to 167,000. inland : the chief town of the same name, which
Denmark, p.t. Oxford Co. Me. Pop. 954. Also a implies a door locked, or an impassible place, is
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